How do I unsee this?
How do I unsee this?
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Wuts it about senpai?
From imdb:
"Kana tries to end her starring role in an abusive porno. For her, the end comes only after she's been reduced to a "Tumbling Doll of Flesh"."
How was it?
Can't be worse than August Underground, right?
I'm curious.
OP here. Answering you all. August Underground is a disneyland compared to this. Serbian Film etc is simply a joke in comparison. This was pretty much very brutal snuff and it looked very real, like I couldn't believe it was not real.
They were cutting part of her body one by one with a chopper and she was screaming, they also cut off her tongue. I didn't even finish it yet, but I will right now. Very hard to watch. Yea and image is detailed, it's not noisy with distortions like in other pseudo snuff movies.
Is there soudntrack?
Do Japs actually jerk to this kind of stuff?
Don't know if I should watch it but I'm checking these.
No... sick digits m8
No matter what it is, there's someone out there jerking off to it. That goes for anything on this planet.
If anyone is interested, it's on TPB. No translation, but you don't need it. First half - just click through, it's only talk. Second half - good luck.
>Shown almost entirely though a stationary camera and a handheld one, the film has a woman named Kana and a man named Kiku being hired to star in an amateur porno being made by two men. As the porn shoot progresses, it incorporates elements of BDSM, such as breast bondage, multiple penetration with dildoes, wax play, flagellation, and an enema. Uncomfortable with how rough the film has gotten, Kana tries to leave, prompting the director, cameraman, and Kiku to knock her out, tie her to a bed, and strip her.
>While Kiku rapes the semi-conscious Kana, the director cuts her left leg off with a meat cleaver, and mutilates her tongue with a knife, potato peeler, and shears to stop her screaming. When Kana passes out from the pain, she is injected with drugs to wake her up and keep her conscious. Kana's right arm and remaining leg are severed, and her abdomen is cut open so Kiku can have sex with her innards. After Kiku ejaculates blood-laden semen onto Kana's breasts, the director beats him over the head with the cleaver, and stabs Kana in the face with it. Kiku is then castrated by the director, who makes a phone call while the cameraman continues filming the mangled bodies of their two stars.
I don't get the idea of this movies
It's like death metal in music
Literally why? What's the point of making a movie like this, unless you're going for the snuff audience?
>All the sex scenes within the film are NOT simulated. It is all real.
Just saw the anime in pic related
How do I unsee it?
I think that people who make such movies and those who enjoy them are mentally ill.
Exactly. What the fuck is wrong with people.
And the fact that these people are mentally ill, but healthy enough to actually direct and act. How in the fuck.
it's art
The point is just going "oh shit! Now THAT'S creepy haha." and you forget it after a few hours.
These movies are not nearly as bad as you fags make it out to be.
Man gore movies are so fucking boring, just a fucking waste of money. Nobody but the ' i am 17, from Sup Forums and immune to violence !' crowd watches this garbage
Pretty sure the intend is for weirdos to jack off to them.
>watching torture porn
I honestly dont get why people do this. Its like someone deciding to funnel shit down their throats, theres no real logical reason to do it other than someone is an idiot
I wonder if it's worse than guinea pig experiment. judging by the pictures I've seen on google, the special effects look kinda bad.
Well not going to watch it because it doesn't float my boat (and I sometimes browse rekt threads, so I'm at least used to real gore), but really, I don't get the appeal of this shit.
I actually saw this on some amateur porn site in the mid 2000s which made it all the more shocking and confusing.
the set up looks exactly like japanese porn.
legit thought it was real at first.
Pretty sure it's not.
It is a shock film. The idea is to elicit shock in the viewer. Some people like that. Just like jumping with parachute.
Does that exist or is it a meme of some kind I'm not aware of ? I'm interested more for the 'philosophical debate' part
That sounds really disturbing, user.
>These movies are not nearly as bad
I dare you to watch it.
I don't understand why people make movies like this.
After a couple of movies all the shock wears off anyways
Alright. I dare you to make it through the gauntlet:
Yeah it has that old school bright red blood.
The battle for the mind of North America will be fought in the video arena: the Videodrome. The television screen is the retina of the mind's eye. Therefore, the television screen is part of the physical structure of the brain. Therefore, whatever appears on the television screen emerges as raw experience for those who watch it. Therefore, television is reality, and reality is less than television.
Most have labeled it as a fake but we just don't know
it was but I was fully corrupted by that point anyway. thanks (for nothing),
I've also seen all the Guinea Pig films and August Underground films. Tumbling Doll of Flesh was by far the worst because there's no screaming or anything and it's not as comically exaggerated as those are.
It just looks like a normal porn shoot. then they start chopping her up while she's still unconscious.
is that real
Why would I willingly mentally scar myself? To feel badass?
>a women named Kana nad a man named Kiku are hired to star in a porno
>the director knocks out the bitch and starts mutiliating her
>the hired male still keeps fucking
I mean at least they could make it more believable by forcing the guy at gunpoint or some shit and not
>lel this bitch getting fucked up what the hell..well better nut
I'm guessing it's not, internet detectives and Sup Forums would have found it by now, you guys really work fast as fuck, anyways doesn't really sound shocking but in fact kind of interesting. I'll pay some japs to recreate this if I ever become wealthy
I don't think that's real, if you really saw it tell us the name.
So autists like us watch it
August Underground is kind of believable tho, at least the first one
drop the link
You people don't get the concept that some people enjoy things because their brain fucking enjoys it do you?
Some people like carrots, they like the taste. Some people don't like carrots, they don't like the taste. No one dislikes carrots to feel manly or whatever. Pople just fucking like some types of movies because they feel enjoyment.
I already did it before, watched every video. So as bestgore, so as liveleak. It's not nearly as bad as the movie in OP.
But the movie in OP isn't real, how can it be worse?
What's up with the Japanese?
Yeah but porn sites are usually all about fun and shit, so I can imagine it's a bit shock.
The Icepick murder tape fucked me up so much i had to go to therapy.
that's the point of the internet right?
I think you guys might appreciate this one
Russian movie called Green Elephant (Зeлeный Cлoник), it's kind of a meme on the russian internet but you probably haven't seen it if you're a westerner
It's up on Rutracker, here's a magnet, english subtitles included:
they took a scene from that for TDK
Valid argument. You can apply it to scat porn too. But at the end of the day those people are literally eating shit, nevertheless.
that one I haven't seen. quit watching gore before that happened, thank christ.
I remember being bummed out for about a week after reading about the two guys one hammer video and seeing the first few seconds of it, long before anything happened on-screen.
I've only seen like a 5 gore videos in my life.
2guys1hammer was bad. Really fucking bad. Huge regret for curiosity.
But that icepick guy tops the cake.
ISIS videos are nothing compared to those two. I don't think they will be topped. Thank god.
guality bait
OP here. I saw it. Also I'm russian. It's a great film but only works for russians. It's all about dialogs, it has a lot of irony and jokes. This film is a meme here. Foreigners won't understand.
>director is a woman who is also a painter
>fucked me up so much i had to go to therapy
fucking lol
You better be a woman you massive faggot. I bet you're the kind of fag that cries to movies. Not even kidding here
I enjoy seeing women get what they deserve.
t. tough guy
Not even. Just a normal person who isn't a total pussy
Yes. Her name is Svetlana. She also made a few other 'good' films.
I'm surprised my thread got so much attention. I'm looking for similar films, will accept all suggestions. But I've seen many already.
>I'm surprised my thread got so much attention.
this desu, at least this thread is kinda comfy
is it on netflix ?
Why do you ask a question if you are going to answer it literally in the next sentence?
Check out American Guinea Pig
wtf is this shit? i download from rutracker and bit che. the rest is for retards
Did you see the video?
anyone ever see the faces of death movies
Any recommendations for films that are like these but actually have some depth to them beyond shock value? Something like Anti-Christ?
I have.
OP here. What you ask for is my favorite film - Melancholie der Engel.
I feel like there are tons but they are all uniformly trash. People seem to like Martyrs but I wasn't a huge fan despite really liking the ending.
Starry Eyed also had some pretty extreme gore but it's only one scene at the end.
Sounds like typical asian stuff
They're all fucked up beyond the limits of degeneracy
I don't fall for that though. These movies kind of try to dishonestly use that whole "you gotta see this though" appeal, but after the second torture porn movie, you realize there's nothing more to it and it's a cheap and lazy way to try to gain some false kind of status of extremeness or transgressiveness or next-levelness, when it's just the same thing every time, nothing new, nothing even shocking. It's just sad. It's like anyone who tries to just go for shock, it's pseudo-avant-garde. People who resort to it are hacks, frauds, just as people who resort to paint-by-numbers 'political critiques' aren't bringing anything new or avant either.
Then explain why Trump is winning the presidency.
Tailor made for the reddit crowd
I don't think that has to do with anything I said.
Anyways, he is?
Good. I don't like him at all, but Hillary is a terrifying warmongerer who creates chaos around the world. At least with a fool like Trump, there is some unpredictability and maybe there might be some unexpected, unplanned events. Anything breaking up globalist unity, any synergy between the whole US / EU / Israel complex of neoliberal pricks fucking up everything interesting and unique and local in the world is GOOD, even if we have to throw some shit in the fan like an abrasive, ugly fool like Trump. Again, I truly find him repulsive, but Hillary is a rotten, despicable corporatist childkilling whore cunt sociopath.
that's a funny way of looking at it
Are Sup Forumstards really all just bots?
So, man it's actually was real. Google it.
Some people like fucking 6 year olds..
Is it bad?
How come? I haven't seen it so no spoilers pls
is this real? lmao
>How come? I haven't seen it so no spoilers pls
It's a mix between pretentiousness and gore
Are there actually still people on Sup Forums who aren't reactionaries yet? I don't believe it.
tfw no centipede gf
tfw no 314 pinocchio
It wasn't. I could see it's a doll. Still the image is not noisy so the effect is stronger.
thank god I never saw all that gore shit to fuck me up I remember my friends telling me to see pain Olympics lol is that even a thing or were they fucking around with me
>It's a mix between pretentiousness and gore
This is literally the best thing possible I can ever dream of finding in cinema. Any films like that?
I didn't know about this Refn flick, thanks, i'll check it out now
It's just camera effect. It wasn't a doll.