When will Iraq war veterans stop pretending they had a nam experience? Its getting pathetic at this stage. You didnt do SHIT there. Detroit cops see more action than you. Stop forcing these heroic movies at us.
When will Iraq war veterans stop pretending they had a nam experience? Its getting pathetic at this stage...
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What is the Iraqi war version of It Ain't Me?
Were you there? I'm guessing the answer is a resounding no.
Definitely something by eminem.
>he was a boy, i'm just a girl, could i make it any more obvious
Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down
Let the bodies hit the floor.
>joining the U.S. Armed Forces, after Vietnam
>trusting the U.S. Government, ever again
>muh "honor"
>muh "loyalty"
>muh "sacrifice"
>muh "military"
>muh "camaraderie"
Military. It's essentially a declaration that you've lost the game.
Think about it. The power of free will and you *still* settle for slavery. Wonderful, no?
From an early age, you're influenced by your environment. Your parents (or lack of), teachers (in some manner, shape or form) and other mentors can help steer your life in a direction, whichever direction that may actually be.
However, during all of this, if you're still alive and have most of your bodily functions, there are a whole world of opportunities available to you. Especially in this day and age of technological marvels and the wonders of the Internet to provide information (and, of course, misinformation.)
The military should not even be an option, at this point, because not only is there enough information to suggest that joining it is only for those who've allowed themselves to be brainwashed by a military-industrial complex keen on retaining what power they have left ... but there is also enough information available for people to make their own decisions on what they'd like to do, instead.
Still, people join. They wish to be broken down and remoulded in somebody else's image.
This is a sign of weakness. Of allowing one's self to be influenced and corrupted by those with power and ambition. Essentially, those who join the military are no-better than mindless sheep.
>tl;dr: Join the military? You're a faeces-flinging, irradiated, nuclear-powered rhesus monkey who enjoys others making decisions for you.
Teenage Dirtbag
great song
I didn't even read that part, fucko. :^)
Now I know that you are one of those faggots that cry about the "dumb Military" but would be one of the first ones crying for protection when the Muslims or the Chinese come breaking down your door.
I understand people getting into US Army for money and gibmedats in exchange for a fairly low chance of getting killed/maimed, but you would have to be retarded to have shit like "sacrifice" and "honor" in mind. Those times are long gone, American soldiers are just dumb mercenaries fighting for you know whose interests.
The Chinese are the masters of Earth's future.
>with my AR-15 and 3,000 rounds
not only that, remember when americans used to vilify the invasion of privacy of the soviet citisens by their government?
>Detroit cops
They see more action than most people in Vietnam did.
Oh yeah, they are going to be so scared of you with your 3,000 rounds. Sure you are going to put the fear of God into them.
When I 'm Gone-3 Doors to the Left
3000 rounds is up to 3000 dead muslims
>tfw so many americans play the 'ex marine' card, that it's lost all meaning
>didn't have the drugs of nam
>the easy ladyboy pussy
>or the music
Why did Iraq suck so much
>Sup Forums-television and film
As a mexican US citizen I say fuck the US army and fuck the gringos.
>You're a faeces-flinging, irradiated, nuclear-powered rhesus monkey who enjoys others making decisions for you.
Accurate, and I make no apology for it.
Dumbass millennials who thought they were protecting the US from another 9/11 by invading a country that had nothing to do with it. Honestly I don't feel bad for anyone who joined the army in the last 15 years and got their legs blown off by an IED.
we got dead shot here boys
it HAS TO BE this fucking song
god i fucking hate it but its catchy and this shit was playing non stop during the bush admin
>Burgerland's problems are everybody's problems
Gringo imbecil.
Pictured: The Iraq War experience
Unless you were in the trenches in WWI then you shouldn't talk shit.
>being a hater
I'm going back to reddlt where they have good taste.
I am not proud but taking bait,
It's the longest war in US history, of course they are still making movies about it and will for decades.
Every Vietnam vet I know says this generation has it the same, they had Saigon , we've got shit
Iraq had meth and opium and little boys loaned out by the locals.
The chinese are pretty happy in china
They've been there for 4000 years and don't plan to leave anytime soon
Muslims wouldn't even be able to conquer Armenia if they tried
World War 2 vets got to fuck the finest of European ass.
Afghan/Iraq veterans got to lay there while their Iraq Army or ANA compatriots pounded little boy's asses in the other room.
You millennial vets are fucking losers
This should be the answer even though I've never heard it in a film. Then again I avoid these shitty flicks.
I just want a daddy to pick up the pieces while also making easy money. It has nothing to do with honor.
>chinese happy in China
They are pretty happy in Africa too
Either American Idiot by Green Day or BYOB by System of a Down
It's not the vets.
It's the fucking Jews in Hollywood.
What did MEPS reject you for?
they are protecting their economic interests and helping more than the 9000 gay western NGOs that operate there
I think actual Iraq War vets should answer this.
From what I've seen, it was Let the Bodies Hit the Floor.
Nope. It sure ain't
plus those are UN soldiers you fucking retard
reported for antisemitism
>for you
stopped reading there.