Sup Forums Users You Recognize

I'll name some.

>German Pikachu Poster
>German Dominoes Pizza Dog Poster
>Paranoid Swede who is very picky about who is white or not and has a certain dislike for Americans
>Estonian Vivian James poster
>Lithuanian Jojo's Bizarre Adventure poster

21st Century Schizoid Swede

You left out the crazy Canadian that's in love with Obama.

Most people who post here, know him.

I wonder what happened to the eternal anglo German poster

those two jews.
one who is definitely of the synagogue of satan
the other who is jewsus level

Romanian-bro moving to canada

I forgot about him.

I know he's really aT*rkeoach.

I could have sworn other anons said he got range banned or something.

I kind of miss him or at least his shill persistency.

>his shilling will not be forgotten and carried on

Turk under German flag hating Anglos
Peruvian awoo poster in Trump General
Syrian General posters

the malaysian drawthread fag who makes those shitty pencil and paper christchan comics that he photographs and then begs for money on patreon

the norweigan fag who hangs out in the drawthreads and sucks everyone's dick

the chilean weeb who pretends to be a girl for attention

I've seen him once, he's weird...

>That cool Dane who is always posting Wolverine/Schopenhauer.


kim jong un

The roach that hates amerifats

>Sup Forums Users You Recognize

The Turk poster who posts dead US soldiers.

That one Jap that has an immense hatred for Trudeau and won't ever shut up about him

isnt that most of them?

We once had the italian born, canadian located, egyptian nigger teorist, aka Raziocinante

what about the mummy Natalia poster

The German who posts greentexts about white liberal cunts with laughing goldface.

Only once?
He must be on every other time I'm here. Pic highly related, the graph posted is always him.

I think that is actually an American with a proxy. The "Turkish" accent that the guy posts with is very wrong.

Oh yeah, I remember him. He brought the wewuz shit on another level with his anecdotic evidence.
Not sure if he was Italian born though, always thought it was a nigger.

One of the worst shitposter of our times
And the Romanian guy who always posts Pepe

>the cute boy anime posters
I remember mainly only the ones from 2 years ago, like the inazume eleven guy or rui posters, dunno if they still post here or which ones were the same people.