Oh look it's the spear-chucking nigger from those Tumblr gifs.
There's more to blacks than crime and begging for handouts? Could've fooled me.
I hope some aspiring Asian writer was denied a job on the basis of race so he could sue.
and yet, if I wanted to have an all-white writing staff it would never be tolerated
i'm tired of 2016 and its racism
theres the crime and theres the deadbeat dads. thats pretty much what "black culture" is
Always with the race baiting. That cuck must be very insecure.
His Japanese friend that directs all his music videos directed the pilot and some subsequent episodes.
Isn't this a very common occurrence?
black people can't do anything without referencing white people. as a hispanic I feel bad for the inferiority complexed yard apes
>donald glover
>not a white washed faggot
Released an entire album about how hard being a blerd is
Critically panned (1.6 kek)
Went full WE WUZ KANGZ to regain black fans
Still most famous for a shitty spiderman petition
Being Glover is Suffering.
Brofist my fellow hard-working hispanic
Heres the thing though. I dont give a shit about black culture. All this type of bullshit is doing is making me hate blacks even more.
gotta be honest. you white people go above and beyond to make it clear you hate us blacks so you should celebrate and say we want nothing to do with your black shows.
in the entertainment business, without jews, you lose.
Who told you you can take a break? Put your jeans back on and go back to the roof!
i wonder who's gonna be blamed for its failure when it tanks and get canceled before it's done running its first season
>you white people go above and beyond to make it clear you hate us blacks
Sup Forums isn't real life
You have bet. You go there and stay go.
pol plz go
Show will probably fail now
And to think, this niggerfaggot used to be likable.
Sup Forums IS MY LIFE
only if they are jewish
>implying white people are going to watch or give a shit
>we want to show white people
Clearly glover wants white people watch, right?
Also what white person has ever implied that they "know everything about white culture?"
If it's a show about black people in Atlanta I see no reason why it shouldn't be an entirely black writing crew. I think it's interesting.
Fuck off coon
But it's a representation of how people really feel.
>literally the whitest cornball nigga imaginable
>people get tired of him
>trying desperately to be as black as possible now to regain some "cred" and more fans
Every race hates you niggers.
Meh. I'll still bounce to Gambino.
This picture makes it impossible to ignore the fact that Elaine looks like all the other characters morphed together.
ThisEvery single race on earth dislikes you guys.
Summers over bro: shouldn't teens like you be in school during the day?
oh whoops. i was under the impression the thousands of times i was called a nigger was serious.
bet is fucking miserable dude. MISERABLE.
its devolved into nothing but reality shows.
Didn't read any posts ITT
>"Above and beyond"
You mean when cops shoot black criminals? You'd rather side with crime if the shooter was white than stand up for what's right. You're a racist of the first order, and civilising your ungrateful asses was the biggest mistake white people ever made.
What kind of shows do they have in Africa?
>black culture, untouched by the whitey filth
great contribution, i can tell your smart.
ill take that into consideration.
wonderful. youve really enlightened me with your insight.
this is what i gotta deal with for no other reason than the color of my skin.
Quads confirm
Then make bet2. In either case bet is for making the blacks happy and to stay on their side of the fence.
what is black culture?
i'm asking in 100% seriousness
umm retard logic, i never said i support black criminals. in fact i hate them for making it harder to be a decent person without being judged by my skin color. so its clear youre a fucking retard who makes up shit to argue about, cuz i said nothing of the sort. i only said you go above and beyond to show you hate us because look at how ive been insulted for saying nothing outwardly offensive. youre so quick to be racist you dont even make a valid point.
Raping Babies And Drinking Cow Piss. What Does It Cure? Does It Cure AIDS? Let's Find Out!
Except when they're cops, obviously.
ITT: /swg/ & /fmg/
Derrick Comedy Glover is best Glover desu
im guessing youre trying to be funny? but isnt what im saying right?
dont you want nothing to do with a black show?
and i dont know about africa cuz ive never been. but good job taking credit for all the work of other white people, and patting yourself on the back about being superior when you contribute nothing. i can tell youre a smart guy.
god damn this nigger shit show couldnt have a more pretentious uppity nigger as the lead
inb4: something something something kanye
>manifestations of human intellectual achievement
>intellectual achievement
funny jokes here boys.
I don't think about black culture at all.
Is he mixed race or something? He's the best looking nigger in hollywood. He doesn't look that niggery.
What exactly do white people do that's "above and beyond" showing they hate black people, apart from using the same word you people use to call yourselves? Or are you only using Sup Forums as your reference for white people everywhere?
apostrophes are your friend
>Raping Babies
Wtf? I mean I thought their fetish was raping virgins/albinos.
Si hombres
If we work hard and kiss up to the white "people" and hate our own black countrymen enough than surely the whites will accept us :)
Arriba arriba!
>tfw Paco and Juan are using your wi-fi to shitpost on Sup Forums instead of fixing your roof
You didn't answer the question
You say that like its a shocking revelation
We hate every race too since every other race is a stooge of white supremacy.
There's some promise perhaps in a African/Middle Eastern alliance against whites and their servants maybe
i dunno dude.
the definition reads - the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.
so i guess if there has ever been a black artist of any kind he or she wouldve contributed to our culture.
i assume youre trying to assert that we blacks have no culture. but while it may not be valid or relevant to you im sure we've made strides that have resonated greatly in our communities.
harry belafonte
langston hughs
maya angelou
im sure theyve contributed to black culture.
however you probably just wanted to be funny so if it makes you feel superior, we're cultureless animals who couldnt fathom what you intended by asking that.
we hate blacks and we dont want you on our televisions
Why would I WANT to know everything about black culture?
Nope. Apparently they think raping babies will cure AIDS because they're that much purer.
Niggers literally are sick fucking animals. "We Wuz Kangs"? I laugh at that thought of them ever being that civilised.
He's a light skin negro, so yes. Funny though because light skin blacks are always the primary target for dark skin blacks in America.
Everyone hates niggers
i only refer to the people on Sup Forums because that happens to be where the discussion is taking place.
and if you judge all of us based on what the worst of us do, why do you assume we wont do the same to you?
and the use of the word nigga by blacks is done so to lessen the effect of the word when used against us. its been used as such so we'd become desensitized to it.
odds are hardcore racists wouldnt even consider most of you faggots white anyway
Dumb fucking nigger
Spics and Asians probably hate blacks more. White people are the only ones who will put up with their bullshit.
Why there is good looking people from every other race but pure black people are ugly?
The white man gave the black man a lobotomy than they turn around and scoff at how "uncivilized" the black man became
One of these days whitey, youll get yours
Black culture starts with the Sumerians and Mesoptamians. They had space ships and could travel the Galaxy.
Then the Hebrews who were black, were slaves to the Egyptian pharaoh, but they built boats to sail to South America, and became the Olmecs
But this was after Yakub invented white Devils
Once the Black Israelites escaped, they went to Greece, where they taught philosophy. Then Socrates and Plato stole all the credit
Then the black Greeks moved to Rome, where they invented the Roman Empire
But this was after they went to India, when the Buddha, who was black, taught the Indians how to meditate
Then we wuz kangs of England and Germany. The African Moores invented the math, writing, wheels, and space ships
Then the white Devils finally came back and shipped them to America to pick cotton. The cotton pickers created the country
Then in the 1950s, we invented music and Elvis stole it
actually i kinda clearly said i dont know anything about africa. keep up.
I have no issue with an all-black writing staff outside of the announced assumption that all white people think they know everything about black culture. As an unassuming white person (in and from Atlanta) who is happy to admit that I don't know everything about black culture, this is phenomenally offensive. Fuck off with that horseshit. Just make a good show.
So I take it all of their problems in the show will be about the system, white people, Republicans, and the government.
What the fuck does Donald Glover know about black culture? He's been well off all his life, he's the whitest black person I can think of.
You niggers use the word "nigga" because you're stupid niggers
simple solution. dont watch it.
unless youre just looking for something to complain about.
i sometimes dont know who i hate more
people who are pseudo-white supremacists or stupid niggers
they are pretty much the same thing to be
just fucking animals that need to be put down
All memes aside, black people pretty much did have rock 'n' roll taken from them.
They are the polar opposite of the white normalized standards of beauty
I.e., white supremacy
I aint ever found no white cave bitch attractive. Theres a reason the sun trying to kill yo evil asses
As if Donald Glover knows anything about black culture, niglet is a mulatto raised in affluence in the whitest place imaginable; hollywood. Also a fag, which I'm sure gels reeeaaaallll well with black culture.
I don't think he meant it as an insult. Who would take this as an insult?
>I grew up in X, surrounded by Y and want to show Z what XY are all about
What exactly is the "worst" white people do? The last lynching was over 50 years ago, and slavery is over 200 years ago.
Black people still murder each-other every day, still own slaves, execute *accused* criminals in the streets, and yet you still have the audacity to blame white people for all your hardships. "Whitey made me sell drugs to kids", "Crackas made me kill that shop owner in cold blood", etc. Why can't you take responsibility for your own actions and be the race you believe yourselves to be?
good rebuttal. youre clearly a cut above as a person.
you make such good points and never get flustered even in the face of adversity.
i can tell youre smart.
I find it funny that Donald glover, the biggest Oreo on the planet, sees himself as the voice of black culture
On the flip side, we need to kick off any nigger writers on white shows, cuz Niggers don't speak for us.
Watch as these niggers cry and throw a tantrum and cry in the streets when their racism is flipped back on them.
And Jazz. And hip-hop. And barbecue. The list goes on.
>inb4 NIGGER
cause I'm as white as it gets.
Seriously give people a real reason to hate you even more and watch what happens....
You are 6 levels of retarded.
can't wait till it gets cancelled then
donald glover is such a faggot
There's nothing wrong with this. If he had gotten onto the writer's staff of ANOTHER show and then demanded more black actors/writers then that would be horseshit.
Most pro black liberals don't
thin skinned whites
This. Fuck his reasoning, just do an all black staff if you want without trying to "justify" it with a jab at whites.