Immigrants gonne wild in Moscow


Looks like brown people vs. brown people. More info from Russia about who was fighting there?

Other urls found in this thread:–41)#Muslims

Even russia is not safe from the muslim plague?

It's immigrants from Caucasus vs immigrants from Central Asia.

Also probably most of them is illegals.

just two dead?

that doesnt sound like a russian gang brawl at all.

Nigga, get it together. They have had like 4 wars with muslims since the end of soviet union and several terrorist attacks. There is like 3000 ISIS fighters with Russian passport.

What is the difference? How come mudslimes are let to be on holy ground? I would think only christians are allowed to dig holes in their own cemetary.

Because there was no Russians there.

RT says that 3 was killed.

Deport them ivan?
They need to be secretly sterilized for the good of the world!

>Deport them
They is good boys. They were cleanin our streets and trying to get their life on track. They dindu nuffin.

Churkas tried to get some tax from graveyard three died.

we need more money on dem programs:

>Deport them ivan?
Busnesses get mad profits by importing cheap labor of illegal immigrants, for every deported they would bring three more, this also goes well with burecracy curruption that allow it.

>What is the difference?
Caucasus guys look similar to arabs, Central Asia look like brown asians. All Muslim.

>How come mudslimes are let to be on holy ground? I would think only christians are allowed to dig holes in their own cemetary.
It's a free country. Funeral stuff is a business and rival gangs had a conflict over who will "own" the cemetry.

Will you get slav nationalist in charge when putin finally steps down?

>steps down


i mean dies

There is currently no alternative for a presedency, no idea to choose from if he steps down [spoiler]yeah sure[/spoiler] and i am not sure we will have a say in who will be put in charge.

You sure like our Muslims, huh. I see you posting in every thread.

Unfortunately we are not as intolerant and violent as western media tells you.

Just doing gods work and giving people redpills that the whole world is doomed.

You guys should legit just make him President for life and allow him to appoint a successor.

That's how it is already. Making it official will only get another reason for the west to stir up our liberashkas.

At least we aren't forced to racemix with niggers.

Is Putin a nationalist or multicultural lover? I hear conflicting stories.


I just race mixed with my czech wife.

I think imperialist is the correct term:

Here he says that Russia has always been multi-national and multi-religious. He then for some reason mentions that some scholars believe that orthodox and islam are very close to each other.

So all he cares about is groups loyalty to himself. All those casualties that muslims bring to slavs and other minorities are irrelevant, long as they stay loyal to him.

I thought the Muslims in Russia stayed in their own regions though like Chechnya and Dagestan. But I think imperialist would be the correct word.

That's how it is, he was appointed by the previous president Eltsin when he stepped down and most likley will appoint someone to be after him the same way.

Publicly insulting any religion or ethnicity is illegal and can land you in jail.

>So all he cares about is groups loyalty to himself. All those casualties that muslims bring to slavs and other minorities are irrelevant, long as they stay loyal to him.
It's not about loyalty to himself, it's about avoiding a civil war and keeping the country together. We don't need more republics separating from us due to our oppression of them.

Half of them in their own regions, half in Moscow.
Pic related Muslims celebrating Kurban Bairam at central Moscow mosque.

Nah, most of Moscow's Muslims are work migrants and not citizens.

They clean toilets, build shitty buildings and gangsta up in the big cities.

> Publicly insulting any religion or ethnicity is illegal and can land you in jail.

How tolerant.

> it's about avoiding a civil war and keeping the country together. We don't need more republics separating from us due to our oppression of them.

Mudslimes are not worth it and mudslimes feel oppressed even in Sweden. There is no way to please them.

Nah, we still have a long way to go to match progressive Finland.

>Mudslimes are not worth it and mudslimes feel oppressed even in Sweden. There is no way to please them.
Good thing you don't run any countries and we don't need your advice then. The majority of Muslims aren't very religious, central Russia Muslims are fairly civilized and Middle Asia Muslims are a problem because they are dirty churkas from Middle Asia, not so much because they are Muslims. The main problem is Caucasus with Chechnya and Dagestan, so instigating fire against all Muslims can only lead to more problems.

Putin is a consummate pragmatist. I'm a pragmatist too, but god ~damn~ he's so pragmatic it's annoying, even for me.

My guess is he's trying to instrumentalize Islam the same way he instrumentalized Christian Orthodoxy. Since he figures he can't get rid of it, or at least not with anything less than an all-out civil war, which Russia has no time for right now as it's wrestling with the US-Anglo-Israel-Wahhabist globalist neocons and warmongers.

I am doubtful about the wisdom of this plan in the long-term. Muslims identify first and foremost as muslims, not with their nationality. Kicking muslims out of Russia is something he will have to do eventually, possibly decades from now. But first he will have to pacify or forge a strong alliance with Europe and the US. You can't fight two wars at once.

Trump getting elected will go a long way into uniting White Civilization against the real threats: Jews and Muslims.

The ultimate goal, I believe, should be the creation of a union or confederacy of all white peoples spanning Russia, Europe and North America. Kicking out the liberals, the degenerates, the jews, the muslims, the blacks...


post discarded. why does europe take in our nigger speech?

>Russia is based they said
>I'll move to Russia they said
Russia a shit
Its only going to get worse for them

That's how they talk in funland normally

>the US-Anglo-Israel-Zionist-Wahhabis-Neocon Warmongers
This is enemy desu

As any other anglo-controlled state.

>But first he will have to pacify or forge a strong alliance with Europe and the US. You can't fight two wars at once.
>Trump getting elected will go a long way into uniting White Civilization against the real threats: Jews and Muslims.
>The ultimate goal, I believe, should be the creation of a union or confederacy of all white peoples spanning Russia, Europe and North America. Kicking out the liberals, the degenerates, the jews, the muslims, the blacks...
This will never happen, we aren't living in a fairy tale. USA is controlled by globalists, or Jews if you want, and their goal is making America the single superpower ruling the world and destroying all potential threats and competitors. They won't stop until Russia and China cease to exist as big unified independent countries. Balkanization is their goal and thus they try to instigate all sorts of religious, ethnic or whatever conflicts in them.
Trump is not a god emperor, but simply a president that, even if he gets elected and actually tries to change the course of foreign politics US has had for many generations, will be opposed at every step by virtually all political elites, which will make those reforms almost impossible.

The problem with Russia is that Russians have no representation. Every other nation, quasination or tribe has it`s president, parliament and federal funding for this institutions.

Since anglos made "russian" "revolution" in 1917, Russians have nothing, but mediajews, that constantly bombard us with "if you want Russians to be represented then you are a fascist" rhetoric. All the leaders of Russian political parties are murdered or in jail. Any activism, including volunteering, is suppressed.

All Russian parties are banned and not registered (to be allowed to be elected you must be registered) by the decition of "European Court of Human Rights".

Our 1993-year constitution is written so that we must implement all the decisions of these bureaucrats. They declared north-caucasus war against terrorism a crime against chechens and that we must pay them money to "rebuild" what they destroyed in 1988-1995 (when they ruled themselves).

They bring this mudslimes with buses from neighboring countries just for the show.

Caus You Waz Niggaz And Shit In America.

I`d say Trump is much better, than the next anglo monarch. Baba Lisa is already old and the time of not-murdering Russians, that had started with her rule, can easily end with it.

What's your point? Yes, we have plenty of our own Jews, I never denied that. But they have conflicting interests with neocon globalists.

What do you mean?

>They bring this mudslimes with buses from neighboring countries just for the show
No one needs a show of muslim celebrations, they are realry shown even. Will you deny that there are a couple of millions of muslims in Moscow(both permanent citiizens and work migrants) at all times?

> central Russia Muslims are fairly civilized
It`s only just because they where not mudslimes in 1917 at all.

Islamisation of region had started only recently. They`ll be like any other arabshit in a couple of decades - living in man-made desert and cutting heads of infidels. Does not matter how much Russian money Tatarstan is taking today, does not matter if ordinary tatars are not into this. Political class decides. And political class of Tatarstan decided to be mudslimes and breed with mudshits. That is the obvious and easily predictable future.

Oh please. We had them since Ivan the Terrible conquered and didn't genocide them in 16 century. They were not Muslims because religion was banned in USSR.

> No one needs a show of muslim celebrations
They made this show to show that they are the power in the state and in the capital. All-male crowd is shown as the potential fighters.

> Will you deny that there are a couple of millions of muslims in Moscow
Sure. They where given Luzhniki sportcomplex for their celebration. It that can take about 100k people. Less than 50 people showed up.

There is also other mosques in the city. They are empty during the celebrations. Nobody, but gypsy beggars are there.

Moscow is a cold and uncomfortable city. And the incomes here are on Russian-average levels. There is no point for them to live here.

They where bulgars and bulgars are christians. There was no mudslime communities prior to USSR jew rule and the active islamization started only recently.

Also picrelated. They also had it "since something-something".

>incomes here are on Russian-average levels
Nice try.

Yeah, all those Khanates were Christian. Goddamn, you're criminally stupid, no wonder Putin jails you dumb fucks.

>Moscow is a cold and uncomfortable city. And the incomes here are on Russian-average levels
What the fuck, there is a huge gap between wages in Moscow and rest of the Russia. You best be trolling nigga. You whole post is just a big troll.

> But they have conflicting interests with neocon globalists.

World Without Nazism was supported by Hilary Clinton.

I just leave this in here before I go to sleep:

>nazifucks are the only other alternative
Yeah, go fuck yourself.

> Nice try.
Just look at the job sites, not on your soviet memes.

> Khanates were Christian
Khanates where not forcing people in any beliefs and locals where not mudshits. Most of them at the time was pagan. Pagan khanates, pagan locals.

As soviet mudshit apoligizer you declare Khanates mudslime and that they where conquered as "during war", because this legitimizes the soviet politics of giving local power to mudshits since 1917. What was really happening is - they where liberated as "local elites do not even pay taxes as long as they do not want to be a part of Russian Imperial bureaucracy and don't interfere with Russians building infrastructure and cities".

It was all the giant Indian reservation, but without breaking the any treaties, like anglos have done it in north america. So most of the people stopped being pagan and joined the beliefs of the liberators and the legal system of the Imperium. In their graditude and to pursue happiness in the world of Christian (eq. genuine) progress.

World Without Nazism thinks baltic states are nazis for removing lenin statues. It has nothing to do with real nazis.

> there is a huge gap between wages in Moscow and rest of the Russia
Average maybe, due to oligarchs.
In median incomes it`s the same. In incomes for the same job it`s the same. Employment rate is the same.

It might not comfort your manyaworld, but the fact is - the only advantage is - the big local market.

I mean the normal incomes, not average due to oligarchs.

The whole EU are nazis - eq. nationalistic Socialists. Liberals, that make their tyranny *in the name* of "big european nation". IRL they do not give a fuck about european nation, just like hitler did not gave a fuck about the lives of Fermans, killing the crippled Germans and spending the soldiers in war. Just like internazi jews in Russia did not gave a single fuck about workers, peasants, proletariat or whatever.


aw shit not again

>Just look at the job sites, not on your soviet memes.
I do. You're delusional.

kek nice alternative history. Bulgars were the original Muslims that wanted to make Rus Muslim, but our rulers chose Christianity. I guess it's a coincidence that all their rulers are various "Muhammads".

How the fuck did Soviets give power to Muslims when all religions were banned? They literally weren't allowed to practice their shit and all those shitty republics started to revert back to Islam and radicalize only after USSR started to weaken and collapsed.
You nazifucks are fucking retarded.

I'm sure it has nothing to do with Waffen SS "veteran" parades.

Median incomes are the same, and the prices and taxes are higher.

Because illegals surely pay taxes.

> Bulgars were the original Muslims
You are dellirious.

> How the fuck did Soviets give power to Muslims
Because they murdered only Russian - only the Christian priests. Mudshits and jews where not touched by the red terror. They where placed: rabbies in regional governments in Russian territories and mullahs in now-mudslime territories.

> weren't allowed
Ones where enforced with deadly force for private misdemanors, others were declared oppressed minorities and funded in every way, but the mosque-building.

I guess we can stop responding at this point he is clearly trolling or something.

>You are dellirious.
Read the fucking article, you brainwashed idiot. It has Western sources, so it's not some Soviet propaganda that you fear so much.

>Because they murdered only Russian - only the Christian priests.
Nice bullshit.–41)#Muslims

>Ones where enforced with deadly force for private misdemanors, others were declared oppressed minorities and funded in every way, but the mosque-building.
Minorities were supported based on their ethnicity, not religion.