Do your parents/siblings know about your weed habit?

Do your parents/siblings know about your weed habit?

I have to wait until 1am when everyone is asleep, then I smoke one out in my backyard in the dark. They have the AC on so the smell dosnt reach them, and my backyard is huge.

What sucks is when I go back into my house while high. I feel like I'm making a shit ton of noise and get paranoid they'll know I'm high

My sister knows and covers for me, my parents aren't dumb but I rarely drink or get in any sort of trouble so I'm fine as long as I'm low key about it.

I feel you on making noise late at night, I get so worried lol

How fucking old are you? If you pay board or rent and are not a shit head you should be able to sit down and tell your parents you smoke and work it out like a normal person.

>work it out like a normal person.
But he's not a "normal person".
He smokes dope, remember.

Yeah my parents are religious people who think all drugs turn you into some killer

Kek what a faggot. Nice b8

I use concentrates and my room is closest to the front door so I just go outside and smok

I've been smoking for 4 years and I haven't been found out

Move out, smoke all you want. Underage faggots

My dad smokes with me, my mom hates it and my sister covers me.

Nope. Parents think I'm an angel, straight A student since the beginning and a year from my bachelors, but had drugs habits since 16. Only ever got caught drinking once. If I get caught I'm disowned though, plus it's illegal here. The paranoia does get real af. Feelsbadman

>For a few years hide anything weed related from my mom
>anytime she questions smells, say theres a skunk outside or I got new shampoo/deodorant
>day before I move out
>she tells me shes known for awhile

I had 2oz of weed in my closet at one point. If they don't know I'd be worried.
I'm almost positive someone was stealing from my stash, too..

My mother did joke, while I was refilling my zippo, "you filling up your pot lighter?" The only thing I could think to respond was "Well.. Yes." That said, I'm a white guy with dreads. I don't think I hide much. I just don't flaunt my actual usage.

Only niggers mess with drugs. Enjoy never contributing to society you Stinky dredlocked suburban white boys.

If that's the case you're to young and immature to be messing with drugs and on this site faggot.

>living with parents
>smoking weed
Some redflags you're a fucking NEET, user. KYS

Your dad's a degenerate faggot then. He should be teaching you how to fix a car or fix up a house, not niggerisms.

Or in highschool you fuck. Im neither, in my own house without a care in the world. So how about you timestamp a pic of your house. Oh sorry i mean your parents

Fuck you kid

Dont act like you dont live with your parents you faggot. If you dont, prove it bitch

>be me
>used to throw small parties friends and I get drunk
>as long as i wasnt driving or being stupid i was fine
>however weed was not ok
>parents caught me smoking twice
>grounded yelled at ect
>by senior year parents knew i would bypass them go to friends an do whatever
>fast foward to now
>in college, good student, fraternity
>only home for 2-3 months a year
>been sharing stories of drinking / smoking with everyone
>becomes normal
>all according to plan
>friends come over, smoke
>parents see, confront me
>"dont get smoke inside and dont give to brother"
>can do
>simple as that

if you cant do it at home that sucks but just get your own place or wait until college

>Have chrones
I live on my own, but my parents know I consume medically. I wait until before I go to bed. They've always been against it, but it keeps me from being constantly ill, so they are pretty okay with it all

Had similar experience last year before moving out. Eventually you should move out yourself so you can be a responsible adult, while also enjoying your free time high and less paranoid.

In the meantime however, perfect ur ninja stoner training:

>Git gud at bein sneaky. Minimize sound and maximize efficiency when you smoke. Yeah getting high is fun, but in your position you want to get high and then go enjoy it inside. The longer you wait, the higher you'll be and the more of a paranoid retard you're going to feel like when you clumsily tiptoe around your house.
>always have a solid excuse for why you're outside.
>if you ever encounter your family, don't fucking panic. Unless you spaz out trying to appear normal, they usually won't notice a damn thing. If it's 1am you can play most weed symptoms off as tiredness.

The faster and sneakier u can get high and get back, u more time u can enjoy your high.

I live at an apartment with my gf.

Parents know I smoke, they smoke, I hook them up, im their favourite out of all the kids :)))

Prove it liar

Dubs of truth

smoked with my brother and father many times.
most of my family knows i smoke weed, they dont really care.

Gotta sneak out late like one to the park, smoke some cones, but all the shit in multiple plastic bags then in a back pack and spay deodorant then sneak back in. Or smoke in the bathroom and blow into the fan and spray deodorant.