So now that Trump is officially a puppet of big money and Israel, who should we support...

So now that Trump is officially a puppet of big money and Israel, who should we support? I'll be voting for Gary Johnson.

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we don't care

so you're just supporting him for the cult of personality? all of his policies are just "suggestions" anyway and up for negotiation.

i'd rather have trump owe some casino jew than goldman sachs and soros


Found the media shill with no brains.

Sup Forums is actually a pro Isreal board. We just don't like Globalist's stereotypes like Soro's and JJ Abrams.

Obama and Berine hate Isreal, and you don't see any praise of the for it. The Anti-Isreal thing is just to keep the neo-nazi meme to troll tourists.

>Iblying that all j00s are the same
>Iblying that J00s like Hilary meanwhile she actually opposes j00 things like gay marriage and she's a raycist and that she won't do a 180 in office.

Check em

>i'd rather have trump owe some casino jew than goldman sachs and soros

"Trump announced that heading up his own personal fundraising operation as national finance chairman will be Steven Mnuchin, a long-time business associate, chairman and CEO of the hedge fund Dune Capital. More importantly, however, he spent 17 years at Goldman Sachs where he was most recently a Partner, having built a fortune of $46 million before launching his own hedge fund.

In addition to Goldman, Mnuchin also worked at Soros Fund Management, whose founder, George Soros, has funded many left-leaning causes."

You were saying?

not even trump can afford alone a general election


Kek. Say what you want about Bernie but he would've never done this.

Completely btfo. Trump was never with you. He played us all like a fool. I'm starting to thin he's just a plant for Hillshill.


>implying Trump can take on Hillary on his own funding alone

Are all shills really this retarded?

bernie isn't even affording the primaries alone

>trumpfags trying this hard
You honestly think the goldman guy left and switched to allegiances to the American people? You'd jump right on this if it was someone else.

Nobody is being paid to shill for Hillary.

you try finding a well known jew with no connections to other jews

its impossible

> I need some extra funding
>Let me hit up Goldman sachs and ex Soro workers! Oh and don't forget #IstandwithIsrael

Kill yourself.

Not taking money from people like this that's for sure. Most of his donations are leftist retards.

>a Jew pledges fealty to Trump to protect himself after the progroms
>somehow this is Trump's fault

and unions

Primary election funding is different than a general election fund. You need at least a billion to have a decent campaign.

he technically could but it would be a big sacrifice - not only to him but his employees. It would actually ruin many good peoples' lives not just a fraction or chunk of his fortune.

every politican that is elected in this century and thereafter is in league with the eternal jew , until revelation kicks in and 7 years of tribulation begins when their reign ends.

>no man nor angel / demon will know when the end comes
>my single digits confirm this as truth.

No, we support him to troll the shit out of liberals and SOCJUS. As long as people stay mad about Trump, he's our man.

>voting for a pro-amnesty no borders lolbertardian

I don't care. I like this

>Implying you can't disagree with someones actions, yet still respect them

>Obama and Berine hate Isreal
i dunno about bernie, but Obongo is dead set on making his gift to israel the largest amount of shekels they have ever received from us. 30 billion american taxpayer dollars form a guy who supposedly hates israel

>I'm against Jewish interest!
>That's why my vote goes to Gary Johnson!

Gary pls
To victor the spoils. Big Don is just being nice to his destroyed enemies. And they know they have to support him if the alternative is Shillary, so only the truest establishment traitors will not endorse him.

> $0.02 USD has been deposited to your paypal account

> Thank you for your efforts on behalf of the Hillary 2016 Memetics PAC, a subsidiary of The Goldman Sachs Group Inc. GS (NYSE) $160.01 -0.06 (-0.04%)

Yes you!

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Post a thread endorsing Hillary to earn some quick cash!

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I doubt that. he probably doesn't have a billion in cash, and his assest are not that liquid so he could sell them easily

Gary Johnson is my pick for president, but he doesn't stand a chance
Would rather vote Trump that have a Hillary presidency

>omg vote for Gary Johnson he is going to self fund his entire general campaign and win. He has 3 billion dollars handy
>Omg vote for Bernie he has extorted millions of dollars from poor people promising to give them free shit when in reality they'll pay for it through taxes
No one expected Trump to self finance a general election you gook, no one would. And if Trump asks for donations from regular people he will raise double than Bernie ever did, faggot.

trump's probably not gonna need a billion, the way he works the media maybe 100-300 million.

>A fucking leaf
>dude weed

Again, Trump needs money to beat the Hillary machine. now stfu faggot and get back to putting out that fire you maple nigger


Stop being such fucking contrarians Sup Forums. Donald won from the people's support. That he is now popular and winning is a good thing.

I'll be writing in Cruz. #CruzMissile for life.

>Sup Forums is pro Israel


Why do you respect Trump? His main appeal was that he wasn't beholden to big donors, but now he is. He lies constantly and you can't trust anything he says. What's the point?

please don't crush the dream

Found the kike

>His main appeal was that he wasn't beholden to big donors

No his main appeal you leddit shill is that he's going to Make America Great Again, and Build a Fucking Wall.

>Omg if Trump doesn't spend all of his money on this general election then I can't respect him!!! I can't respect him for putting up 50 million dollars already while others put out next to nothing!!!

I don't think anyone expected Trump to pay for the General Election out of pocket. The cost would be ruinously expensive for one man to bare, and there isn't about to be a grassroots donation campaign that can raise billions of dollars.
This increases the chance of a potential special interest, but he is still the best candidate available
>Gary "No National Borders" Johnson

>Build a Fucking Wall.
But he's not. He's just playing the rubes along.

So how will be "make American great again"? By being a typical Republican stooge?

Kek hey lereddit triggered your free shit man got fucked?

I was never a Bernie supporter. It's telling that the retarded Trumpfags here can't defend their candidate, so they just resort to screeching "shill!" and "Reddit"!

Check em

Well considering I've made multiple posts and you've chosen to ignore them since you don't have a rebuttal I'd say I'm fine. Who do you support then hm? You attention seeking faggot.


Politics became a complete joke in the US a long time ago. Trump is just taking it to its logical conclusion

Austin Petersen, won't use government force like Johnson will.

>Trump's campaign also is completing a deal with Republican officials that will enable him to solicit six-figure checks from donors.

>And super PACs are forming to help him. One that was announced Thursday aims to raise $20 million by the Republican convention in July. Former Ronald Reagan campaign manager Ed Rollins was recently hired and will meet next month with billionaire Texas oil investor T. Boone Pickens.

Trumpfags are silent.

Sheldon Adelson's main concern is US foreign policy towards Israel to ensure its security. This is something Trump has already pledged to do.

Sheldon is not interested in pushing domestic policies of degeneracy like "anti-racism" or feminism or homosexuality like Jews like George Soros do.

>Sheldon Adelson's main concern is US foreign policy towards Israel to ensure its security. This is something Trump has already pledged to do.
good goy

Its Trump vs Hillary, you can't knock one without picking the other.

Don't care. This is liberal logic. "If you attack Hillary, you're helping Trump!" I'm not going to be scared into voting for Trump.

>Good goy
Israel is a containment country. Even the Nazis supported the Jews' transfer to Israel. Learn your history, it's called the Haavara Agreement.

Supporting Israel costs way less than $10B a year. It's a trifle for the US economy. A small price for having Jews fuck off and not meddle in the US' ethnic makeup (e.g. making whites a minority) or undermining sexual morality.

Trump fags doing a lot of mental gymnastics. He didn't just work at Goldman he was on the board, his daddy also worked their.

You guys really think he's still building the wall hahaha, suckers.

>Israel is a containment country. Even the Nazis supported the Jews' transfer to Israel. Learn your history, it's called the Haavara Agreement.
People like Sheldon Adelson want the U.S. to do Israel's bidding even when Israel's interests are opposed to America's interests.

>so you're just supporting him for the cult of personality?
No. We vote him because of what he'll do, and what follows after that.

Say, do you like 'hanging' out? :^)

>No. We vote him because of what he'll do, and what follows after that.
What exactly is he going to do? Don't say "build wall" or "ban Muslims" unless you're retarded, because he's not doing either.

Trump is still an outsider, and better than Shillary or Crazy Bernie. He's not perfect, but says a lot of things better.

>Trump is still an outsider,
Not anymore.

And you've said absolutely NOTHING of substance in your reply.

business jews aren't the same as internationalist jews. but these hill shills are dumb and think we're all stormfags that hear the word jew and go apoplectic

alright here's a short list

Pro war
Anti white
Anti gun
Pro Radical Islam

Crazy Bernie:
Higher taxes
Welfare for savages
Pro Radical Islam

Anti war
Pro gun
Pro wall
9/11 Truther
Anti Radical Islam

>Anti war
He's not anti-war, jackass. He supported military intervention in Libya to depose Gaddafi and wants to send 10,000 troops in Syria to fight ISIS. He's just as bad as Hillary.

>Pro gun

>Pro wall
I already said you're a sucker if you think the wall is happening.

>9/11 Truther
kek, conspiracy theories. He's probably not a real truther anyway.

>Anti Radical Islam
And what's he going to do about this? The Muslim ban isn't happening.

Again: nothing of substance except "muh guns."

common how can yoou attack someone and then do tthe same . Trump has been stumped by him self

He's said in a recent interview with Bill O'Reilly that he's taking donations for the Republican Party to fund his campaign because he needs a billion dollars.

Trump was wrong on Libya. To be fair, he's not really bright on how geopolitics works. But he's still not as bad as shillary. She's the queen of war.

>The best way to help Israel deal with Iran's growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad.
>Date: 2000-12-31 22:00

I spent the majority of the primary being called a shill for arguing against him

Hillary or Stein

>still trying to shill this

>Sup Forums is actually a pro Isreal board.

Trump was operating with the same level of info as everyone outside of the state dept: none

He changed his mind when he saw what was really going on (Shillary overthrowing a stable country to help terrorists)

Shillary is still operating under the opinion it was a "success"

>every bad thing is actually a good thing
We've always been at war with eastasia

>Anti war

Like supporting the Iraq War on Howard Stern's show in 2002? Totally anti-war right?

>Pro gun

Yeah let's have even more Sandy Hooks! Fuck kids!

>Pro wall


Literally redneck tier bait.

>9/11 Truther

Put on your tinfoil hate Alex.

>Anti Radical Islam

More redneck tier bait.

Kill yourself user.

Shillary lied to everyone and said Gaddafi was about to commit "genocide" which was bullshit.

Trumpfags are some of the stupidest fuckers on the god dam planet.

>Like supporting the Iraq War on Howard Stern's show in 2002?

That was prior to Hans Blitz's statement there were no WMDs

>Yeah let's have even more Sandy Hooks

>revoking the 2nd amendment ever


>muh rednecks

why do you hate the working class?

>muh sheeple

it's not 2006 anymore no one thinks that's clever

>Put on your tinfoil hate Alex.
Found the shill.

>9/11 Commissioner Says Saudi Government Members Supported the Attack
>Presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump has suggested the same thing on the campaign trail. “Who blew up the World Trade Center?" he said during an appearance on Fox News in February. "It wasn't the Iraqis, it was Saudi—take a look at Saudi Arabia, open the documents."

Him dodging the draft like Dick Cheney is the reason I never liked him. That doesn't include his and his family's massive investments in foreign countries like Saudi Arabia

>That was prior to Hans Blitz's statement there were no WMDs

Oh he's said a lot of worse crap than that user.

Like supporting going into Libya, sending ground troops to Iraq, bombing Iran, more money for Israel, along with enacting even more anti-civil liberties at home in the name of "security."

>why do you hate the working class?

>working class

No and no.

They are the fucking same. Je is a zionist and subscribes to that agenda.

>What is he going to do
>Don't say things he's going to do because I say he wont

Shillary Clinton lied us into Libya by saying Gaddafi was about to commit genocide

you no

>rednecks don't work

is that you NRO?

>bombing Iran,

how's it feel to make shit up?

>enacting even more anti-civil liberties at home

Trump hasn't said he would change anything


Just because everyone is uniting behind Trump and some are supporting his run financially is not a reason to assume he is subverted to the will of the donors. Hillary has another billion dollars to spend. The Republicans can chip in and help now.

Are you lost?

Nice reactionary meme

Literally not one argument in that whole