You will never be a slightly smug TV weatherman in the 80s

>You will never be a slightly smug TV weatherman in the 80s

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Fuck Fresno

wish i grew up in the 80s they say they were a kickass time

very early 90s were swell too

explain the 80s to me as best as u can

that's comfy as fuck, satan

>everyone was more skilled in their jobs (for example grocery store cashiers nearly memorized each week's sale items and could still do math in their heads)
>paying with a credit card was still a PITA, but they had these cool sliding boards
>there was more jazzercise
>more random shit happened to each person because you had to interact with way more people everyday since there was no internet to simplify things
>you memorized all your close friends phone numbers and kept a list in your wallet of the rest

you could still sexually harass female coworkers


Everyone smoking at their desks.
And in airplanes.
Good times.




And movie theaters and buses and taxis and OMG BARS!!! Booze and smoking at the same time!!! Nostalgic now.

Must be nice.

women's gym outfit made me hard as diamonds when I was a kid in the late 80's early 90'

I was born in 1970 and enjoyed the 80s immensely. I feel bad for kids form other decades but I'm sure they'll have warm and fuzzy memories of their decade.

I guess the thing was that you could do so much more as a kid back then. Parents didn't hover, strangers had your back, people were very friendly and giving, there were all these new cool movies and video games coming out. Besides the Challanger disaster, shit was awesome. The LA Olympics, Springsteen, Madonna, MJ, We Are The World, Sony Walkmans, cheap cars and cheaper gas....There was nothing we couldn't do!




they were so cool before walmart bought them or some shit. i think they just make shitty knockoff cologne now

I see a buzzfeed editor is joining us in this thread


Just like Lady Gaga, Madonna was hot for a few months.

Confirmed. 1973 here. Great cartoons, great music, great movies. Early 80s was a great time to be alive. Atari, Spielberg movies, slashers, arcade game themed cereal, dumb comedies, serial killers were more interesting, George Lucas was still held in esteem, MTV was 24 hours of videos, nickelodeon was in its prime, Michael Jackson wasn't weird yet, stand-up comedy was great and getting better... I could go on and on and on. The mid-80s were sort of OK. Transformers ruled, music started sounding like Billy Ocean, Garbage Pail Kids appeared.... the late 80s kind of sucked in a Howard the Duck movie kind of way. Music got a it lame until Nirvana and Seattle changed everything. But that series Stranger Things or whatever really caughr what it was like to be a kid in the early 80s. You went out and played until dark. Your parents didn't know where you were or cared. If you found porn somewhere it was treasured because you never knew where you'd find it next.