Community college

>community college

wrong board?

Academia in general man. Pfft.

Good music thread

community colleges will soon be more valuable than universities. universities are dying

>anything other than a trade school

Went to a CC and then transferred to a 4 year uni that is pretty well respected.

>cOmMuNiTy CoLlEdGe
>wRoNg BoArD?
>aCaDeMiA iN gEnErAl MaN. pFfT
>GoOd MuSiC tHrEaD
>cOmMuNiTy CoLlEdGeS wIlL sOoN bE mOrE vAlUaBlE tHaN uNiVeRsItIeS. uNiVeRsItIeS aRe DyInG.
>aNyThIng OtHeR tHaN a TrAdE ScHoOl

Fucking off yourself.

kill yourself

>nORmiE mEmes


Are you 14 years old?

Not really, Uni is who you know not what you know, and nobody of any real value goes to community college and they're certainly not gonna hang out with some outsider who blew in from some other college two years after everyone already got to know each other. The money saved is irrelevant; if you're going to post-secondary school, then anything that's not a big name is not worth your time or money. Hell, even the military, which is extremely non-picky, uses applications from former community college students as toilet paper.

I get along with everyone including my professors. Never had a problem socializing.

>tfw i'm a director of a design studio and all i have is an associates in graphic design from a community college

this is objectively not true. the staff here don't give a shit what your undergrad looked like.

how do i get a job like that

it's not about your degree. it's your skills and how well you do in your work. it's always been like that.

I'd say it's more like the degree gets you the consideration or catches someone's eye, then you demonstrate your capabilities with the application of your skills.

no experience < degree
experience > degree

i hire people, and i admit, the majority have degrees because most people who apply do not have any REAL experience. i recently hired a guy with no degree but has done contract work for years and has proven he can do the job well.

Only good post itt


good post

Holy shit. Could you have posted a more retarded post? For one, in today's economy money is everything so I don't know what you're on about. Two, I am almost 100% certain you are talking directly out of your gaping asshole. I knew tons of students who transferred to my uni and they were not much different from the normal students. All that matters today is that you have a degree. To say you have that with little to debt is a major feat. You should really just stop talking. Where did you go to college? I have a hard time believing you have any relevant experience that you are basing your opinions on.

this meme didn't even last a month with the normies