Stranger Things season 2

They're actually adding another strong independent little girl character and tranny character to it.
I thought it was just a meme.

Other urls found in this thread:


>I don't know what a tomboy is
>thinks gender neutral roles means tranny

You're not the first and won't be the last.

I knew about strong independent girl, but tranny? Well, it doesn't matter anyway as long Finn's in it I will keep watching it. Even if it goes to shit

So El isn't coming back?

But trannys didn't exist in the 80s

you're a fucking retard
go bait somewhere else
a tropey tomboy likely a set up for conflict for the kids and a nondescript outsider (it means they're gonna go with the actor they like best) isn't what you said
kill yourself fucking faggot

Where is this rare Froggo from, user?

There's no such thing as a "tranny," you're confused between "transvestite," which is a male wearing traditionally male clothing and has since been retired in favor of "drag" if it's for show, or "gender neutral" if they're on the bus with you..... OR, 'transsexual,' which is a person who is in the process of, or has completed, having their bodies changed to match their actual gender.

It is unlikely an 11-year-old would fit into either of these categories, but if they're old enough to recognize they identify as a different gender, then good for them.

The "Dad I'm doing a film" vine

Thanks based user

Roman is literally a "gender netral" character.
I bet it will demand every character to call it Xe

That just means the producers don't know if theyre going to go with a male or female actress for the part



El isn't coming back

If the character can be played by either make or femal actor then the character is either a flaming faggot or lesbian dyke.

>Roman is ultimately an outsider who doesn't understand how to connect with people
its a 30 year old neet.

You mean like Ellen Ripley? Shut your fucking face.

W-What ?

what the fuck do you mean El isnt coming back ?
I've been busy watching Narcos.


;_; ELLLL no

>Having a 2nd season

It was fucking perfect, just end it and leave the cliffhangers open to the fans

/Froggo/ thread?

Stop falling for bait.

/Froggo/ thread. New periscope when?

Canada Ectv interview, not even long enough to fap too

>and tranny character to it.
I thought it was just a meme.
No they aren't. It will be male or female, they just haven't decided yet which means it will be male.

It is technically possible, but I doubt they would do it, as Eleven is fans favourite, and Millie doesn't have any projects going on right now. My bigger fear is that they'll go for Mike/Eleven/Max love triangle, wouldn't surprise me thb but it would be a stupid move.

>the host talks about how close the whole cast is
>Finn says he's the closest with Gaten, doesn't even mention Millie


ffs this is Sup Forums, dont be degenerate

he isnt even a cute loli.

>he prefers real life loli over shota
Mouth breather

The weekend is almost over and no periscope from any of the It boyos. Why is this allowed?

They are celebrating Jack's birthday, but there is no excuse for such a negligence. Finn didn't snapchat any new stories either. Looks like just don't care about their fans desu. I'm very disappointed.

>They are celebrating Jack's birthday
Which sounds like the perfect opportunity for some sick scopekino.

autism: the show

My biggest fear is that they kill off El, be it at the ending or mid-show
I just want her to go to the snowball with Mike and be happy ;_;

Couldn't agree more. We did get some Fyatt vines yesterday, but I still want these sick scopes from our gang.

Max will replace El for the first half of the season. Screencap this.


They hang out without Finn right now. Really makes you think.

He's so thoughtful and kind. IJLHSM

he's in the upper left hand corner touching his p3n0r

Hopefully the new loli won't look like a boy.

It's a tomboy. Clearly that is the Duffer Bros' fetish


Me too user, me too.

It looks a bit like Finn's lower half, and his antics would fit the description, but I'm still not convinced

>starts tweeting about autism on August 19

When did Sup Forums start obsessing over Froggo?

Found the tranny


Do you not notice how fucked up what your doing is? You are taking two kids, that you know nothing about besides their performance in a show, who are not even of mating age yet and you are matching them up romantically for your own amusement. You know who else did that? Slave Masters in 19th Century America.

he talked about how a mother asked him to sign something for their autistic son, he was probably like 30 and didnt want to be seen as a pedo

Let me guess, Max is a dyke

Ehh, I don't believe it. But Billy sounds real neat.

Another alpha to cuck Jonathan :(

>When did Sup Forums start obsessing over Froggo?
I remember intensive Finn posting before his autism campaign, but you can check in archives when Froggo threads got so intensive.

That Billy character, he's gonna steal Nancy, you just know that.

> I'm still not convinced
I'd recognize those frog legs anywhere. Unless it's a rando than it has to be Finn. The only other two that are missing are Chosen and Fat, and that's clearly neither of them. I'm pretty sure that's Finn's shirt from the first pushup challenge kino.

Froggoposting didn't happen until /stg/ moved to the discord, which was like August 5

>'transsexual,' which is a person who is in the process of, or has completed, having their bodies changed to match their actual gender
Biologically impossible.

Chemically and Socially possible, that's where they get you

It might be some random guy though. But if it really is Finn, why isn't he sitting next to Wyatt and posing for a photo? Why is he awkwardly standing there?

I don't understand this correlation. Was Froggoposting created by discord members who didn't want to flood /stg/ with Froggo, or by some new Finnfags? Are there here even any Froggoposters who are not from discord?