Is Mr. Plinkett TFA ever being released?
Is Mr. Plinkett TFA ever being released?
blu rays only been out for 5 months, it takes time to write, edit, and make other visuals for these things.
Uploading it right now
- Jay
They're not going to release it until before the second film obviously.
hey are you gay
Phantom Menace took 2 weeks to make.
source on that?
That was a lot less polished than RotS was too.
- Jay
is Jack your not-gay lover?
>tfw you realise the TFA Plinkett Review trailer was the actual review itself
No, cause they actually liked it
and it's actually good incomparison to the unwatchable crap prequels
Jack is married with 2 children
- Jay
It took 12 years to make
>The review will not be finished before Mike's rapidly failing health takes him
Are those children his?
Did you fuck Gillian?
Mike will slowly turn into the real Plinkett the older he becomes. It's like poetry
I won't answer questions about my sexual life.
As far as I know, yes.
I wish they didn't tease it.
As much as I want to watch the Plinkett take, I'd rather have it after the trilogy is over. That might be a while away, but it feels weird to be analyzing it when it's not really "over" yet.
I see, if I switch around the subject of each of these replies I get the true answers
IT'S UP!!!!!!!
I want The Matrix Revolutions reviewed by Plinkett more, Star Wars can suck a dick
Every time someone asks about the Force Awakens review, Mike delays it's release by another day.
Did you go to a university?
It took 12 years? Give it an Oscar. It took 12 years to make!
They're his wife's.
- Jay
sent ;)
It's on the website, but it's hidden.
they uploaded it on Blip but you know
How did they upload The Force Awakens review to a service that doesn't exist anymore?
they uploaded it on but you know
they bypassed the compressors
>He's not on Blip 2.0
Did Mike have a stroke or is his drinking just out of control?
Jessi is poisoning him.