the pain never ends.
Itt: movies you wish had been appreciated
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I mean most patricians do, but it would be nice if plebs saw the light and stopped thinking their Sup Forums tier korean version was even close to being passable.
but it is appreciated
Like rotten tomatoes is to be taken as gospel anymore. Their skirt has been lifted
Pain & Gain
As a big fan of the film, if i mention it to anyone their first response is always "didn't that movie get really bad reviews?"
Victim of a pretty shit marketing job.
Apart from two seconds of terrible CGI near the beginning this was great. A spiritual successor to Escape
From New York.
Calling it Dredd 3D and only releasing it in three-dee was a huge mistake. Made it seem like a cheap cash-grab when it was in fact a lovingly-made, faithful adaptation.
I hope the guy that decided on "Dredd 3D" works in the checkouts now.
I suspect that it would have done much better if it had came out after Deadpool.
I wish it was good enough to deserve that score.
InB4 It was.
It wasn't. Get Snyder's pretentious cock out of your mouth already.
Most under appreciated movie of all time coming through.
Kubrick cucked Lumet so it went under the radar.
This should be considered a classic right next to 12 Angry Men.
>spiritual successor to Escape From New York.
>Literally proven in court to be a rip-off
i loved crimson peak, it wasn't what i expected but it was great in its own way
Theres very little pretentious about the movie imo, its just a superhero movie that tries to be a bit more than a normal superhero movie. Its not like Inception or something flagrantly pretentious.
You guys are retarded.
Weak b8 m8
Yeah, not only this, The Pawnbroker and The Hill too. Lumet is very overlooked besides 12AM, Network and Dog Day Afternoon.
It's not appreciated anywhere, least of all here. It really hurts
The man who wasn't there and synecdoche New York
Kill yourself, movie Sup Forumsuff
I remember seeing this in middle school and feeling like shit the rest of the day
Way better than Spectre desu
With good reason.
Agreed, great movie
Adaptation and human nature
maybe when they clean it up it will be great
You tried
If they fix the editing the best it could be is ok, the story was extremely mediocre when it could have been unique.
>actual good quip that isnt joss wheadon shit
movie was kek/10
Thing is it will have to feel like a completely different film if they add in the cut stuff. Which should be a-ok, there's a first time for every form of kikery, but I can see that being their reasoning for never ever releasing the good bits.
It still looks amazing in 3D.
>It was coupon night and I was trampolining your wife
>I'm being beaten up by a guy called Rupert?
>People love me - just ask your wife
Opening credits alone were a goldmine.
literally why the fuck do you care what other people think of a film, unless you were involved in the production?