r/the_donald is being brigaded. We need more shitposts to continue dominating reddit.
Do your duty, faggots.
r/the_donald is being brigaded. We need more shitposts to continue dominating reddit.
Do your duty, faggots.
We're not the ones who do that.
Go ask Sup Forums you raging hooligan
If Trump can't even defend his own subreddit, how can he defend our country? I guess I'm a #CruzMissile now.
There is huge overlap of r/the_donald and Sup Forums. Just trying to get more people over there.
>There are people here who actually post on reddit
>b-but t-this subreddit is based!
nah it's all shit, fuck off
nvm is all good now
It's only a matter of time before that place gets deleted.
/r/the_donald is also removing posts and memes that are offensive to Muslims
The mods are afraid they'll get taken out like /r/European
>back o re.ddit pic
Back to r.eddit with you
That place is a fucking joke. It's a bunch of 15 year olds trying to be funny and posting the gayest comments ever.
reminder this is your average r/the_donald shill
you need to go back homos
found the reddit cancer shill
You need to go back.
>do anything on reddit
just no
Go to trump general
They're the redditors
The_Donald is normie Sup Forums
hang yourself
We shit in their toilet, why should we care if they're trying to clean it?
Go back to re.ddit fag we don't want you here
Sup Forums is always getting attacked by shills. Stop being such big pussies.
>Windows 10
what the fuck is wrong with reddit.
Literally kill yourself. You faggot plebbitors are destroying this board. Your moderators on /r/the_donald are absolute pricks and it's undeniable that CWM and JCM still have a presence there.
Reminder that any post with the word "Muslim" in it will be automatically removed. You think your mods aren't cucks?
You're missing the point. We don't like the_donald. We hate reddit more. the_donald is cancer, but it's reddit's cancer.
1) It's always getting brigaded
2) No one here cares except for the normies who came from reddit
correct, and the shitstorm will be beautiful
>guys let's all go post on reddit
You Have to Go Back.
Yes, I am not OP
Go back to redshit, faggot.
fucking cancer
literally the point