Capeshit fans BTFO
How can one man be so based?
Capeshit fans BTFO
How can one man be so based?
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not so much based, more batshit insane
based gibbo does it again
>your beard will never be this glorious
I should neck myself now
Real heroes wear Feldgrau.
>a movie about a conscientious objector in WWII is the real hero
He really is a nazi.
hola reddito
Isn't Gibson the guy that went nuts and started yelling about crazy shit until now one took him seriously? And didn't this happen like 20 years ago and no one really liked him since then? That Mel Gibson?
>real superheroes
Is he suffering from dementia? How old is he?
You'd have to be a pleb to not like Mel Gibson. The guy is a cinematic genius
Isnt it basically an exact quote from Captain America in the winter soldier, except with god?
Also real super heroes wore Hugo Boss if you know what I mean.
We know.
>fiction isn't real
>real superheroes
he's not based, just retarded
idgaf he'd make a perfect Deathstroke
So I guess he doesn't want RDJ's offer to direct Iron Man 4.
Holy shit, that's hilarious. I never thought of it that way.
This. I will never look half as majestic as him.
Iron man doesn't wear spandex
Based Gibson
I love Mel as an actor in many films, but everything he has directed has either just plain sucked or been only alright. Not expecting much from this, I'd imagine Blood Father will be better
>Mel Gibson has stated the faith-oriented basis of his new film Hacksaw Ridge by explicitly comparing the Christian-inspired bravery of conscientious objector Desmond Doss with the kind of comic-book characters previously played by his lead actor Andrew Garfield. Speaking to journalists at the Venice film film as Hacksaw Ridge received its world premiere, Gibson said: “Desmond attributed his actions to a power greater than himself, and the difference between a real superhero and a comic-book superhero is that real superheroes didn’t wear any Spandex.”
>there are literally people who believe the jew propaganda and think that blue eyed christian aryans were the bad guys in WW2
have you seen Apocalypto? it's absolutely great
Why is Mel so based?
Adolf pls
Why does someone as based as Mel have to be a stupid Christian moron? He's so cool and so good and so tough but he is obsessed with a moronic faith he doesn't even particularly follow that well, FUCK
>the Venice film film
god that's atrocious, the guardian has fucking slid in the last 5 years.
They started hiring millennials
>WHY WHY WHY does someone have different views and opinions than me??
*tips fedora*
yeah, real Heroes don't fight for their country.
Yeah I didn't like it. The production design and everything are all very nice, but the story is really dumb. It relies on an inane prophecy (which at first it seems to be subverting by showing the death cult guys knowing about the eclipse, etc.) and fully embraces it as true and miraculous, the sincerity of it all is very stupid. Also the birth scene is bonkers. I actually do like the ending, though. It's a good film ruined by a foolish story
Hes right.
Real heroes dont solver their problems by punching their opponent in the face.
Capeshit fans have an inferioity complex and seek easy solutions to hard life decisions.
Tell that to Zods snapped neck
I'm saying I love the man, but I can't fully love the films he directs himself because I totally disagree with their most important themes
Those two kids freak me out.
Im french, I like germans (especially the women) but they are scary as fuck.
They are fucking totalitarian in everything they do.
>Real heroes dont solver their problems by punching their opponent in the face.
sometimes they do. also "real heroes" are not superheroes
>living vicariously through Mel Gibson
Welcome to the point of no return on being a loser. Time to kill yourself.
Besides Passion of the Christ, which of his films (be it directed, acted in, or wrote) does his religious views play important themes?
nah, french are slobs
Well... Thats also true.
>not living vicariously through mel gibson
time to kill yourself for having shit values son, you're a disappointment
>tfw you will never watch a movie directed by Mel starring Brendan Fraser as a CIA agent
Braveheart is about the evil Protestants ruining Catholic lives
Apocalypto is about miracles and happenstance
Signs, probably my favorite MNS movie, starts out really great but by the end is about God and everything happening for a reason and completely ruins a lot of the cool shit in it if you ask me
Haven't seen any other films with/by him that I dislike for these reasons
Kill yourself.
german apes killed white Aryans in Europe. fuck them
I'll give you Signs, but Braveheart was more or less a true story. Protestants were fucking with Catholics. I'm not even religious, but you do have to know when things actually happened and when an agenda is being pushed.
I'm actually surprised you brought up Apocalypto because that seemed like a film telling of how crazy any religion could be. Nothing in it really seemed like "miracles" or "happenstance" besides when Jaguar Paw was next on the cutting block and, miraculously, the eclipse ended.
Again, I don't agree with Mel either on religion, but not being able to enjoy a man's movies just because you are looking too deep trying to find his values is a pretty high form of autism.
I'm happy to see mel gibson come back, I hope we wont have to wait another 10 years to see another movie by him.
Good one you memester you.
Apocalypto is kino
>post your Mel face when the Jews failed to kill his career
> Why does his films have to have religious themes
> Why couldnt he just make secular films that dont go against my personal predjudices
> Why couldnt the characters just deal with problems as secular humanists who realise that there is no God to help them
> Why couldnt the characters be as aimless and egotsitical as me and not believe in a power higher than themselves which gives them hope to carry on and face the challenges of life
Im starting to believe atheists dont have souls.
There's the jaguar that helps him in the jungle, that kinda shit. Like the entire prophecy that sick person says comes true. The eclipse is actually historically accurate in that the leaders would have known about astronomy and predicted it, then used that knowledge to convince their subjects of their divinity and gain further power
>It's another thread ruined by stormweenies
go back to fucking Sup Forums
I honestly can't tell if this is a serious post
Recently watched it again, it aged like fine wine.
>zero wolf
That mother fucker is intense.
t. Sugar-tits Bernstein.
when is he going to star in and direct a biography about Zeus
Thank you based Mel
if you use the word 'based' one more time you might sound even more hardcore. I promise. You totally won't come off as a special ed jr high kid loner spouting off chanspeak like he forgot real words since he has no social contact outside Sup Forums.
I may be aimless but I am not egotistical. I understand all art does not have to conform to my own views, and in fact I prefer that because what is the point of art if it simply validates your pre-held beliefs. It should challenge you. That said, I genuinely know there is no god or afterlife or higher power of any kind, so art dedicated to those things is not challenging me but instead may as well be negating itself in my eyes. I like Mel, he does cool shit, but his blind faith prevents him from being a truly great artist in my opinion, it's fine if you agree with or appreciate his values but I don't.
Well, yes Mel. Real heroes don't wear spandex because superheroes are fucking fiction. Thanks, needed to get that cleared up.
>unironically posts a pic from the most special ed jr high movie ever made
lol kill yourself son
>The jews killed Jesus
>Jesus rises from the dead even more powerful
>The jews kill Mel's career
>Mel rises from the dead (career) even more powerful
Does that mean...?
>I am not egotistical
> I genuinely know there is no god or afterlife or higher power of any kind
who cares the guy is 60. being a Catholic wasn't a strange things when and where he grew up. and his movies are good first and foremost and never preachy
You're the moron here faggot.
he was making fun of people who watch capeshit. looks like he triggered you little buddy, enjoy your literal children's movies
if you use post pics of Tyler Durden one more time you might look even more hardcore. I promise. You totally won't come off as a special ed jr high kid loner spouting off chanspeak like he forgot real words since he has no social contact outside Sup Forums.
Super heroes don't exist, retard.
Only the Aryans that deserved it
>Mel will never be your cool uncle that tells you funny stories from behind the scenes of his movies
> get a load of this tremendous faggot.
>Protestantism did not exist during the time frame of Braveheart you ignoramus.
Based Mel is gonna shit all over the wannabe Nolan's garbage.
Wheres the pasta?
Mel could fuck my mom and all I would be able to do is thank him.
>This man and Mel can afford the same seats
He's probably the type of person who shit talks you behind your back.
That's his best friend, Arnaldo Jaman
Savior of Hollywood
>that beard
Who's this nu male liberal cuck?
I never doubted based Mel.
He really is going to save cinema
Doesn't it strike you as an insult to the man that their make a highly stylized war action movie out of his life story?
You weren't there. It could have been like that.
How will the jews stop him?