ITT: Things plebs say
>literally nothing happens
ITT: Things plebs say
>literally nothing happens
>just turn your brain off
>it's so boring
>lynch is pretentious
>It was too long
>I love Predator but I'm not a fan of Predator 2
>tarantino films are boring!
>basically "Reddit: The Film"
>it's so pretentious
>who farted?
>great movie, I loved the effects
>pulp fiction has gotta be one of my favorites, i mean it's just brilliant man how can you argue with that?
>People who say ''Film is supposed to be entertainment!''
>People who have 2001, Seven Samurai, Citizen Kane, other pleb shit on their top lists
>People who have seen 1 film made before the 50s and think they have taste
>People who like Wes Anderson and think they somehow have taste
>People with most movies on list made in last 20 years
>People who have no foreign language movies listed
>People who have movies from Nolan, Tarantino, Aronofsky, Kubrick, Refn,Snyder on their list
>People who have any comic book movie listed
>what do you mean, "Paul Dano is a classic man?"
>Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy is boring
> people who are so elitist that they immediately judge you as pleb if you like critically-acclaimed directors
>The pacing and editing sucks
>B R A V O
> '''''''''deep'''''''
>Plot is more important than visuals
>What did she mean by this?
>well i guess that movie was 2deep4me LMAO XD
>yfw soon this list will contain all the memes on Sup Forums
a-are we all plebs here?
>intentionally watching bad movies
>watch allot of slow-burn horror movies because of "atmosphere"
>watching anything from Denmark
>get a hissy-fit when slow-burn movie becomes faster paced.
>torrent every movie because the cinema is an annoying place
>dude its well known so its shit
>there's no plot, it's just people taking
Ever heard of character driven movies you faggots
>using the words kino and patrician unironically
This is the only one so far I disagree with. Obviously saying "they sucked" is a bad thing to say, because to each his own, its pretty subjective. But being able to pinpoint, "the movie really lost steam here" or "the cuts here really broke up the flow of the film" is definitely valid. At least they're actually breaking down the film and figuring out how it why they disliked it, not just saying its boring.
>ITT: people who can't fathom the difference of seeing cinema as an artform and seeing it as entertainment
Art is dead. It's all entertainment now.
>it wasn't realistic
>definitely going to win an Academy Award
>ensemble cast
These mean literally nothing and are mere acoustic imitations of film critic-ese emitted by the common tryhard know nothing normie.
Yeah, but in older movies it happens. When people watch 2001 (just an example) as entertainment, they'll be sorely disappointed and think it's boring. That's perfectly valid. However, if you see it as art, the film will keep you at the edge of your seat.
People here can't see the difference in the 2 kinds of viewership
>its boring
>its fun
> I like action movies
>how can you watch Mad Men? All they do is talk
I actually left this dude's apartment after he said that to me I was so fucking mad.
>i disagree
I know I shouldn't be mad since overall, taste is subjective, but how can people be so ignorant to dismiss something because it's slow and doesn't contain violence.
>If it isn't art house experimental foreign kino that less than 50 people have seen its utter shit.
>Fury Road is a bad movie
has anyone ever said that?
Its bullshit because honestly Mad Men Seasons 1-3 are not perfect and totally fair game in terms of criticism. But when the best way you can surmise your feelings is "kek its boring nerd" it honestly makes me feel earth would improve without your presence
Not him but we left the theater and my friends told me they thought "it was pretty boring"
Its why I started going to the movie theater alone, I've seen my last shitty superhero movie that my pleb friends can't stop raving about.
you made the right decision
It's the same with 6 feet under
Fury Road is on the same level of infantile degneracy as capeshit.
>I've seen my last shitty superhero movie that my pleb friends can't stop raving about.
G8 irony mate.
now THIS is some stinky bait
is this the thread that separates the losers from the losers?
I didn't even say it was some super amazing movie, but its infinity better in terms of an action movie. It was in no way boring, which superhero movies are guaranteed boring.
Lets be real Action will always be a pleb genre with B+ at best overall films. For an action flick it wasn't bad.
I'm not rushing out to go watch it again, its just when your friends drag you out to the movies and they finally take you to one thats at least enjoyable they all hate it, it kind of makes you bitter.
There's no bait. Fury Road is video game tier. It contributes to the infantilizing degeneracy of the white race just as much as any capeshit does. And you have so little self awareness that you complain about your friends for taking you to see brain dead schlock when you did the exact same thing to them.
If you willingly expose yourself to any "entertainment" oriented media then you have no highground over any body.
>Fury Road is on the same level of infantile degneracy as capeshit.
>why would I want to watch something depressing? yeah it might be good but I don't want to watch something that will just make me sad
fuck my friend triggered me bad with this one when I was trying to tell him how good Louie is
Any mentioning of reddit as an insult. Give your heads a shake, and try not being so meme retarded.
> It contributes to the infantilizing degeneracy of the white race just as much as any capeshit does
well, at least now I know I don't need to try to engage with you in a meaningful way, since you're literally retarded.
also, I'm not that poster who talked about his moviegoing experience, I just know bait when I smell it. And that is some stinky, racist bait.
> If you willingly expose yourself to any "entertainment" oriented media then you have no highground over any body.
leave the internet you fucking faggot
Are you serious? Get out of the house more. Blacks and Mexicans literally love the fuck out of capeshit.
the original ghostbusters is better than ghostbusters 2
>the pacing was terrible
>the plot was shit
>there was no character development
>the characters are so 2D
Made up criticism by plebs who want to sound smart.
>dc is kino
>being this lonely
>the tone was all over the place!
99% accurate
just needs the plebs that claim to enjoy both pleb dogshit and patrician art whilst never discussing the latter
>leave the internet you fucking faggot
This isn't your cheeto dust hugbox, retard. The days of the video game enabler are numbered.
"entertainment" is just another tool of the Jew used to weaken us. Much like blacks and feminism. Your entertainment oriented movies and your video games are the chastity cage that keep you weak.
Not that user. I'm very interested in what you're saying, and to an extent I agree with it. Could you give some examples of serious cinema?
please go outside and talk to a human being, face-to-face before you decide you're agreeing with what that shitstain is pushing
>people who refuse to acknowledge the talent of directors who're too popular just for the sake of elitism
I think the issue for me with this kind of comment is that they still say 'the movie' did it, when all that happened was that the movie parted company with their taste. Rather than saying 'the movie lost steam' I always frame such criticisms in terms of my disappointed or unproductively thwarted hopes/expectations. 'I found the latter part of the film less compelling', or 'where I hoped it would go was [x], but it was doing something else, which was of less interest to me, personally'. This might seem pedantic to some, but it's crucial in my view not to make out that a movie has failed just because it doesn't conform to my taste, worldview or expectations.
Every second shots of space with that "psssssshhhh" sound in an attempt to hammer home the concept that space is vast, alone & empty isn't art, IT IS FUCKING BORING AS HELL!!!
He's right about the following:
>People who say ''Film is supposed to be entertainment!''
>People who have seen 1 film made before the 50s and think they have taste
>People with most movies on list made in last 20 years
>People who have no foreign language movies listed
>People who have movies from Nolan, Tarantino, Aronofsky ,Snyder on their list
>People who have any comic book movie listed
O my puir fool, do you not see?
Yup. It was great to see that post and then see all the plebs on here come out of the woodwork.
>"entertainment" is just another tool of the Jew used to weaken us
posted from a computer browsing a mongolian moving picture forum lmao
>Well, the story isn't very good, but it has some very scenic shots and that's why I like it.
is that your defense?
Go get married and have white kids and stop crossboarding faggot
>man, the cinematography was so good
End of film analysis
>tarantino is a genius!