Pot smokers I'm sorry

Pot smokers I'm sorry
But weed is illegal under federal law
Trump is gonna crack down on this shit
No states can't legalize weed

My ancestors are smiling at me, federalist. Can you say the same?

States right
Have you ever heard of the 10th amendment
Fucking trumptards

I don't give a shit. I'll smoke it anyways. It'll get legalized eventually.

Not under republican congress
Sorry pot smoker
You have to wait 8 years


Why the fuck do people care so much...

>It's legal here tho

No one gives a shit Mr.Sessions.

It costs the feds money to crack down and the states won't cooperate.

honestly its jobs that get affected most. When people apply and get tested for weed the alcoholic and nicotine addict gets work, but the pot smoker isn't allowed on the job? what's up with that. alcohol is astronomically more costly to human well being then pot ever could be, even if every person smoked pot daily.

I'm not from USA but anybody can see that your medical marijuana system was being abused by layabouts and hijacked by morons leading your children astray with biased documentaries about it

sick of having this argument with people about what should be illegal and why

Alcohol and Tobacco should be illegal, sugar regulated along with the food industry on a wide scale

All of you spoiled hippy morons need to realise that it is addictive, there are withdrawal symptoms, and it does affect your brain negatively too.

I have respect for people who smoke it who at least admit the damage they are doing to themselves, that way other people are less likely to go down the same road

all of you who compare it to alcohol, or try to glorify it's use with your curing cancer argument make me sick, your probably not even kidding yourselves, and you ought to be ashamed

We live in a time where reason and logic are put on the back-burner. I wouldn't be surprised if this 'administration' tried to ban internet porn simply because they didn't have it in the 1950s or 60s.
>then again, Net Neutrality....

Thank you Jeff Sessions.

It ain't even legal to smoke in Florida you retard. Who made this fucking chart.

all the mongs that buy "legal" weed in colorado or say washington state all go on a list and uncle fuckyou knows who the dopers are. Fuck legal weed the shit isnt cheaper I'll stick to what Ive been doing for 40 yrs. fuck the man

Yeah, look at the percentage of people who drink booze and wake up and getting hammered drunk before going to work, compared to pot smokers smoking a joint before work

a lot more pot smokers think they can just smoke weed 24/7, going for breaks to get stoned

It is medicinally "retard"

That's not how it works. This is settled case law. Keep hurrrr durrrr Ings but it won't change a thing.

"Most recently, the Commerce Clause was cited in the 2005 decision Gonzales v. Raich. In this case, a California woman sued the Drug Enforcement Administration after her medical cannabis crop was seized and destroyed by federal agents. Medical cannabis was explicitly made legal under California state law by Proposition 215; however, cannabis is prohibited at the federal level by the Controlled Substances Act. Even though the woman grew cannabis strictly for her own consumption and never sold any, the Supreme Court stated that growing one's own cannabis affects the interstate market of cannabis. The theory was that the cannabis could enter the stream of interstate commerce, even if it clearly wasn't grown for that purpose and that was unlikely ever to happen (the same reasoning as in the Wickard v. Filburn decision). It therefore ruled that this practice may be regulated by the federal government under the authority of the Commerce Clause."

but where does the concept of the "long arm" have limits? as a republican I'm sure you do not want federal overreach. so if you do not have interstate commerce of a marijuana trade where is the rationale for a federal crackdown?

boy that is a pretty bold expansion of the interstate commerce clause

Alcoholics are at least functional people

Weed addicts are human trash

>inb4 it's not addictive

The problem is that means the federal government can do pretty much anything, and the 10th amendment is pointless.

Crap judgments like the broad interpretation of the commerce clause or all ithe maginary "constitutional protections" that have been invented have made the concept of states' rights a joke.

He said he was leaving it up to the states.

Doesnt matter to me either way. If they ban it, oh well. If they legalize it, oh well

>been smoking It illegally for years
>don't care

lmao at all the Trumptards that are all about States rights until their daddy stand in decides federal law rules all.

Fuck you, states rights.

is this bait

troll harder pls

> people smoked before it was legal
> people will smoke regardless whether or not its leagl
> states are make boat loads of money (ref: Colorado)

nothing is going to happen with marijuana fuckwits
> smoking a bowl in a non-approved state right now assholes

its funny how salty the anti pot people are, when pot smokers are gona toke either way. like why so salty? legal or not, pot won't go away. i'm starting to think you just hating to hate cause it makes you feel good.

It is. The Supreme Court, starting with the Warren Court, has literally decided they're legislators. Which is great if you like tyranny, because they're unelected, appointed for life, and the other two branches of government can't overrule them.

I'm not going to claim that medical marijuana is a miracle drug, but I'm so glad we have it here in Arkansas because buddies I know are using it to treat their ptsd instead of doctors cramming pills down their fucking throats.



Thank you, Mr. President.

Everything you just said is a lie


I'm not going to claim that medical marijuana is a miracle drug, but I'm so glad we have it here in Arkansas because buddies I know are using it to treat their ptsd instead of doctors cramming pills down their fucking throats

Im glad it is illegal more fun that way

>pot smokers are gona toke either way

Yeah, that was kind of his whole point that you just supported. Weed smokers smoke a lot more often, on the job or no. I've yet to see someone hammer down 3 beers at lunch break or something equally absurd.

beer would make me quit a job
weed helps me put up with a job

A bit ironic seeing as weed was made illegal to demonize Mexicans.

let me guess

>you believe the west is failing
>you believe socialism will fix the moral flaws
>you believe communism will fix the logistical flaws
>you believe americans have the worst education system because they do not teach socialism

its like how Trump is trying to ban CARB in California. I mean doesn't the state have a right within its own bounds?

Fuck Sessions with a nigger dick dipped in Tabasco sauce. Fuck the Feds. This would be a good time to pink slip the Feds and come up with a more just form of government than the Jew economic slavery mode we have now.

It is what it is. You don't have to like it, but you DO have to live with it.

Because of marijuana I can work a normal job. Unless of course you want to pay me tendie dollars? It's cool man you can prescribe me opiates for free too

Found the retard

Unamerican traitor.

>To beat the rich, you must resolve to eat the rich
Also, boycotting Israel may become a federal crime soon

Not in several generations.

I smoke it to keep from fucking up people like you

sure sounds like rationalizing for trump here

That's kind of sad that you need marijuana to work a "normal" job that should be doable without.

retard impersonating retard detector detected

Alcoholics are imo worse than even the heaviest potheads
Mostly because in many situations drunk people cause more bullshit
Ever seen someone fight while high?
Guess not
Because your statement is bullshit

I like how you turn politics into a sexual fetish involving niggers and hot sauce


knowing the track record of republican officials this might actually be session's fetish

Nerve damage isn't a joke. How else do I deal with that kind of injury? The answer is ALWAYS opiates.

pls go die

It's not like people who are high aren't capable of getting into bullshit.

If you bothered to read into related Colorado news you'd find a number of cases of people hurting/killing each other while high.

trump cant even pass a basic healthcare bill while having a majority in every branch

what makes you think his abused keebler elf will be able to do anything?

I bet Pelosi would be into it, too

the difference between alcoholics and pot heads is that alcoholics are fine for a while maybe 10/15 years, but they fall apart rapidly, whereas potheads are just sub optimal performers the entire time, they never bottom out. so what you get on day one is what you can expect day after day.

Well sure. I don't disagree with that. Whenever I hear people smoking weed to cope I just assume they are an addict who can't go more than 2 hours without getting angry because they haven't been able to smoke.

I don't see why people are against legal weed. Reduces revenue to dealers and increases tax revenue. Seems pretty black and white to me.

do what makes you happy

What's the ratio between alcoholics and potheads committing violent acts

can't wait to see how he riggles out of this one

Would you please word that better?


None of the above is good when mixed with ignorant

No clue, and I doubt Colorado has a census report on the matter, as I'm sure you knew before asking. So there's no way to definitely say one way or other.

What's not to understand?

A lot of people who smoke weed all the time do so because they get upset when they don't get to smoke. It's a cyclical problem. But they'll call it "coping" with everyday hardships.

>get locked up for having grass, because reasons

now he don't know nuthin'. he knew everything a bit ago. now he can't recall the facts anymore.

haha love this cognitive dissonance

I had a coworker come in with a bottle of Jaeger on a nightshift, I was taking swigs with my fucking manager. Shit was gone by morning.

No clue what you're talking about. I didn't say potheads were worse than alcoholics. I just said that potheads cause their own share of problems. Neither party is innocent.

dude, people drink at work all the time, you just ain't seniority enough or on the inside enough at your job to be a part of it.

and sometimes lions lay down with lambs

same could be said about Dems and SJW trash, only regarding different issues.

Then why was arizona the last dtate to change the drinking age from 18 to 21? It was the last state to change its law and the government couldnt do anything about it. The only reason Arizona changed it was because the government stopped funding Arizona until they raised the age to 21.

>tldr op is a faggot

>I like how you turn politics into a sexual fetish involving niggers and hot sauce

I'm here for you, bro...


Is being poetic your way of conveniently overlooking the fact that you were wrong with your accusation?

This. Ferderal government cant change state laws because they dont agree with them. They can try to cut the states budget there but with everyone buying weed, it wont mean shit since theyre racking up mils from pot.

>I'm sorry


>No states can't legalize weed
you're high faggot

don't make the mistake equating legal weed with state independence. everything has a price. is legalizing weed in your state worth the federal cost of lost funding? perhaps not.

There's no real way to say for sure
For instance
I've smoked weed for a good long while
To be specific 4 years and counting
Nothing of the sort ever happens the next day
I'm constantly chilled

>potheads cause their own share of problems
citation needed

>is legalizing weed in your state worth the federal cost of lost funding?
the store down the road from me made a MILLION last week.
Last week, you naysaying faggot.

Fuck off.

>Trump is gonna crack down on this shit
Trump can't even repeal Obamacare or get a Muslim Travel Ban happening.

Sessions will resign.

>Boneless weed

>8 years
someone's optimistic

kek, you think that's gona last??? its boom time, but the market will fizzle once everyone is growing their own shit in their basements/garages/rooms, because everyone will love getting high in the privacy of their own home on their own shit.

weed is so easy to grow bro. common. the tax revenue will fizzle out so fast, and all the politicians who promised high times for decades to come will be leaving town with their tales tucked.

Nice thread Steve Bannon.

Every NeoCon demands States' Rights until they make it into the Federal Government, and then that shit goes right out the window.

Just 8 years, you can make it, you'll have to because you can't change it.

>once everyone is growing their own shit in their basements/garages/rooms
fuck that shit faggot
nobody wants to fuck with lights, growing and and time.

I can go right now and get what I want, now.
Millions, faggot. Millions of dollars because the demand is THERE.
>its boom time
it's easy weed
you can have it every day without chasing down some stupid flaky dipshit for a bag
nigga what are you arguing against?

states right to one-party conservative law

The genie is out of the bottle. You don't fuck with my legal weed fam.