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Honest Question: If Aryans are a master race, why are they constantly and pathetically manipulated by Jews in all major areas of public life?
well I hope this time someone will kill merkel, this is unacceptable
god damn
i envy them
Because they aren't. It's delusion.
>Germany plans to spend 93.6 billion euros on refugees by 2020
Bullets cannot cost that much.
>100 billion
>which could be used for
> eduction
>debt payments
>tax relives
instead if goes into the black hole called migrants.
Because whites live in a world of rules and ethics which the alien parasite kike does not.
Our 2 peoples are inherently non-compatible.
Hopefully they spend it on Zyklon B.
Yes! Oy vey goyim! My plans for destroying western society are coming true. This forum just proves it. As the number of autists rises, the number of white goys decreases! Yes, let your white women get impregnated by Negro Tyrones.
Finland is burning 3-4 billion EUR a year on rapefugees so from 2015 to 2020 about 15-20 billion EUR. This is for ca. 50 k rapefugees. AFAIK there are like 1 million in Germany, so the actual waste is like 300-400 billion EUR. Nice disinfo though..
This. Every few months they'll pull a "whoops it's actually 30 more billion haha" until it reaches the real number.
But at least the rape is free!
>How do we revenge the holocaust fellow juden?
>I got an idea, we dilute them and make them pay for it!
For half of this money you can build a nuclear program from scratch and say fuck off to american overlords, lol.
Did Germany just kill itself?
This is how Germans think:
At least when all this struggle with refugees is over we will be remembered in history as good people
This is how Muslims think:
We will overthrow German people and erase all history of Germans
Eurocucks please.
Add to that the cost the local states towns and villages have to pay and you are close to 200 billion. there are 40 million tax payers in Germany. 4 years. that's 1250 euros a year per taxpayer. or 100 euros each month.
Germany is kaput, finally a worthy payback for my people.
Because they aren't
Ahem, America. Take a seat over here.
Where were you 70 years ago, again? And what were you doing there?
fucking shit pol, now i'm going to see a merchant in every oval shaped smudge
Migrants need the money to breed more. It's the fair thing to do.
>Germany didn't want to give us the money and have us sink the boats .
>Germany wanted to keep all the reffos for themselves.
>Brexit soon
>Other countries follow
>EU ends up Germany, Greece, Belgium and Turkey
>My sides when
>my "people"
Top kek, say what you like about murderess Jews, at least you're guaranteed a laugh.
Oh, shit,that's right! The allies killed Germany! I thought Germany resurrected after WWII but I guess I was mistaken.
This is what bothers me the most.
This world is fucking sick. I'd say it's a crime against humanity but I'm pretty sure humanity is dead by now.
Let's be honest, how many people are there that are eligible to be called human beings? Actual humans with redeeming qualities? Yeah.
Really helping the economy aren't they
delete this
Well to be honest it wasn't that bad a few decades ago, but after Allied occupation they hated themselves so their morale was already destroyed.
This was just waiting to happen and the kikes have been itching for this for a long time.
I just can't believe how Merkel pulled this off.
I'm a totally Greecemissile now, we're not not paying our debnts for this fucking shit Germany
Aryans = lawful good
Jews = Chaotic evil
Would you have actually sunk them?
I thought you elected a leftist party?
Germany and western Europe were fine until the 68 """revolution""".
We've been dying ever since.
I like money though.
lol germany
and now muhammad is the mayor of london
so funny
what a bunch of idiots
All the alpha Euros either left for the new world or died in the World Wars. What is left behind was too high a percentage of autistic betas, which is why Europe is so pathetic these days.
Hello :^)
Well duh, 92 billion is nothing compared to the stimuli to the economy promoted by all the doctors and engineers coming fro Syria
do you guys really belive in the hall of cost, please tell me that is just a scam.
The holocaust really did happen, and it had to happen in order to prove to the world that Germans do, in fact, have a sense of humor.
Nailed it.
because most people can't tell jews apart from white people
Deutschland begeht einen kollektiven Selbstmord und das ist richtig so. Ein Volk das den Holocaust und Hitler hervorgebracht hat, hat sein Recht zu existieren verwirkt. So etwas wie eine moderne deutsche Identität gibt es sowieso nicht denn deutsch sein bedeutet Rassismus, Fremdenhass, Homophobie und Antisemitismus. Aus diesem Grund wäre ich dafür, alle Deutschen ohne Migrationshintergrund ausnahmlos zu zwangssterilisieren, damit diese Brut nicht mehr weiter fortplanzen kann. Deutsch soll als Sprache soll verboten werden und die Bundesrepublik Deutschland soll aufgelöst werden und ihr Territorium und Vermögen soll gerecht zwischen Nachbarländern geteilt werden. Nur das wäre richtig und gerecht, alles andere ist Schande.
>because most people can't tell jews apart from white people
That's because Jews ARE white, with an ashtray full of exceptions.
I was under the impression that the Brexit was an impossibility.
Hope used to reside with Le Pen but she too faces an huge opposition because both socialists and the conservative right know that if she wins they will be black-bagged under fascism.
And to think that Germany was such an economic power that they could afford to give tax cuts during the recession
Better spend it on refugees than on greece.
The refugees will help the economy in the future.
We need migrants so the current refugee crisis can be seen as a chance.
Only poor people are dependent on low taxes. Seeing how poverty has been eliminated in Germany and there isn't a single poor person left, tax cuts are not necessary.
I couldn't even tell a refugee from a Geek. They basically have an identical phenotype.
It's not true the government says already it will cost at least 400 billion.... Don't fall for this shit guys....
Askenazim are the only White jews
>Askenazim are the only White jews
Of course. Can't spell ashkenazi without nazi.
>Germans ally with the Huns and try to take over France and Rome with them
>Defeated by the ancestors of the English, the French and the Italians
>Germans destroy the Roman Empire
>East Germans (Turks) destroy the Byzantine Empire
>Germans invent Protestantism to tear Latin Christianity apart
>Austria (Germany Jr) attacks Serbia because their prince thought it'd be funny to parade through the neighborhood of a subjugated people, starting a war
>Germany invents Communism (Karl Marx was a German Jew)
>Germans attack Britain's imouto Belgiuim, thus escalating said war into the first world war
>Germans sends Lenin to Russia to spread the Judeo-German ideology known as Communism
>Russia is destroyed and thus is too weak to take Constantinople and liberate Eastern Christendom
>Germany teams up with the Soviet Union and annexes Poland, causing World War 2 and leaving England too weak to destroy Communism like she wanted to
>Communism ends up lodged into the heart Europe for decades
>Germany becomes Refugeermany, king of all Muslims, and is flooding Europe with millions upon millions of them
Why do Germans hate European civilisation?
>I couldn't even tell a refugee from a Geek
Geeks are white.
>Why do Germans hate European civilisation?
Look, everybody needs a hobby.
You have no rights to call them cucks when it's your fault they are fucked in the first place.
Good catch.
Holy fuck, you really hit them hard with your plans Schlomo
This is offensive to me. Why does the male have to be on top instead of the female? It's 2016.
>Low tax regimes which disproportionately help the poor stand on their feet better than the rich aren't necessary!
>Instead it's better to tax the shit out of them, force them out of social housing, take away the welfare they used to get, and all the help and benefits they were handed
Thanks Mohammed, poverty was ended because of high taxes and shitskins like you!
Anytime, Britbong.
Nice tooth, by the way.
Were ist the strap-on?
>Were ist the strap-on?
I don't know. Check your colon.
100 billion is only what the FEDERAL government spends on rapefugees.
The state governments and the local governments spend money on them too, in fact they spend at least twice as much on them since they have to pay for the housing.
trAshkeNazis are turks, the genetics prove it... they are also the big nose inbred supremacist behind most of the worlds problems... their schnozes are phrenologically linked to their hyper aggressive, traitorous and perverted behavior and through rape they have turned this world into an aggressive fishtank of rat eat rat, manufactured controlled opposition, game theory logic
At this point Germany is on a path of certain destruction.
They will beggar their nation until their economy collapses.
They will continue to import the worst humanity has to offer while ignoring or deliberately obfuscating the truth from their people.
So how will Germany die?
The Muslims, the crashing economy, open warfare if things get bad enough?
Americans and UK invited the rapefugees to Germany. When Clinton wins we should present them with the bill.
Upvote the leddit post about it on worldnews
>So how will Germany die?
I plan to die the way I lived: covered in peanut butter and fapping to poop porn.
>So how will Germany die?
You wish Germany will die, you Jew. I fucking hope Clinton has the niggers kill you for wishing death on me and my people.
I wish :'(
>wishing death on me
Have you ever stopped to think that maybe, just maybe you're really, really unlikeable?
You aren't even German, you piece of human shit. AfD will flush creatures like you down the gas chamber toilets.
>gas chamber toilets.
German engineering. They've really thought of evertything.
That's kinda rude senpai.
But that's what you chose and I respect that.
After all who am I to judge your cuck fetish?
You are unlikeable. The people around me like me just fine.- Go kill yourself you refugee from a fucking arab sewer.
good news
though they could give it to us, but more muzzies in germany is also good
>So how will Germany die?
No germany won't die? How could a country die?
We will witness a demographic change but that's it. Germany will continue to exist.
You guys are absolutely deluded.
yeah that's why canada's so manly in the current year xD
>The people around me like me just fine.
Have you every touched a girl's boob? What was it like?
>nigger migrants need the money to breed more
Fuck, this makes me angry
>b-but immigration helps the economy
Refugees -------->>> Greeks