South Africa what happened? You were such a good place for tourists.
South Africa what happened? You were such a good place for tourists
nigger lovers
Where's the tourist? I see two black people in a mating ritual.
I don't have time to answer your question. I'm focusing on getting my degree and getting the fuck out of this ride.
I'm from there. It's really not that bad. Only if you're a dumbass tourist who walks into the wrong place, you'll have a bad time.
>You were such a good place for tourists.
Literally when
p.s. I'm part Dutch of course so that's pretty much Belgian, right? Why don't you guys take us in?
>South Africa starts enriching uranium
>tries to get nukes
>internationalists fanny flustered and say no
>South Africa and Israel secretly test nukes but get found out by soviet spies and American satellites
>1st and 2nd world are now on a warpath
>South Africa gets embargoed to hell
>gets invaded by niggers funded by the 1st and 2nd world in a massive proxy war
>the Whites finally disassemble the nuclear warheads
>communist niggers take over completely
>Media: Love and tolerance wins again! Thank goodness we embargoed them. :^)
It was about national sovereignty and nukes, the internationals and niggers put a stop to that.
als wit bent ben je welkom hier.
Because you are a racist bunch, you are not welcome in the Netherlands
Best of luck, senpai. What country are you fleeing too?
It was marginally better before the end of Apartheid.
Would still rather live here than in America.
Fuck those cucked materialist shitholes fileld with greedy spoiled and overweight idiots.
Not to mention all the entitled idiot blacks. US blacks are fucking awful
you guys literally have nigger armies. we just have gang bangers
No one wants to go to your mudslime filled shithole anyway faggot.
White SA are welcome in the USA.
20% of all South Africans have HIV because apartheid ended. This is proof that God exists.
As bad as we are, nigger amries aren't running our country yet. Just our ghettos.
Yes they're gang banging your white women :)
yeah and I hate them
>No one wants to go to your mudslime filled shithole anyway faggot.
>Why don't you guys take us in?
Wew Amerifats in action
Nigger armies? not really. The Afrikaaners are still by far the best armed and best trained, the blacks here have very little in terms of weapons.
Also our blacks are different to yours. Although your culture is creeping in. Many blacks here are hard working, i.e. happy to work for fuck all money doing shit jobs. A lot of South African native niggers hate other African blacks coming here and stealing their jobs, so they often kill and burn down their shops.
Our president is just a corrupt rapist with 7 wives, yours is a self righteous jewish puppet
>Best trained
>Hard workers
>Corrupt government
You aren't mexico boy.
lemme try this:
de oilephant is groot
my naam is amerinigger, handfaggot is my breu.
I drink sap and human semen
Leopold II would roll over in his grave.
you are quite possibly the most autistic person on this board
when was this?i think you simply didnt know what had been going on in south africa and assumed it was nice
Not him, but that attempt at Afrikaans is disgraceful.
Fok weg jou dom poes.
We do share a lot of similarities, both are a one party state, high corruption, violent crime. Only difference is some of us are right
quality American education in action
Je kan hierheen komen als je wil
lol keep telling yourself that. Niggers are horrible no matter where you go
Lots of Dutch and Flemish people visit the country
You ever been to Africa? or are you a typical burger with no passport who has never left the US and can't point out Iraq on a globe
Still is cause everything is cheap as fuck because our currency is weak and the blacks work for nothing.
If you're not an idiot and know how to avoid crime you will be fine
the chinks happened