What the fuck was his problem?
What the fuck was his problem?
If he just shut his mouth, he would have lived. Nothing would have changed, except he would be alive. fucking retarded.
No you retard, he couldn't keep his mouth shut because what they were proposing was a complete betrayal of everything they'd worked for and stood for.
>why didn't he just give up the only thing he lived for?
Rorshack's backstory was supposed to be about how he encountered a person who murdered a child, a child who had been reported missing for a stint, who had just wandered onto his property, and fed the body to his dogs, because that was easier than trying to explain to the police he didn't kidnap or molest her. For murdering the child and disposing of the body had a higher chance of not landing him in prison for the rest of his life than talking to the police.
Of course the movie misses all of these points and the backstory is an epic man epically murdering le epic pedo and dogs. cuz thats epic. So rorshack not going with ozy's plan at the end makes less sense.
>Never give up, even in the face of Armageddon
Yup, totally didn't understand what he meant by this, cocked up back story or not.
he didn't want to live in the world ozymandias planned on creating. this was just his last plea.
The film managed to make sense respectively, even if it didn't adapt accordingly.
The movie has no other instance of him practicing that, though. So it does kinda come from nowhere.
But hey, zack snyder.
reminder the entire movie is a plot hole, as the changes to the ending remove anything for the comedian to discover that would send him over the edge.
Zac Snyder butchering aside, it's all there albeit disjointed
why not just
>pretend to keep your mouth shut
>tell everyone anyway
>fuck you ozy I lied
that's degenerate for him
the only way he could deliver the message to the world though
Because doing the easy thing is why everything is so fucked up.
He was right, ozymandias had no real solution for anything. He killed all those people for nothing, at best he got temporary peace.
sounds hot
Too much Ben Stiller show fucked up his mind.
the cold war was just temporary peace until we reached the age of information which negated the need for superpower warfare
he already sent out his journal. hell with his record the journal has more chances without him
He did. The reporter got the ""truth'" in the ending.
The need is still there. When I was young I too believed that we live in a more enlightened age but it is all a lie.There is tons of backroom spy shit going on between governments and a substantial part of the world is centuries behind the rest of us in technological and cultural development. The need is still there, the ability is gone because all superpowers have nukes.
He died for his ideals.
A true hero.
that's what I meant, warfare is still very relevant, just not your typical warfare
Explain please
he was potato nigger
>Rorshack's backstory was supposed to be about how he encountered a person who murdered a child, a child who had been reported missing for a stint, who had just wandered onto his property, and fed the body to his dogs, because that was easier than trying to explain to the police he didn't kidnap or molest her. For murdering the child and disposing of the body had a higher chance of not landing him in prison for the rest of his life than talking to the police.
Why are you making shit up?
he kidnapped the girl and demanded a ransom. He believed the family was wealthy, when infact they were poor.
So he killed the girl and fed her to the dogs.
>I didn't read the comics
how cute
Child of a single mother, what else could it be?
You didnt read the comics.
Why are you trolling so hard? Literally making up lies
You're cute, here's a (you)
Typical warfare may not have killed as many people. also there are many spots undergoing typical warfare. supers don't clash but does not mean they never will or that small countries are not getting fucked
why tho?
confused as to why someone would lie about something so random
I'm not disagreeing, but still proxy wars are still not anywhere near as destructive as an all out war between Russia/US would be.
This is true. Even though wars and skirmishes still exist today, they are nowhere near as bloodly as they used to be back in the day. Really makes ya think
All they needed. Unifying the world against a global threat would entwine the economies of all the nations on earth to a point where just pulling out of those arrangements would cause greater losses than could ever be recouped in a shooting war, before even considering the losses that would be incurred in a shooting war.
Which is basically how the cold war ended in reality, except no fake aliens were needed.
of course its still mutually assured destruction, except the destruction would happen before a single shot was fired, rather than after.
are you trying to troll me into dumping the rorshack origin from the comic?
The murderer only "confessed" to kidnapping the kid for ransom after it became clear rorshack was going to murder him, and his last words were "arrest me!" Or are you so stupid as to believe that was the truth?
Yea I really don't count cyberwarfare (just turn off the screen lol) as anything resembling the same class as filling the sky with fusion bombs.
Not poster, but Rorschach is an unreliable narrator as well.
>why didn't he just give up the one thing that gave his life any meaning so he could walk around constantly reminded that he betrayed the one thing he held most dear
Some lives aren't worth living
entwineed economies don't equal cultural unity and there comes a point/there are always factions where people don't give a fuck about consequences.