When was the last time you were hyped for a movie ?

When was the last time you were hyped for a movie ?

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Probably waiting for Matrix: Reloaded.
Needless to say it was a disappointment.
Hype is bad for your health, stop using it boys.

This. The Matrix sequels taught me the valuable life lesson to never have any hopes or expectations.

Gone Girl

BvS (UE at least)
didn't disappoint.

Right now, I just saw that thread about Café Society and I really want to see it.

really hyped ? Inception, but was around say 16 and shit was cash at the time.
i generally avoid hype, it's bad for your heart and your feels


I'm pretty hyped for Ben Wheatley's "Free Fire"

Seeing it at TIFF next weekend

yes it did, don't lie to yourself :)

Eyes Wide Shut

one more month

Sausage Party. Saw it today. It was amazing.

Godzilla, but I was hyped for Godzilla 2014 too and it was shit

Sicario probably.

Before that Mad Max.

Before that Interstellar.

Before that Drive.

Before that Inception.

Before that District 9.

>yfw only one of those were actually good

Are you fo real nigguh?

Sorry, they were all 10/10 films that reinvented cínémá forever

Sicario was the worst Villeneuve I saw - still good - and Im the one who posted Arrival.
I hope Denis didnt lose it.

Are you a sith?

That being said 4 of them actually were trend-setting in specific categories, like for example Inception and BRRRRRRRRRRMMMMMMMM, which literally pops up in every film nowadays.

That sound made movie history.

war of the worlds did it first

I personally loved Sicario, because I love operator films and shes my waifu.t

Dont be silly. The sound of the tripods are totally different and also not part of a "sound-track".

if you say so nerd


And now



literally the exact same noise, inception basically sampled it

>Shin Godzilla
>The Arrival
>Blade Runner 2
>The Handmaiden
>The Shape of Water
>Star Wars spinoff
>Bryan Fuller Star Trek

Right now

So youre retarded and deaf?

Life is cruel to the genetically inferior.

>Star Wars spinoff


>Bryan Fuller Star Trek


Right meow for Nocturnal Animals and Billy Lynn's Halftime Walk

delete yourself

Return of the Jedi

No you

sent ;)

when chappie got released, but then i never got to see it until a year or two afterwards because no one would go with me, from now on i'm just gonna go on my own