Say slave reparations became a thing in the US. What would be the quantifiable metrics for determining who is the beneficiary and who is the obligor?
Say slave reparations became a thing in the US...
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Slave reparations wouldn't really work. Anyone dumb enough to buy a slave back then for thousands of gold dollars, would have found their money being thrown out the window as soon as slaves got freedom. Trust me, most descendants of Slave owners probably are plebs or white trash.
Slave reparations will never stop people saying it's not enough.
Oddly enough the black communities of today have never once asked to go back to Africa.
Just institute White Priviledge Tax, only for white folks, graded according to wages.
Ramp up programs for disenfranchised black people, scale back quotas at work places limiting white employment to 25%. There, it's done and society is actually equal.
Hope Hillary does something like this and then we can do it in Europe. Contrary to what you think its far harder to do something revolutionary like that here.
>Just institute White Priviledge Tax, only for white folks, graded according to wages.
How would it be determined who is white?
the minorities would decide whos not part of them
>the minorities would decide whos not part of them
Which minorities? Blacks? If so, how would it be determined that said blacks are to be beneficiaries?
So before someone would apply for a job he needs to go to a Nigger Committee for a penis inspection to determine his whiteness?
My family owned slaves. We are 1 percenters still, though not nearly as rich or powerful as we were in 1800s. (My fucking great grandpa drank and gambled away the family fortune in the 1920s.)
I feel like we've already paid or reparations though. We were from Kentucky and fought for the Union. The Patriarch of our family at the time was actually summarily executed by confederate guerrillas on the front porch of our house in front of his wife and small children.
Reparations were paid in blood, they won't get my silver.
(see page 58 to 61)
Anyone who was a slave between 1776 and 1865 should get $50,000 in reparations.
It won't happen because that's impossible to measure. No one is going to pay taxes for this shit if we have to pay for it.
The US pays them their moneyz and then deports them to fucking Africa....from where they go to Germany and Sweden. End of story.
It's so unfair that we took them from their homes.
The only thing we should do is pay for and arrange for their return to their homeland.
From where?
Government should make a deal with an African country. We will pay X dollars to each black and Y dollars to that country and they leave. No other way to get the reputations.
From the US government. Doesn't matter anyways since everyone born a slave in 1865 is long dead.
Well said
Africans kidnapped, enslaved, and conquered Europe for a thousand years. The slavery and colonialism thing was a way for PoC to pay reparations for their crimes.
Of course, Europeans were violent and greedy only because of the generational trauma they suffered at the hands of PoC.
Everything's even now and we're free to move forward
Reparations were already paid.
If countless human sacrifice to end slavery isn't good enough for you, then you deserve nothing.
you didn't have to tell him the second part. roll with the joke
seems cool, my grandad got looted by FARC
As a tax paying citizen, I am actually okay with reparations. But these reparations must include a one-way ticket to Africa and the renouncing of U.S. citizenship, permanently, for all that take the reparations. Ultimately if we end up spending 800 billion on this endevour, it would still be a better option than letting them remain here.
Like FARC in Colombia? Or does Sweden have a FARC?
We go in historical order, and don't move on to the next case of slavery until the current one is paid in full.
In other words, we'll pay you for being a nigger right after you niggers pay the jews for being jews. They were enslaved in Egypt after all, which is an African nation.
>25% accept the deal, 200 billion down the drain.
>25% of the remainder have 8 kids to get more welfare
>Spent 200 billion and still have more niggers than you started with.
baka, senpai
Each black person gets 500$ As, and as a token of good will, shall be given free land in Liberia to rediscover their cultural heritage. They only get it if they renounce their evil white U.S. citizenship though.
Let's not forget reparations to the Irish and their "indentured servitude" pre existing African slave trade by almost a century
That's why abortions are illegal senpai
Plus, you're going to get rid of the worst ones anyway. The actual decent blacks with money and an education will remain here. It's a win for everybody.
You don't understand, they're having the 8 babies specifically to get welfare, it's a career for them. It's pretty much the only thing black girls study in inner city schools. Like, technical details. Don't have 2 kids from the same dad, don't let the government know who the father is unless he's in prison, etc, etc.
The word slave comes from the Slavic people. So, whitey gets paid first?
>You don't understand, they're having the 8 babies specifically to get welfare, it's a career for them
Is this the 80's? Black birth rate has dropped like a rock and is below replacement. Plus you only get food stamps and Section 8 nowadays if you have kids.
video extremely related
By Mongolians and other whiteys
My family were prominent slavers. So I'd get rekt
If anyone should pay reparations, it should be those that sold the slaves.
And who gives a fuck about slavery except niggers. Many peoples have been slaves, even whites (Barbary slave trade).
I wouldn't mind a reparations tax. Slavery was unquantifiably fucked up
The government could easily trace your ancestry
>Slavery was unquantifiably fucked up
Yo, wtf, white face? Racist.
>guy bought a slave
>he's supposed to pay the money rather than the guy who caught and enslaved the slave
>Say slave reparations became a thing in the US
This is exactly what would happen
Chappelle show:
I would support reparations if they force blacks who descended from black slave owners to pay reparations as well.
After all, in 1830 Census records show that 7.5% of free blacks owned slaves.
Can you imagine how great that would be? A bunch of blacks expecting to get a check in the mail, but instead they open it up and its a bill.
If I'm going to pay for a nigger slave, then I'm going to own a nigger slave.
>What would be the quantifiable metrics for determining who is the beneficiary and who is the obligor?
By this (pic related) reasoning we should be about to rule out about 95% of coons, then proceed on a case by case basis, most of the %5 nigs with some intelligence would probably agree making anyone pay what are basically penalties for ancestors following the law at the time, is fucking retarded. Also they might realize it could be used as a precedent against niggers in the future for fucking up every large city in the US
forgot pic
All the slaves are dead... Theres no one to pay
Thats an amazing pic
>Say slave reparations became a thing in the US.
No, I reject the premise of your scenario.
Go fuck with someone else.
>> Dave Chappelle in whiteface - Totally acceptable
>> Any white person in black face - RACIST
Niggers have been receiving slavery reparations since LBJ's great society.
It's only a matter of time, famingo. Each new person who gets power in your country is a bigger cuck than the last.
Sure. Send them back to Africa, which is where they would be if their ancestors were not enslaved.
>Dave Chappelle in whiteface - Totally acceptable
2003 was the end of an era, by 2006 everything was racist or something -ist
Number of posts saying "we should make them slaves again" or "they were better off as slaves"
Majority of slaveowners were very wealthy and powerful. usually jews.
all white ppl must pay for black ppl becuz white ppl kill black ppl moffuga
and all whitey is owned slaves and kill black ppl after stealin theire land n shiet cuz they is violent monsters
*throws gang signs and shoots up neighborhood*
i am a descendant of a slave owner, but i'm also a descendant of not slave owners. why would the 1 of the 64 ancestors i have from that time period be the one?
What?! Get the fuck of my lawn you filthy pole!
Why are the Leafs and the Amerifats actually taking this resperations shit unironically seriously? Have you all lost you minds? Even if we were not Polacks this idea is moronic to almost everyone.
Why should I , a person who's family never owned slaves, have to pay a tax just because I'm white? Shouldn't black people have to pay the tax too because it was thier people that sold them off?