How Much Is Satire on/pol/

Newfag here.
What is satire on Sup Forums:
>hatred against muslims
>hatred against niggers
>loving Hitler
>loving Trump

It's all satire.

All of it is satire, don't believe any of it. The mainstream opinion reinforced by the elite is the only opinion that you should have.

satire on Sup Forums is

neo-nazi memes to evade fags like you

that's it. fuck refugees, fuck bernie, fuck hitler, FUCK muslims.

none of this is satire

All satire. The jokes are only funny if you read the sources, then they're really funny.
>niggers commit 50% of the crime at 10% of the population
you literally cant make this shit up lol

It's not so clear cut, different posters take those topics more seriously than others. There's a whole bunch of different factions of twitterposters, paranoid retards and (You) collectors.

All of the opinions expressed here are likely held by at least a small number of people.

Only shills say everything is satire

It's all truth OP, cunningly disguised as satire.

Only satirists say everyone are shills

>Sup Forums is one person with clearly defined values

Its a bunch of closet racists with nothing better to do. Honestly , the only time I'm here is when I'm bored or taking a shit.

But unlike the lames that would never say nigger to a Blackmans face

I would. Ez. I love the look of a monkey when you tell them what they are face to face. Its priceless.

Satire is the last defence against the facism of the left. There is no rational debate with these people, rationality is anathema to them, only through satire can be hold back the tide of this toxic agenda.

It gets pretty complicated, so let me give you a quick overview:

There are some people who genuinely believe what they are posting and are completely honest with their opinions.
Then there's the anons who exaggerate their opinions and political views for the sake of memery.
You'll probably encounter some liberals and other lefties on Sup Forums, but the vast majority are right-wingers with some liberal tendencies I would say.
It's one of Sup Forums's most used boards, it makes no sense to say that "it's all satire" or "none of it is satire", there's simply too many people who post with different agendas and viewpoints.

Much of it IS pure memery though.

The question you should be asking isn't whether or not this is satire, but rather how dire of a situation must our world be in that you can no longer tell the difference between reality and satire.

Other sub-humans react pretty funny too. Chinks get really mad when you tell them no one invited them and they should fucking go home.

The best are Muzzies though, they flip shit and then start fights.

I finish fights.

It's a quantum-imposed state where it is satire and not satire at the same time.

t. Disciple of Kek (praise be to him!)

Sup Forums at its core is not at all satirical. Sup Forums does like to satirize itself for the sake of comedy and memes, though.

It's either all satire or none of it is satire.
Depends on which pill you intend to take.

It's all love, we love Trump and Hitler because of based reasons why.



Post info about the idea that physical traits are directly linked to behavior.

Animal heraldry begot human heraldry in the empires of old. Some people have culturally appropriated the wisdom learned from a millenia of these human experiments.

In genetics there are two catagories of data, genotype (genetic code) and phenotype (physical traits exhibited). Rules of thumb about hybrid vigor and offspring percentages were similar for all mammals... including humans.

Inbreeding was deemed negative after extensive testing, yet is still practiced by several inbred supremacist ethnic cults.

When the phenotype of an organism is observed and its appearance is related to its behavior, this is called phrenology (or facio-cranial sciences if you want to recatagorize and over catagorize a topic so as to stigmatize it into a small specialist role, but along with neurosciece, phrenology will investigate the concept of mental behavioral links compared to brain structure).

Many call phrenology psuedo science but phrenology is being resurrected publically, now. Israel already uses phrenology in both negative and positive societal/cultural roles.

Israel sterilizes overbreeding Ethiopean semites practicing judaism and deports Filipino maids who become pregnant in their country with half breeds. Israeli officials have commented these efforts were to prevent a "watering down of the blood" by undesirable ethnicities... which seems more like an ethnocracy than a democracy or religious state.

Some trait linked roles are long standing like the shuning of the red headed "bastard jews", which has now spread from the british kikes to a normalized set of gentile hating jokes, cross culturally and worldwide.

Any rabbi will tell you the goal of judaism is worldwide cultural conversion, and what a culture it is, you should read up on what you will be fully subsumed by so you stop being such a goy (tribe/cow) shiksa (insect).

the only satire is the >pol is satire - meme

None of it. /pol is a place without censorhsip so what people says here is what people think for the most part.

The only way you can say that is if you just got here or you've been here too long.

>newfag here
unsurprising, welcome reddit

I wouldn't call it satire, but people on Sup Forums tend to take their views to the extreme. E.g if they aren't used to blacks, claim that niggers should be gassed. Obviously nobody on here actually does anything to carry out their views

lurk more

That is satire; satire of one's self. Egotistical and self-righteous cuckservatives and liberals are incapable of understanding it.

Sup Forums is great. It's not like a talking head on the television that you can ridicule and ostracize for saying something you disagree with. It's an amorphous blob of legitimized hatred, facts, memes, and shitposting operating on an anonymous decentralized network. The minute you try to fight it, it will just move around you and suck you in. There is no escape, join us.

>we are all bespectacled bald obese men in red shirts.
Great argument you got there. 3/10 should be good enough.
For you.

This thread is satire.

It's hard to tell.
Some people are always satirical.
Some never are.
Tone is impossible to gauge in the written word.

You are in denial.

Equality is a meme.
The Jewish race was refined to the cunning and intelligent to survive.
Hitler did nothing wrong.
The Holocaust did not happen.
The White race has been corrupted but is the highest and most beautiful.

/pol is satire is my fav meme

Typical of an unironic poltard to miss the point. How does it feel that the ideas you've internalised were made up by someone who were making fun of you and your kind?

i'd say about 60-70% of the threads here are trolls.

That said, you can still find good discusions in some of them.

Lurk for a while and you'll be able to spot trolls easy.

Lurk more fag

>it's a JIDF Sup Forums is satire thread

It's all real. Except Hitler was a kike too so fuck him.

is it still satire if your thread gets replies from retards who take it seriously?

i'd consider myself a white nationalist but most of my posts are at least 50% humor or otherwise exaggerated. it's a split. nobody on Sup Forums is completely joking, and nobody (except the teenagers?) is completely serious.

>if they aren't used to blacks, claim that niggers should be gassed.

Racism correlates with diversity, fair sure they are 'used' to blacks.

I wouldn't say any of it is satire (except for stuff like "I'm a Cruz Missile now") but I would say that most of it is hyperbole of what we actually believe. For example, I don't actually hate people with darker skin than me, but I do think that we need to secure our borders from groups of people that pose a threat to our society/way of living.

Sup Forums is both satire and not. It depends.
Learn to differentiate. That's it.

If it helps you sleep better at night, keep telling yourself that, Chaim.

Are you an outsider browsing Sup Forums for you're anti-racism article on HuffPo?

Yes, Sup Forums is all satire.

People are just really committed to the charade. Then of course there's the odd lost stormweenie who doesn't immediately get it but they don't stay lone.

you can't ever completely "learn" though. we achieve new heights of autism every day and sometimes it's just indistinguishable from friendly shitposting.

>pol is satire

this is also a meme

I unironically believe Adolf Hitler was the 10th and final reincarnation of the war god Vishnu and that he will return on the final day and defeat the evil demon Kali, who rules our world at the end of the Kali Yuga.

donald trump was born in 1946, adolf died in '45

trump is vishnu

The Holocaust really didn't happen OP

There is no point. Just poking fun at a shill that posted extremely low quality bait.
>ideas I've internalised
Oh please, I didn't grow up in some happy go lucky place where happy go lucky notions of equality and freedom actually fly.
Sup Forums is tame for me, especially since Sup Forumsharbor
Many people already pointed out that Sup Forums is not a single mindset, you have to address that before continuing.
What are you doing anyway? It's like the unironic Hilary shills, how do you people manage to convince yourselves that you will find a single person that agrees with you here?

Only sheeple need to surround themselves with people who (they think) share their ideas.

trump is chosen by God

110% *wink*

It's honest but sometimes hyperbolic

I love this shill tactic. G-g-g-ues i-its just satire r-right.

jewish is a group of ethnicities dominated by rat face

the imperial big nose pharacees khazar inbred supremacist kikes like trump way too much... he is an agent provocateur like the crypto sephardi Hitler, who created the controlled opposition known as nazis to assist the zionist goal of herding jews to the globalist banker invented pseudo country named israel/palestine

all while justifying and normalizing the demonization of several gentile butterheaded stupid blondes and fat soulless gingers considered roundfaced PIEfaced proto indo european trash by the bird faced and rat faced imperial ethnocratic oligarchy dominating and raping all indigenous groups into a world full of half kikes tainted with several genetic defects from their inbred sires and leading to a genetic drift that will cause genetic bottleneck

anti-shiksagoyim is wrong too, you dont want to kick too much dirt on the PIEfaced proto indo european cheeseeater gentile pigs..just try to subdue them with constant subtle negativity and self destructive suggestions wrapped up as jokes..mainly distract them from the rivers of lethe lead and mercury they drink and the perfidy/usury system of economic oppression analizing their society...ol kike buddy :)

heil yidsreal! sterilize all ethiopean semites, murder all yemeni semites and blame all afghan "beni israeli" semites for 9-11 to cover for our saudi big nosed, pharacees, long faced inbred master race cousins.. cause we are soo smawwt

gazaga kike jews with the imperial big nose blood seem much more genocidal from their khazar pharacees heritage of treating all other human ethnicities as niggers needing MOAR whipping and raping...i believe it is all phrenological...behavior literally connected to their nose size, the sociopath gene, the pervert gene...all tied in to schnoz, like a silver back gorilla or a grasshopper turned locust maybe some environmental factor has awakened an ancient "genetic switch" the kike switch

Sup Forums is not satire.

Neo-nazis are the true autists of the board. Obvious meme posters are joking, but threads like brit pol whilst having loads of memes are serious.

The 500 "Trump General" threads a day are complete autism though

confirm from Ph.D

>What is satire on Sup Forums?
We're not entirely sure ourselves. What we do know is that "reality" is now indistinguishable from satire.

>Newfag here.
You're in a better position than us to answer your own question OP.

do you guys think the FBI monitors /pol? do they shitpost here too?

pic no related

The kikes who claims this is satire are still in denial.

Thats why we come to Sup Forums. Sheeple surround themselves with moderates. We surround ourselves with extremities.

This is just my personal belief but I think at least 50% of all posts are bait

none, fuck off
the only people that think Sup Forums is satire are people that don't frequent Sup Forums and would like to believe different opinions are just satire

i read a far left/radical feminist subreddit out of curiosity. they're suprisingly familiar with chan culture. i think some of the butthurt lefties are actually serious and not just baiting.

>inb4 >reddit
it's too late just accept it.

Hell seger, broder!

Probably, I am not worried about the FBI though, they are a Masonic Organization.

The NSA and CIA.... Those scare the shit out of me.

I hate niggers and arabs and holocaust is a lie.

The truth is that pol itself is a meme within a meme.

When people can be given the same evidence and draw completely different conclusions, you know that there is no hope. Why try to save the world now?

A satire, you say?

Do the math on how long it takes to cremate a body.

Then take the time frame the Jews claim that the 6 million were cremated.

If you believe in the holocaust then, browse more or just leave if you don't want to learn things here.

Sup Forums is 50/50 satire/truth, but it's the 50 truth that is worth sticking around for, the meme magic, and the satire is for fun bants.

Backwards swastikas with legs in a nuclear symbol? CULTURAL APPROPRIATION!!!!!!!!!

You will never leave.

Fuck me is this how you faggots cope with non-liberal opinions so you can spend time here shitposting?

Everything is satire.

Even pretending that everything is satire is satire in itself dude.

I'm satire and so are you.

Almost all of us are here for the memes and the conservative environment away from the far leftist horde. Very few actually believe everything being said.

I'm not a liberal and agree with most views that Sup Forums has. However, many claim that Sup Forums & Milo are satire so I was curious to know if it was true.

the only board that should be taken as satire is Sup Forums

Idk, I really do hate Islam.

It's all satire.

Look up these recent compass threads.

>hate Muslims
>hate niggers
Yes. But I don't treat people in a discriminatory way.
>love Hitler
Hitler did nothing wrong.
>love trump

It's really not, but if it helps you sleep at night, sure, we all love Islam and Mohammed and don't hate your guts.

>he fell for he satire meme

Lol do you really think people like Trump? And why the fuck would you hate someone just for their look or their beliefs? I mean, if Sup Forums wasn't satire no one would be here xD

Haven't been there for a while but they seemed pretty cool guys, Sup Forums or Sup Forums is like tumblr on Sup Forums though.

Not sure if you're a retard or you just gave me a clever hint

Intelligence is barely influenced by socio-economic factors.
Nothing wrong about that.

>at least i truly see

Then what would you call someone who surrounds themselves with enemies?



Thanks, I was worried a bit. I knew Canadians were nice.

Sup Forums satireness is in fact satire
so everything is serious

Well, I don't hate you personally, but you get the idea.

Do some research. Not only this bullshit faggot Stefan Molyneux supports this, also the most serious scientists do.
Nobody is seriously doubting it nowadays, people rather argue about the importance of this fact.

>most of the*