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I'm rewatching it now, haven't seen it since 2009. Just finished season one, why can't all TV be this good bros?
Why does everybody say that The Wire or Game of Thrones are the best HBO shows when The Sopranos exists? I started Season 1 a few weeks back and just finished episode 12 of season 6.
This is easily the best HBO show ever.
Boardwalk Empire is the greatest show ever made.
Maybe if it ended after season 2. All the other seasons sucked cock.
Only literal retards say that GoT is the best HBO show.
Only literal retards say that GoT is above mediocre/bad in general. Sopranos is better than The Wire but at least that's a real show for the most part instead of some video game meme product.
>rewatching, still love the show
>get to season 6
>scenes of poor persecuted muslims :( intermixed with a storyline about the poor persecuted gay man :(
I'm not even Sup Forumstier but holy shit.
The Vito being a fag subplot angered you more than the constant shoehorning of blacks into every single episode?
This scene alone is better than the entirety of The Wire and Game of Thrones combined.
there are barely blacks in the whole god damn show, are you sure you're talking about the sopranos?
It didn't anger me, in fact I liked the escaping from the mob storyline quite a bit. It just gets too much especially in Season 6 Episode 6 where you have 30 minutes straight of Muslims bitching, then Meadow bitching to literally everyone in the family about how racist they are, then a subplot about how Vito is being persecuted, then cutting back to Meadow throwing a hissy fit over how hard Muslims have it again. I appreciated how generally apolitical the show was up to this point. I just wish they would keep it that way. I never noticed a shoehorning in of blacks.
Season 3 was good
Best arc.
Don't look at your watch, not yet. Save it. Treat yourself, think of those sandwiches Jim made. When you've eaten the last bite, this fucking day is half way done.
>there are barely blacks in the whole god damn show, are you sure you're talking about the sopranos?
You need to watch the show more to see how shoehorned blacks were in the entire series. None played any significant role, but there were a shit ton of them if you paid attention.
I just no-lifed the show for 2 weeks straight, I know what I'm talking about.
Reminder that The Sopranos is the Neon Genesis Evangelion of Western television.
>It's been 14 minutes.
>it's a 'Chris can't take the banter and cries like a little bitch episode'
Yeah it's a show about criminals. Blacks are over represented in the criminal population, of course there are going to be a lot of blacks. Mad Men has like literally two black characters, because it's about rich people.
The shoe-horning is blacks in this show had nothing to do with criminal activities. Seriously, watch the show again. The amount of blacks that showed up as criminals was miniscule. There's only 3, maybe 4, moments in all 86 episodes where that happens and those moments last less than 1 minute.
>no-lifed the show for 2 weeks straight
I've easily watched it in 5 days.
Lately, a lot of posters are trying to be tricked by neo-Sup Forums into watching Boardwalk Empire. You know, like, "hey user, watch it, you won't regret, le Jimmy Darmody haha". Do NOT watch that show, it's just poor man's Sopranos:
> Buscemi can't lead
> anti-hero cliche
> stronk womyn cliche
> bitchy womyn cliche
> numerous criminal sitdowns
> le "internal struggles" cliche
> father issues cliche
> mother issues cliche
> opening montages
> closing montages
> nonstop music from the 20s
> good casting
> great violence
> beautiful cinematography in moments, especially in Season 5
Dude, some people in Murica happen to be black and brown, and they tend to be seen on the streets wherever you go. Literally impossible to avoid them.
>moving the goalpost this badly
That doesn't change the fact that Sopranos went out of its way to shoehorn blacks into everything. That's all I was trying to say.
>implying I live in a city
>> nonstop music from the 20s
Didn't it take place around the time of the Prohibition? Why would there not be 20's music?
>I've easily watched it in 5 days
i done this every 6 months for the last year and a half
so easy to marathon
probably going to keep the tradition alive
I don't wanna hear fucking quasi-operas in every fuckign establishing shot and contemplating scene, senpai.
>That doesn't change the fact that Sopranos went out of its way to shoehorn blacks into everything.
That's a big fucking revisionist lie.
>That's a big fucking revisionist lie.
It's not. You seriously need to watch the show again.
we didn't deserve The Sopranos, and we still don't. maybe some day the world will be ready for another masterpiece
you keep saying this, fucking post some scenes or something. I've watched the series at least 5 times, and I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
>the sub-plot that took up ate last half the season of Meadow going to college and getting a half black BF
>sub-plot of Tony and his confrontation with a black cop that pulled him over
>Hesh and his constant jungle fever
>the entire "muh reparations" episode in season 1
>the episode about blacks impeding work at a construction site
Should I list more? You did only say "some" scenes.
>pol gets triggered episode 5 billion and 4
So like 10 episodes max over 6 seasons? Thank God we have people like you to open our eyes to the Jewish conspiracy.
Go on reddit and post about the Sopranos if you want to see why we don't deserve another masterpiece.
They'll try and tell you Bojack Horseman has a more realistic view of depression
> the sub-plot that took up ate last half the season of Meadow going to college and getting a half black BF
she's the daughter of a mafia boss, the show often emphasizes that these folks from a past era feel lost because social norms have changed.
> Hesh and his constant jungle fever
he was a record executive, one who was involved in similarly shady business as the mafia, fucking over people and just accumulating money
> the entire "muh reparations" episode in season 1
> the episode about blacks impeding work at a construction site
are you fuckin retarded. all of this shit you're listing isn't shoehorned in, they make sense with the various stories going on, and advance the story in appropriate ways.
It was never better than B+
It also could have been better if it didn't wish it was Sopranos so hard.
also >Season 5
will always be a black mark on the show.
I'm not gonna sit here and say that Bojack is the better show, because no fucking way. I will say, though, that Bojack has a *different* representation of depression, and that's largely because the characters and scenarios are different. It doesn't mean Bojack is unrealistic (i mean, beyond being about anthropomorphic animals in hollywood and whatnot, you know what i mean).
But yes, reddit does have a sick obsession with the show, in the same way we have a sick obsession with The Sopranos. I'm inclined to say ours is more warranted, but meh. Bojack is good, Sopranos is fucking phenomenal.
>People cry about Vito Subplot
>its 30 minutes of scenes across 3 episodes
>It ties in nicely to American Ideals
>It ties in nicely to the themes of the show
See you could have real things like the Vito sub-plot or you could have the shoe-horning in of gay characters that every single other show does like the wire.
fucking thank you. the people who complain about literally any agenda being shoehorned into the sopranos are literally fucking retarded.
>Go on reddit and post
Quit reading right there.
There's a lot more than that. Honestly, to actually see what I'm talking about you need to rewatch the show from beginning to end.
which one flew off with his penis?
>it doesn't count if I try to make sense of it
>any black people is the juice at work
>a black person on television at all means they were shoehorned in
I don't think anyone ITT mentioned jews.
Are you fucking triggered or something
I like to think of the wire and sopranos as existing in the same universe
High quality bait everyone stand back.
we've all seen the goddamn show quite a bit, obviously. no one is agreeing with your assessment, though. presumably, you're so delusional that you're warping this television show to be something it isn't, just so you can make some point. at least, that's what I'm getting from all your posts.
if it makes sense and is organic, how the fuck is it shoehorned in?! I didn't have to try to make sense of shit, if you paid attention at all, you would see the themes and you would also not immediately default to screaming REEEEEEEEEEE GET MINORITIES OUT OF MY TV SHOW any time you see a black person on screen. every character was there for a reason, I'm sorry your attention span is shit.
>then i'll see you in court white boy
Italians are just light skinned niggers anyway so whats the problem?
Back to tumblr dyel
Fuck off retard.
oh oh, the scene where benny kills those drug dealers and the one dude goes, "don't say shit to raynisha about this, or she'll be all over my ass for child support"
you fucking faggot i've been posting on Sup Forums longer than you've been alive. i know this to be true because I met your mom on Sup Forums and fucked her and now I have a horribly disappointing son that I have no interest in meeting.
>presumably, you're so delusional that you're warping this television show to be something it isn't
What are you talking about here? I never gave off the impression that I was trying to "warp the television show" I just said it Did X a lot. I never said it was some kind of political insert or anything.
He's not wrong, southern Italians are niggers to northern and central italians
Okay, but Italians aren't black.
I'm getting fucking sick of this meme.
ya but u like gayboy stories on the sopranos so ur a fgt win
this is even said in the show lel
it's true, i thought the sopranos would be better if it was just will and grace desu
>Game Of Thrones
Because it is the flavor of the month TV show, remember when Breaking Bad was big and everybody was saying it was the best ever (much better show than GoT though)???
Sopranos is undisputed GOAT followed by The Wire, Twin Peaks and Deadwood
calm the fuck down mario
but seriously you're not white
What's with this North/South dichotomy that I see everywhere now?
tell me... am I lying?
Sidenote: Gandolfini had a minor part as a hitman in this movie.
>its another Sup Forums ruins the thread episode
Does it really upset people this much to see black people in a television show?
Worst character in the show on the right.
Pro-tip: If you disagree you're an idiot.
Twin Peaks and Deadwood are garbage and The Wire is overrated.
It's more like TS > TD > HBO War shows
>muh Sup Forums
Honestly. The show kinda sucked since episode one. It had all the knowledge of what makes a AAA show with none of the heart
they were excited because they thought The Sopranos was a show about the American-Italian mafia. Then when they watched the show and it was actually about the death of the American-Italian mafia, they had to get mad at something, and it wasn't gonna be the unfortunate ultraviolent white dinosaurs
unda da boooadwaaawk... wit his schlong in Jan's mouuuuuf....
That's not AJ
I just started watching it for the first time yesterday. I'm not gonna read this thread because Im gonna assume spoilers.
>The Sopranos was a show about the American-Italian mafia.
But it is. Death or not.
>and it wasn't gonna be the unfortunate ultraviolent white dinosaurs
The reason as your pic except in reverse
Like how northern Indians are historically white mixed, southern Italians are historically African Muslim mixed
for the simpletons who get mad about black people being "shoehorned" into the show (read: are characters in the show), italian is white
Indians, South or North, are more related to whites than any negroids. South Indians have Aboriginal admixture, not African.
I said southern Italians are African mixed, not Indians read my post again
>Twin Peaks and Deadwood are garbage
>The Wire is overrated
>Said while praising True Detective
That would warrant a "WEEEW lad" even if we pretend season 2 didn't happen.
whoooooooooooooooooo fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucking caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaares i just wanna argue about the sopranos goddammit
>You need to watch the show more to see how shoehorned blacks were in the entire series. None played any significant role, but there were a shit ton of them
You must have some kind of super autism to get upset about people who aren't even integral parts of the main story
Its just an above average show that dips to average. Which is ultimately more disappointing than a bad show ever could be.
It'd be like if season 1 of Sopranos was the best season. You'd always wonder what could have been. Even ignoring that season 1 of Sopranos is better than most shows ever could dream of.
I just said they showed up a lot, nothing else.
>African Muslim mixed
Do you just mean north african arabs or just sub-saharan african negroids?
oh eat a dick
>The Vito being a fag subplot angered you more than the constant shoehorning of blacks into every single episode?
Stop right there you duplicitous faggot; inquiring as to whether or not this person found the presence of blacks to be 'upsetting' could easily be construed as you suggesting tacitly that you did yourself.
You very much did say, or imply, a lot of things with your initial post, but now that five people have called you a fag suddenly you 'didn't mean anything'
We need to start our own Sup Forums one far away from Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums and all the plebs
watched the wire season 1 episode 1
bored as fuck
that cool black dude from FRINGE was on it so i was hype as fuck. but he only had like 2 lines.
fuck that shit
You can't prove me wrong, dumb ass. I never once mentioned their importance to the show.
i vote we train pigeons to relay our debates - most Sup Forums posters are not legally allowed around small animals
I've watched sopranos 4 times through and have tried to watch the wire multiple times. Never made it past the first season. Typical cop drama show. Cheesy.
Well she was supposed to be an annoying sociopath cunt and I thought was played perfectly in that manner.
>I said southern Italians are African mixed,
ebin meme, now go back to
thanks, ill avoid that hunk of shit
The Wire isn't a hunk of shit, nor a "typical cop drama" show. It's much better than that poster was giving it credit for. Sopranos-level? Fuck no. Well above average? yes.
It's true though
North African
Tunisia is also heavily mixed with erupted blood from the Roman times
The entire Mediterranean region is cultural crossroads 101