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God Bless the White Race

Should've drawn an Italian getting mowed down by blacks with machine guns and rifles

pretty actuate tbqh

The Belgian "atrocities" aren't that special, every colony did it, every tribe did it. It was status quo in Africa.
Also, most of it was done by corporations.

No Dutch?

>tfw a few of your great uncles died in Ethiopia by the incompetency of an empire that no longer exists



No Iberian colonizers fucking everyone?

Anti British propaganda

wtf France?

Those arent your typical niggers tho

French one should be spanish and portugese. Thats the reason why south america is so shitty today.

What's happening in the first picture? Why are the giraffes marching? Why did the man put a mussel on the alligator?

Not really senpai, in hundreds of years of Dutch colonization not once was choppy choppy so persistent as it was with the Belgians.

Ordnung. And we like zoo's too.



The best colonizers were definately the british, followed by us (or maybe the other way around in china since we did not addicted the chinese with opium and protected their coast against pirates instead from Macau). The british did however left the foundations of a fairly good judiciary system in their colonies which is something no other nation can claim.
The rest were outright tyrannical. Theres no point in even discussing it, all they did was robbery.

Pooinloo here, British Rule unlike certain other Colonial rules (Portuguese, Spanish, Belgian) wasn't genocidal. However you guys horribly mismanaged your colonies in terms of logistics (see Irish Potato famine & Bengal famine).

The Belgians were particularly cruel as colonialists.

But its true
>To obtain the necessary capital, the colonial state gave the private companies, to a large extent, a free hand.

Go home


To be fair to italians, russia armed ethiopians with rifled firearms and trained them because they're one of the few other orthodox christian countries. Most other dindus only had spears. But that part is never mentioned, poor Marios, lol.


A trade post isn't colonization henk

You guys came to my country, so I don't see why I shouldn't live in yours.

At least the Congo was quite profitable
I would do it again, if it was necessary

I'm glad the Romans brought civilisation to these isles by the sword and I'll never apologise for carrying on the tradtion.

Take up the White Man's burden, Send forth the best ye breed
Go bind your sons to exile, to serve your captives' need;
To wait in heavy harness, On fluttered folk and wild—
Your new-caught, sullen peoples, Half-devil and half-child.

Take up the White Man's burden, In patience to abide,
To veil the threat of terror And check the show of pride;
By open speech and simple, An hundred times made plain
To seek another's profit, And work another's gain.

Take up the White Man's burden, The savage wars of peace—
Fill full the mouth of Famine And bid the sickness cease;
And when your goal is nearest The end for others sought,
Watch sloth and heathen Folly Bring all your hopes to nought.

Take up the White Man's burden, No tawdry rule of kings,
But toil of serf and sweeper, The tale of common things.
The ports ye shall not enter, The roads ye shall not tread,
Go mark them with your living, And mark them with your dead.

Take up the White Man's burden And reap his old reward:
The blame of those ye better, The hate of those ye guard—
The cry of hosts ye humour (Ah, slowly!) toward the light:—
"Why brought he us from bondage, Our loved Egyptian night?"

Take up the White Man's burden, Ye dare not stoop to less—
Nor call too loud on Freedom To cloak your weariness;
By all ye cry or whisper, By all ye leave or do,
The silent, sullen peoples Shall weigh your gods and you.

Take up the White Man's burden, Have done with childish days—
The lightly proferred laurel, The easy, ungrudged praise.
Comes now, to search your manhood, through all the thankless years
Cold, edged with dear-bought wisdom, The judgment of your peers!


That's right. You sit there and look at it. Look at what you could've kept for yourself if you couldve kept them to yourself.


Denmark isn't my country. You didn't have a country until we made it up, btw. You were just personal property of whatever Poo happened to rule in that area, Muslim or Pagan.

Your cousins are getting fucked up the ass in SA. Sad cause they just wanted to farm.

You were kicked out of brazil for a reason. Even the natives helped.

If it wasn't for colonization Africa would be nothing but mud huts and savages picking their ass.

Prove me wrong.

It only costs money now and brings in niggers. At least we don't have any colonies or connection to them any more.

We had a centralized government, back when you just were a loose bunch of tribes fighting for dominance.


Now it's the other way around with niggers colonizing Europe and muslims converting the natives to Islam. It's like pottery.

Irish potato famine and the Bihar famine were both based on the principal that confiscating food would crash the market (as in Ireland there was no shortage of food, just a price rise which was mitigated by the increased imports of Irish goods, the lifting of the Corn laws and Irish work placements on the mainland)

And were based off the failing that caused the Year of the Slaughter in Ireland. after Bihar it was mostly due to lack of transport to get the food to the rural parts of India.

Personal property of the Maurya Dynasty, not a country.

are we cucking the black shota or what?

With the difference we once did it by force. They can do it for free in Europe now and are literally invited to do so. It's like insanity.

French have always been cucks.


1885 - 1962:

1602 - 2010

You too once were the personal property of the Romans, Normans and Plantagenets

>If it wasn't for colonization Africa would be nothing but mud huts and savages picking their ass.
as opposed to nowaday?

This is a meme, a large nation of shit tribal kings is still a nation of shit tribal kings.

Today, Congo is a independent state.
For a weird reason, we still have some goodwill with them
see image

>a free hand

Apart from the fact they had notions of citzenship and with the later two feudal obligations; not literally some tribal high king like BC paddies.

The Normans kinda were tribal


Colonialization, despite the general opinion of this board, has been immensely detrimental to former colonies. You might argue that colonists set up infrastructure or brought a lingua franca to the area, but I'd say that in addition to that, they brought along institutions that were built upon the exploitation of the natives for resources, especially in south america. These institutions were then left in place and captured by the higher echelons of native society, thus maintaining the cycles of endemic poverty found in a lot of them, and offering a backdrop to a host of other social complications.

Are you referring to Anglos in Anglia? Because Anglos were Germans in Germany (Schleswig-Holstein

>a free hand

>The Normans kinda were tribal

No. no they weren't, it was an organised feudal system with a hierarchy, not a set of tribal tributaries to a High chief.

The news article has nothing to do with it by the way; most rich people have Norman names because the Normans conquered the country in 1066 and their decendants kept their land for the most part post war of the roses.

I was referring to Anglian Anglos.

So much for the kangz being bringers of civilization and the like.

Maybe detrimental in the first decades/century, but today they're better off

>russia armed ethiopians with rifled firearms and trained them because they're one of the few other orthodox christian countries

Yeah. Anglia is in Germany and not Danish. So they didn't come to your country, they stood here and were always German.

Alright, i'll admit that the Mauryan government was primarily influenced by the Persian satrapies, however lots of European Kingdoms were organized in the same way (Holy Roman Empire, Roman Empire, Roman Empire, Macedonian Empire)

Let us provide immensely advanced technology, a common language, the most advanced infrastructure for the time, a fair and just judicial system, and teach some of you how to use all of this. Then we'll leave cause it's too expensive to fight wars all over the world trying to keep out territory.

After we leave, the local population goes right back to what they were doing before, that is being complete assholes to their countrymen. But somehow that's our fault. Right.

>They brought along institutions that were built upon the exploitation of the natives for resources, especially in south america. These institutions were then left in place and captured by the higher echelons of native society, thus maintaining the cycles of endemic poverty found in a lot of them

Apart from the fact that no. Although a lot of the insitutions provided by nations other than the UK post disraeli were designed to extract resources from the nation, the basic infastructure was revolutionary in creating societal changes which couldn't have naturally come about.

Most failures especially in a our former colonies come from cultural revivals that renstated the ancient practices that had kept them back from civilisation for thousands of years.

>niggers shit gold as long as they are drunk
>this is what they actually believe

What I meant to say was (German Empire, Roman Empire, Holy Roman Empire, Macedonian Empire)

Thanks oldest ally!

Anglo alchemy turns nigger shit into gold.

Apart from the fact Indians society regressed from that model, where as European society progressed.

if only

Not really. In a lot of countries you have what people like Fukuyama refer to as "modernization without development", meaning that whilst countries have a higher standard of living than 200 years ago by the pure merit of existing in the 21st century, the nature of the institutions set up in former colonies has stayed the same, because of the nature of the clientelistic politics practiced there, and the pre-occupation of citizenry either with daily struggles of survival or their ignorance about the pervasive nature of their institutions (or the depth of their influences.)

So, yes, and no. Yes, in absolute monetary terms, but they're still sublimely fucked in the long run thanks to the strength of those extractive institutions.


>Vid related to the French part of the comic.

Niall Ferguson is mostly pro/neutral colonialism.

Empire: How Britain Made the Modern World


Barely any Britons settled in India. There was never mass migration to the colonies aside from the Americas, which had no nation-states anyway so it was fair pickings.

European violence is not good but it is understandable given the generations of trauma they suffered at the hands of African and Middle Eastern pirates, slavers, and conquerors. White Colonialism helped heal wounds and make things even again

>this entire post

This We didn't settle India, we settled Australasia and the Americas because there is a huge fucking difference between governing a populous set of tribal nations and colonising an unpopulated continent populated by literal savages

>Extractive institutions
>roman catholic church
I think this is b8 but..
Latin America is democratic today, with a common/closely related language.
The roman Catholic church is the biggest charity in the world, with the thousands of missions in the former colonies still active, educating the local population, offering them medical and psychological aid.

Colonialism was created as an economic venture and thus built upon the extraction of resources, trade of goods and selling of manufactured goods in the colonies. As such the industry of a lot of Nations was decreased, in order to support European industrial conglomerates. Naturally you cannot deny that Colonialism didn't have its good sides either, since it unified countries, updated technology and brought a new lingua Franca.

It was good. We civilised vast swathes of the world that were squabbling tribal wastelands. Might makes right. You are right about the actions of others being glossed over though, the Arab slave trade went on far longer than the European one and nobody ever talks about it.

I have absolutely no qualms about the empire. My only regret is that it didn't live up to Cecil Rhodes' vision.

Yea, since roman times. If you look at the map of religion in that region, Ethiopia is like an autist 5 y.o. boy who lost his parents.

you seem to have completely misread the post. The existence of an elite in government without popular franchise that extracts resources and distributes them amongst themselves with no care in the world. The US escaped that because colonists couldn't subjugate the natives that kept fleeing west, or the fact that they couldn't subjugate lower classes of European colonisers.

>free and fair judiciary
you've got to be memeing.

>revolutionary in creating societal changes
It created a nationalist movement and started identity politics, yes. But social mobility was never enhanced under colonizers, nor was it promoted otherwise as a consequence. This led to people losing the incentives for actual development, consequently causing people to stick to a certain lifestyle.

"The real reason that the Kongolese did not adopt
superior technology was because they lacked any
incentives to do so. They faced a high risk of all their output
being expropriated and taxed by the all-powerful king, whether or not he had converted to Catholicism. In fact, it wasn’t only their property that was insecure. Their continued
existence was held by a thread. Many of them were
captured and sold as slaves—hardly the environment to
encourage investment to increase long-term productivity. Neither did the king have incentives to adopt the plow on a
large scale or to make increasing agricultural productivity
his main priority; exporting slaves was so much more

norayr.am/collections/books/Why-Nations-Fail-Daron-Acemoglu.pdf (p.74)

Also our post independence government was far better at increasing literacy than the British raj.

>>free and fair judiciary
>you've got to be memeing.
Roman Law schijtpaler

They are actually the first country in the world to make Christianity an official state religion.

That regression was primarily brought upon by the peacefulness and apathy characteristic of Dharmic religion. Had we abolished non-violence as a virtue and created an militaristic nationalistic government and fostered xenophobia we would have suceeded similar to Japan.

>roman catholic church
don't confuse the church with other, secularly oriented colonialists. They have/had completely different goals.
Also, the fact that the Church has to offer these provisions and not the state should tell you more than enough about the lasting legacy of the institutions set up by colonists (as these morphed bit by bit into the state itself.)

A thin veneer overshadowing the rest of the problems caused by colonization.

then why is it that no colonist could be held accountable for atrocities committed against the native population?

The missions continues until this day
I have family working in the missions in Guatemala
>the state has to provide these things
social democracy like Europe is the exception, not the rule
It is quite flawed, but better than nothing
actions were taken to limit these atrocities
>papal bull against slavery of people in the new world

Picture reminds me of

>Talk to liberal about Africa
>"What you trying to say is that, current day Zimbabwe is in a better condition than Rhodesia?"
>"Well the Zimbabweans govern themselves now so of course it's better. You're fucking ignorant if you think colonization is a good thing"
>"Well it isn't if you actually compare the two countries and like everything else, colonization has good points and bad points"
>"Good points? How ignorant are you? Do you even know who King Leopold II was?"
>"Ah, so you mean because one country acted in brutal way, it mars the other countries who had colonies. Basically the one spoiled it for the many?"
>"Yeah, I'm glad you're actually listening now"
>"So by your logic you can't get mad when I don't like refugees because regardless how many improve a country, not that they do, the acts of one make the rest redundant?"
>Never spoken to her since

>the u.s escaped that

I thought my usage of we was enough of a tip but I'm actually British. Dual u.s citizenship so I moved the fuck out before shit got bad in my homeland

We weren't in Africa by that time

delete this, the goyims aren't supposed to know, they're supposed to blame germany

I fucking love yukkuri.

you seem to be hung up on the church. I'm talking about the state. When the spanish went to south america, they displaced indigenous governments, and set up their own, built on enriching them exclusively. (See the drop in the amount of native americans due to conditions there.) When Bolivar and other figures erupted in revolution against the Spanish, they kicked them out, but continued to operate under the old ways of the Spanish government, with natives (or people of spanish descent who saw themselves as part of the country) at the helm. They continued to use government to maximise their own benefits, disregarding any other social classes. This helped perpetuate social stratification, and laid the grounds for a lot of the corruption that we see there today. Democracy was a relatively recent concession in most cases, and has simply been captured by the existing system as a means of legitimizing those extractive institutions, by offering fake promises, getting caught up in futile identity politics or otherwise. It's literally the epitome of irony. This is all connected to the state.

The church, whilst appreciated in its effort, is a private enterprise. It can't change the problems they are facing. Only the peoples of these countries can change the system at hand, but they lack the capability and the incentive to do so as they are motivated by short term gains, as their forefathers were. Do you understand what I'm trying to get at now?

I didn't mention the US because I thought you were american, but because it was the glaring exception to the rule, the war of independence is a perfect example of an alternate path that worked well, providing inclusive institutions to start with. Australia followed a similar path, albeit less violent due to better response on the part of London.
>actions were taken to limit these atrocities
>keyword of accountability in a judiciary system omitted completely
come on now

No, that was Armenia

>Spanish conquest was a genocide.



>15th century spain
Basically the same thing back then

have you ever been to Suriname?
The people there want to do something with their lives, not just short term gain.
>About democracy and spiel
See Brazil.

>Is Latin America perfect?
>Is it crime and corruption riddled?
>Is there growth in a positive direction?