The House of Commons was presented the petition on Friday, and their response should soon come out.
This is a big thing because if it passes it means we'll be able to hunt with ARs, and access them way more easily. Are you fellow leaf-bros excited?
ARs might soon be classified as "Non-Restricted" in Canada
That's preddy awesome leaf, best of luck.
They will still be restricted to 5 round magazines
Yesssss... Good boys...
Oh god i'm going to fucking explode.
ARs are shit for hunting. .223 is too small for humane kill shots.
Maybe Canada isn't a complete lost cause. MAYBE.
Give freedumbs pls
>restricted to 5 round magazines
>thinking this restriction means jack shit
A magazine is essentially a metal box with a spring in it and can be manufactured quite easily.
why do you need guns? its 2016!
This. If you shoot a deer with a .223 you will be following a blood trail for about 10 miles unless you hit him with multiple rounds.
You can get ARs in all sorts of different calibers.
Depends on the game. I wouldn't hunt moose or caribou with .223 but it's plenty effective on whitetail.
What can you hunt with a 223 legally in Canada?
Wtf since when did the Filter come back, I wrote cuck
They make AR in .308.
ITT: leafs like shitty gun
Stupid Islam serving german has to ask this question! To kill Muslims you dumbass.
You can already buy pinned 30 rounds mags. Which can be unpinned. Or you can buy 30 rounds mags from native reserves. They have all type of restricted stuff. During the Oka Crisis, the Mowhawk Warriors were equipped with AK74 and AKM, both of these rifles are illegal in Canada because of the scary AK letters (which is funny, since AK types without the AK letters are not banned and some are even non restricted, like the CZ858) .
Well said Germanbro
The current year is a powerful argument
good for you Canada
>an AK
the reason its not restricted is because it's not an AK at all
yes but while its no an ak
it fires the same round and can accept 30 round mags
it justs shows how stupid libshits are
So... An AR 10?
>presented the petition
so no then