>Most Trump supporters are childless single men who masturbate to anime
You cannot even refute this.
>Most Trump supporters are childless single men who masturbate to anime
You cannot even refute this.
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Ive never fapped to anime, only findoms, taylor swift and emma watson
>emma watson
What's wrong with showing off a little skin?
I'm a baby boomer, and out of that list I only know what anime is. Can't sit through it to save my life, but once or twice a year I try. I end up just flipping through it like a magazine in a barber shop's waiting chairs.
>this is older than the crust in OPs underwear
>relevant opinions
"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
"Britons never will be slaves." Don't you have better things to do Ahmed.
>rick wilson
>single men
>masturbate to anime
then how is Trump winning? The numbers dont add up
if they have anime to masturbate to then they're not single you idiot
what kind of fucked up logic is this
I may be childless but I have a Japanese gf and bone her on a regular basis. Basically living the weeb dream
>childless single men who masturbate to anime
I fail to see how any of this is a problem.
Nothing is wrong with using art made to appeal to the dick to fap. Greeks did it all the time, why do you think they have all those sexy sexy statues.
I'm a Trump supporter, and I don't fap to anime, I only fap to furry porn.
Waifus, my man.
What's your point faggot?
I don't give a fuck unless you want to talk shit to my face. Nothing you say on the internet matters.
you are just upset because your national treasure is actually french
and your mayor is muhammad lmao
waifu fags ruin everything
OTP-shipping is where its at
Hey i'd fap to anything that 1) has tits and 2) involves humans only
Damn, I never realized his glasses broke when he assassinated him.
I don't remember Shirou teaching Saber how to swim.
>t-trump supporters are pathetic!
I can understand when they try to discredit shit like the KKK, it can work when you make fun of a small group, but calling HALF of the US population pathetic doesn't work so well.
If 50% of all Americans vote for trump, they're implying half of America are childless, single, male and masturbate to anime.
In truth, less than half of all Americans are even male.
Top kys
Haha, jokes on you I've been on nofap for five and a half months now and I don't watch anime.
Checkmate atheists
>Masturbate to anime
That was in Hollow Ataraxia
Can't beat Trump's cock.
is that image a safari joke?
One day I'll sort my images, all the ones I have in folders are from before I discovered pixiv
I'm married with kids and I masturbate mainly to vintage Rocco Sifferedi
>a bunch of childless single men who masturbate to anime are more influential than the establishment which has been entrenching itself for decades upon decades
Ultimately this makes the former look badass and the latter look pathetic.
>Most Hillary supporters are obese single feminists who have their cats eat them out
You cannot even refute this
Don't they get banged by Fido?
>majority of republicans are childless single men who masturbate to anime
Oh, thanks.
my god the normies are onto us! Shut it down!
youre a poopoo head
your cunt even refutte this
>rick wilson
Literally the hottest woman your nation has ever produced.
What's wrong with this?
Please kill yourself
Might as well be fapping to your daughter here fãm.
Whats wrong with Finnish domination erotica?
its funny because the entire GOP Southern Strategy has been this. GOPe is just extremely mad an outsider did what they been doing for years.
And the dumbest one.
>implying there is anything wrong with being a childless single man who masturbates to anime
>you need to stick your dick in a money trap to be smart.
In case you don't know what findom actually is it's basically the same shit as cuckolding. Possibly even more pathetic.
Emma Watson is pleb tier.
Maisie Williams is where it's at.
That post just cost you 20 Good Goy Points.
Arya got too old to still look twelve. Now she's ugly and awkward. Literally Home Alone kid tier.
This guy gets it. Get a load of this 10/10 anglo goddess.
>you will never touch her eyebrows
I know, but early Arya was a qt. Would conquer her Northern wall.
Well, said childless single men who masturbate to anime overpowered any online presence all of the other GOP candidates had, tells you how incompetent are these "Republican strategist" cuckolded hacks.
>american secondary
Fucking americans are the fucking cancer killing Type Moon.
Those are neo-republicans. Most others are older farts in general.
Honestly I feel like myself and a good portion of Sup Forums+Sup Forums in general are like the Freaks! around the dinner table going "One of us! Gooble-gobble we will make you one of us!" Of however it went.
45 Good Goy Points!? That will put me in high interest debt!
I know I did when first movie came out.
I masterbate to things that would pucker your asshole. And two can play this game.
>Bernie supports are all childless cucked men and childless brain-dead women who masterbate to bbc.
>Hillary supports are all childless men and women who masterbate to literally whatever she says as she's stolen their souls.
Quite frankly, I prefer the team I'm batting for. I've also yet to see an argument as to how any of this actually matters. This whole thing would be more or less the same if he just randomly starting saying nigger.
Blown way out of proportion thinking someone has earned them self a victory.
How can you find that thing attractive. She looks like an ayy.
I never watched the Fate anime other than Prisma Ilya, actually. I only read Night and Zero. I wasn't highly impressed, and Nasu is a virgin.
most british people masturbate to abdul fucking their wife on the other room and you're coming here to judge us?
Close, but no cigar.
Im none of those things you faggot fuck off.
you aren't even white, get off this board
Whiter than you when you get covered in gunpowder