>It's a Rachel episode
It's a Rachel episode
>it's the Rachel episode
Justified was pretty red pilled.
>Fulfill your diversity quota so the jews don't take you off air
>but give her zero screentime and relegate her to essentially a cameo tier role in later seasons
Most shows would have been cramming her down our throats.
It might have just been that they realized they hired an actress with extremely flat delivery
They must have realized that the day she first auditioned. I doubt there was ever the intent of making her an actual character. Even with the scraps of screentime she got I felt like I was being cucked on some level every time I had to look at her 2bh.
I don't want blacks in my shows. I don't want females in my shows. This show was GOAT but her character was clearely purely a result of modern leftist obligations.
>I don't want blacks in my shows. I don't want females in my shows
But user, the best Justified character was female
>the best Justified character was female
Nice meme. Only reason any of the leftist blogger meme machine hyped that character was BECAUSE she was a female.
Who are your top 10 justified characters?
I'm not an autist who keeps lists. But suffice to say there are no females on it. Justified was a great masculine show, even despite the scars of jewish meddling like black/female characters.
>But user, the best Justified character was Boyd
She represents the one black person you see in every place in the south.
>started watching Justified for the first time a month ago
>finished it 2 weeks ago
>suddenly all these Justified threads here
Not counting Boyd or Raylan dummy
This was always a show for plebs 2bh. Sometimes you could marathon a few seaons and get to the point where you were enjoying it, but it was all just popcorn and that makes it essentially worthless.
It was good, watchable TV, user. It never had pretentions of greatness. The best thing about it is getting to watch excellent actors exchange smart dialogue.
Dickie and Dewey then
How did the actress playing Ava get so JUSTified? She was pure sex in the first season, but then if you watch an episode even just 3 seasons later she looks like moving her face causes physical pain. What happened?
>The best thing about it is getting to watch excellent actors exchange smart dialogue.
If it's all in service of what is essentially a "capeshit"/"video game" then it doesn't count for anything. Even if it feels good in your mouth while you are eating it, it makes the world a worse place for existing like all works of "entertainment".
>tfw by all means Tim should have been the best character
>barely got any character development outside of season 4
its not fair my bros
>le epin bad ass does cool things show
At this point you're practically reading a comic book.
>its a boon spends 15 minutes threatening to kill a guy over a fedora episode
This motherfucker right here is the best
Forgot the pic
>we never got an episode where Raylan fucks off and it's pure Rachel and Tim shenanigans
5 (Boon, love the actor though)
You sound like you put The Wire on a pedestal as a great work of art
With 6 seasons you would think there would be one episode like that, but nope
Patton Oswald
The Wire is better than Justified but it does not deserve to be put on a pedestal. The Sopranos is the greatest work of film or television to be produced in the last 20 years. From the Sopranos rains hellfire upon the capeshitters.
>The Sopranos is the greatest work of film or television to be produced in the last 20 years.
that would be Lost
Yeah Sopranos is the best. But it's good to acknowledge the shows that don't even try to be Sopranos, so there will be fewer pretenders to the throne.
The Shield is the second best series of all time
Hated the ending. Too happy and sappy.
S1 to S3 are its peak seasons.
You can honestly forget the later seasons. They're 'meh'.
>tfw youll never be an US marshall
Its not fair bros
>But it's good to acknowledge the shows that don't even try to be Sopranos
There is no such thing as too little bad art. If you aren't attempting to make a work as profound and exploratory as the Sopranos then you're a hack.
The Shield is around the same tier of capeshit as Breaking Bad and Justified. I would never legitimize any of these shows.
Deadwood and Mad Men are the best US dramas after The Sopranos.
Shield was so fucking bad, lmao'ing if you think it is anywhere near the same level as shows like Generation Kill, the Wire S1-S4, Sopranos as a whole, or even Mad Man -tier.
Everything Kurt Sutter has been involved with has been unwatchable juvenile shit.
Deadwood is overrated. Milch is kind of a hack. Mad Men is good but can only be a Sopranos follower.
Is there a more based character?
You really overrate Deadwood and Mad Men. Season 3 of Deadwood was already very shaky. I'd say that S2 to S3 arc of Justified is easily better than than best of Deadwood.
I liked her, she was a qt. Too bad her career went JUST, which is odd given the love dark skinned women are getting.
Justified is a terrible cartoon show. Season 3 of Deadwood alone exclipses all 6 seasons of Justified combined in terms of artistic merit.
Pretty sure only an autist would type something like that, this was by far one of the most relatable antagonists I've seen in TV history.
>Demythologized the serial killer narrative
>Placed its characters in a constant moral battlefield with no easy answer
>Presented truly whittled-down storytelling on TV without the constant need for unnecessary backstory and mystery considered a necessity for TV shows
The Shield was all-time great.
Be honest, have you actually watched it? There was a time when I was dismissive of The Shield without having seen it, mostly because of Kurt Sutter's involvement. Think of it like this though, Kurt Sutter was the Terence Winter of the show. He had his place in the writer's room, but couldn't run a worthwhile show of his own to save his life, and gave in to lesser storytelling sensibilities without Shawn Ryan/David Chase to keep him on a leash.
Michael Rapaport's character was pointless, that entire season was largely pointless
Calling Justified a cartoon show while Deadwood makes Al Swearengen and his band of rebels a comic relief after promising S1 and way too easy to root for as a 'bad guy'.
Critical thinking, much?
Relatability in essence is pandering. Art should alienate.
She was definitely a qt. I just watched the episode where Raylan has to get Winona's bag of money into the evidence locker. Rachel has like 2 lines but for both of them she's framed beautifully with lighting and good Dutch angles.
sorry I meant the 5th season, I forgot that Justified has 6 seasons not 5. The 5th season is definitely the worst, I don't know how you can disagree with that.
Deadwood is the second greatest show I've ever seen and the only reason it isn't the best is because it got canceled early, you are fucking insane
These are the end times for Dewey Crowe
More like I seem to be the only one ITT who rewatched it in the past 6 months. It falls off hard after S1, mean while something like Sopranos keeps peaking higher and higher for six straight seasons.
You wish you had a daughter that bad eh?
I'm rewatching it right now with my roommate every single night. Season 1 is the worst season, the show picks up after Hearst is introduced as a possibility and then it gets better when he finally comes to camp.
The Sopranos is the only show I would put ahead of Deadwood so I'm not going to disagree with you but the first three seasons of Deadwood are as good as the first three seasons of The Sopranos.
I've seen the Shield and I wouldn't recommend it even as a troll. Just something for Sup Forums to masturbate over with its teenage -tier writing.
>That scene when Wyn Duffy cries over his loyal bro's corpse after he saved his life.
Not gonna lie, that shit got me, shed a few tears.
Yeah, what happened?
I don't even know how you can say this idiocy. The Shield is a wonderful show. It's like The Wire mixed with 24. The dialogue isn't particularly well-written but that's not the point of the show
Deadwood is one of the most propped-up shows ever made. Complexity in dialogue =/= intelligent writing. Meticulous research =/= good storytelling. David Milch is pretty much insane too. Look at the shows he's attempted since DW stopped. Both amount to the ramblings of a demented old man.
You lack the sophistication to comprehend Deadwood. Each season is more advanced art than the last until you get to season 3 which may be the single greatest television season the world has seen so far.
If Deadwood hadn't been cancelled we wouldn't be knee deep in video games and capeshit right now. Those with the agenda of white infantilization saw what Milch was doing and shut him down.
That character bit about her divorce came out of nowhere, and didn't go anywhere. Her best look was when she had the braids.
she turned 40
She was 35 when the show started, that's pretty remarkable she was even as hot as she was in Season 1
>It's like The Wire mixed with 24
So it's like a "good not great" show mixed with a steaming pile of video game dogshit?
Wyn Duffy is best character, right after Boyd
does this have any meaning anymore, or has it just become a buzzword for "thing I don't like", like "reddit" as an adjective?
She was a mother that looked over her fucked up sons' imperfections and loved them like a mother should.
She felt nothing but pain throughout season two, until she put a stop to it, she was relatable because she reminded me of much my mother loves me and my brothers despite of being fuckups ourselves.
Work of entertainment oriented pandering.
Aging a couple years doesn't Brendan you on its own. Since I can't see her having to pay alimony I have to suspect some kind of drug or alcohol problem.
>He thinks Deadwood with its pulp writing was sophisticated.
Nearly every character was a joke after S1, including Al Swearengen. There's a mustache twirling bad guy from Disney film.
It's not great, let alone one of the greatest TV shows to grace this planet.
Decent, sure.
I agree, but you know how people who are used to CW shows will see Deadwood it will make their minds go wild as it is not completely shit so they think it's the best thing ever.
Sign of a low exposure to better shows.
I really, truly, honestly have no idea how you can say such vile things on the internet without consequences. Deadwood is the most beautifully-told tapestry of a show I have seen on television. The rich dialogue is a backdrop to the community created on the show. It's such a well-developed universe that when a major event happens you can feel the ripples of it throughout the entire camp, everything is connected, all the characters intertwine in unique ways. I have no idea what the fuck you people want out of your storytelling if Deadwood doesn't meet the bill.
>There's a mustache twirling bad guy from Disney film.
If you think he was a villain then the show went over your head completely.
>It's like the [good show] mixed with this [piece of shit]
not helping your case here Sup Forums
>Michael Rapaport's character was pointless
I actually thought the twist was gonna be him being the boy's actual father, in an incestuous way.
I dunno man, like did you see his sister? He'd fuck that with zero regrets I tell ya hwat.
>The Shield
>entertainment oriented pandering
Only a real life scumbag cop would be entertained by The Shield, and even he would get the piss taken by the end. Watching this show feels like being slowly pressed in by a George Foreman grill, in the best possible way. It's a modern day Shakespearean tragedy, without any of the pretentious bullshit attached to that label. The only positive catharsis granted comes from Dutch, a character deliberately made as little of a power fantasy as possible.
>too stupid to pick up on what I refer to.
Dead/v/ood fans everyone.
Could also shit on how it turns Al Swearengen into a comic relief after making him fearsome in S1.
>Nearly every character was a joke after S1, including Al Swearengen. There's a mustache twirling bad guy from Disney film.
I just can't possibly disagree with this sentiment more. There's so many fantastic, complex characters, from the doctor to Cy to Dan to Farnum. Farnum alone is among the most intriguing and unique characters I have ever seen portrayed on television. And they even turned a throwaway character like Richardson into a relatable, honest depiction of an uneducated fool. Nigger General was a fantastic character, Steve the drunk was too. I just don't understand your reasons for disliking these characters at all one bit
You're missing my point, 24 is a shit show, I agree, but it's pointless fun. The Wire is about gritty realism of urban crime, but The Shield adds this action-cop movie element into the gritty realism of urban crime. So it, in my opinion at least, is like a depiction of urban crime mixed but fun and exciting.
The Shield is about the kind of guy who probably would love 24, and brings that mentality to a realistic setting in dangerous ways.
>Watching this show feels like being slowly pressed in by a George Foreman grill
So you're saying it generates tension? It grips you? That is entertainment. Good shows should make zero concessions towards keeping the viewer interested.
Essential telekino plebfilters.
I knew you were fucking talking about Cy and again, I agree with the person you replied to, you have no clue what you're talking about. Cy wasn't some moustache-twirling victim, he was an insecure man holding onto a very tenuous grip of power in a place where power can be taken from you at the drop of a hat. He was vindictive, mean and an all-around shitty person but he was the way he was due to his ruthless pursuit of power however he could find it.
When he's lying in that bed after getting gutshot he is anything but a stereotypical villain. He's vulnerable, almost like a child.
Anyone else like Justified
yes, precisely. It's like 24 if 24 didn't take place in some fictional world without consequences (and was about urban criminals not terrorists)
Every show in history is entertainment, by your definition. Sopranos very much included.
i like justified
There are plenty of other cheeto dust huffing video game sensibility degenerates in the world. You are not special.
The world would be a better place if every viewer of "entertainment" television was shot in the head. Maybe the executioner could even dress up like your based comfy waylin gibbons.
I like it, got me into Elmore Leonard. I'm surprised more of his works haven't been adapted.
I enjoyed more than the Sopranos. But Paulie will forever be in my heart.
The standard you're describing is like some kind of Dogme 95 for TV, one that has never been adhered to. If you don't think Deadwood ever made concessions towards keeping the viewer interested, you need to take some deep breaths.
>Can Doc save the plague victims??
>Will Bullock catch Jack McCall??
>Who will win in the Chinamen conflict??
>Will Swearengen survive his kidney stone??
>There's a SERIAL KILLER in town!!! Will Joan escape his evil clutches??
>Uh oh, it's a mysterious new villain George Hearst!
its okay to have fun once and a while user. I've already finished my 3rd run of Sopranos, and have already watched Mad Men, The Wire, Deadwood. There's only so many shows out there
>There's only so many shows out there
There are no circumstances in which watching an entertainment show is ever a better decision than rewatching a hard art telekino like Deadwood, The Sopranos or Mad Men. There is more to be gained from the 10th viewing of The Sopranos than there is from the first viewing of Justified, Breaking Bad, The Shield or whatever other capeshit flavor of the month the video game enabling memelenials are hyping up right now.
Where have you been?
not that user, but I barely see any justified threads on Sup Forums
Who was the best season villain? Worst?
Are you okay user? You seem a bit aplexed