Are you excited for the Mark Ruffalo experience (TM)?
Are you excited for the Mark Ruffalo experience (TM)?
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What the fuck does "woke" mean?
Good actor, shit values. This applies to many actors.
It's a nigger thing
everyone has problems and has to deal with mean people, transgender issues are a tellign example of this, it is good to get awoken to the transgender experience
Twitter is fucking cancer
And so are you.
this isnt a word
>did you just use "woke" with maximum caucasity
>Mad wack things only white people would do.
It's fucking obnoxious when black people keep inventing new variations on words to further the "black experience".
It's somehow 1000 times worse when white people then parrot the new black lingo in an attempt to be hip.
>Mark Ruffalo has shilled harder for the SJW thing than anyone I can even think of
>they still leap at every opportunity to destroy him over semantics
I know, you're going to say 'buhhh libtards' but this happens on both sides of the aisle when it comes to self-interested aggrandizement. Republicans throw each other under the bus all the time if they think it'll further their careers, liberals just do it for attention on twitter I guess.
When pandering goes wrong.
>he doesn't parrot coonspeak i r o n i c a l l y
smdh 2bh f@m
>journey of getting woke
Tranny shit aside, does he not realise how idiotic that sentence sounds?
he's not even white
I was more abused than any black man or homosexual in my class (and I moved a lot so Ive been in a lot of different schools) just because I was shy and ugly.
If it wasnt me it was an other shy and ugly dude.
Why do people try to pretend those arent the true victims?
Maybe because they dont want to look back at what they were doing.
>look how progressive I am!!!
Look at this cuck.
> getting woke
I don't even care about the trannie shit but I want to murder him for that alone.
first Joss and now him, i love when they eat each other
>plz guys, can't you just shut up and watch my shit?
When will they learn that if you give someone an inch they'll take a mile?
When will they learn that trying to appeal to SJWs is just not worth it?
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness. These people should be given therapy and the appropriate hormones (MtF should be given testosterone, FtM should be given oestrogen). They should not be given puberty blockers, the opposite hormones to try and force their body to develop as the opposite sex it was born as, and body mutilating surgery. The vast majority of people exhibiting gender dysphoria episodes as children do not grow into transgender adolescents or adults. What's more interesting and shocking though is that as a transgender person transitions the suicide rate increases at each stage i.e. dressing full time, living full time, hormones, cosmetic surgeries, full SRS. No other treatment is recommended, let alone carried out by doctors if the mortality rate of the patient increases with the treatment so long as the pathology is not terminal, which in the case of gender dysphoria it isn't.
Mark Cuckalo is just horrible
Leave before it is too l8 m8
can someone explain what is wrong with these people?
>these people cancelled out my Romney vote
The world's gone mad.
>36 years old and still virtue signalling on twitter by arguing semantics
What is it with this large influx of "movements" in the last 6 or so years? Seriously, are we as a species so fucking bored and uninspired that we have to resort to making up problems to deal with? Surely there is an end to this madness? Instead of focusing out efforts to sciences and the advancement of the human race, we have multitudes of people focusing on the "rights" of mentally ill people that want to chop off their dicks or mutilate their vaginas. We either need another plague of some sort or we actually need to start pushing eugenics.
Rent seeking. As the number of genuine movements such as equal rights for blacks, women etc. are essentially finished now in the western world, those who make a living off of claiming they are oppressed and therefore owed things have to move into more fringe movements to keep rent seeking.
Progressives complaining about a guy blocking people on twitter is just a tad hypocritical.
I think we've run out of legitimate problems that could be realistically solved through protest, so we as a generation are groping desperately for something to call our contribution to the civil rights movement
>he's bro choice
Ew, only Bro life pls
"The Transgender Experience" sounds like a band name,
If you blame all your problems on white males you are woke
he gets worse and worse by the day
>i love when they eat each other
it is pretty entertaining
>the chocolate homunculus experience
>implying the right hasn't been eating each other for decades now
>what is the alt-right other than the result of infighting?
>being this salty
>implying the alt-right has anything to do with neocons
>implying neocons are trying to appeal to altright's racial nationalism