Come one come all, it's time for a round of risk with Sup Forums
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Can't read shit, Vladimir.
no need to be a rude cunt
its in the europe map
Why is it always that when I make a Risk thread everyone is dead....
I got work in a couple hours Latvia
Got no time
That's a shame then, good luck with your day.
Ok i never did this before but i played the original
Sure we just need a few more players, Ill join as Latvia
Name: Cuckold Liberation Army
Color: Red
Location: Sweden
I get Francos Spain to join the Axis power.
should we start with three players to get it going? or wait for more?
Do I get to choose a color or no.
The Empire
I'd rather not recolor the whole map
Claiminf Romania
Roll at OP
I'll pick Germany thank you Good sir. Invade Poland.
Rolling to Invade Bulgaria
Spill into Hungary
Hey vlad nice to see you
invade Lithuania
I am Soviet Union
Claiming Norway
Annex Sweden
Let me start Invade shity Portugal to Clense them from Kebab
I am claiming the Soviet Union
Spills to Denmark
Claiming France for Napoleon IV
The Emperor Protects.
OK, when does this shit begin?
My first roll will be to invade Iraq from French Syria.
The Emperor Protects
Hey to you too guy
Anyone has a better image of this map? The paint keeps spilling all over the place in photoshop...
Claiming Turkey
Invade Bulgaria.
try messing around with the tolerance values on your fill tool if that's a thing, set it to 0%
Eyy France waddup tho. You want an alliance Napoopan?
cheers, give me a few minutes to color it now guys
Rolling to take Spain over
I would be happy for one
Ayoo Shitler..
I'll do a deal with being an NAP unless Russia attacks you, in which case I will assist.
Invade Switzerland from northern italy
Fuck them
Alright mane, aslong as you don't take Netherlands and Denmark we be fine.
Sure. I'd like to settle for you having the Natural 1815 French borders yes? With me taking the Netherlands of course.
I think for conveniences' sake we should all put our country in our name
I'll settle for those borders, we split up the Low Countries with me taking Belgium and Luxembourg, and you take Netherlands.
Invade Hungary
Spill into Yugoslavia
the game hasn't started, it would be more convenient if you could use a tripcode and put italy somewhere in your name, especially with a name like "hello"
Ok yeah sorry forget the nbr stuff I am playing 2 games at once
Good plan
I agree
12 spill to where?
12 spill goes into conquering Belgium and Luxembourg
You better not try any shit kebab, unless you want to end up 3 meters high with a stick up your ass
Is OP kill?
Date: 01.02.1936
I was writing a post asking for an NAP. But if you want to be a belligerent gypsy, so be it. I won't attack you, but if you attack me, I will squash your puny Roma scum into scrap iron.
Finish Lithuania, then take Estonia
Permission to join Axis?
Take Danzig, continue invading Poland.
My roll wasn't counted.
I linked it here:
FOR THIS ROLL: Take Greece.
Invade Iran on a full-frontal assault.
Aye, you can join the Axis my friend, just don't touch Lebensraum.
Take remaining Portugal and invade northern Africa.
why did you not put me invading Spain?
Roll to attack spain again from the colony in Gibraltar
Sorry, lad
Finish Hungary and conquer Yugoslavia
Spain.. Are you declaring war on France? If so, I will redirect my previous roll against you.
It's fine bra.
Invade Turkey
What's this? Stupid Anglo wants to lose more of his Empire? So be it
Would you be so kind as to cede me Faroes?
Finish Denmark
Take the faroes.
checked those triple dubs
I am invading Spainscum so don't worry they wont harm you. I will give you their African colonies.
Are we only allowed one move per month?
this tip has been dedicated to you my good sir.
Spills to annex the Faroes and waste rest
one mapdate is one month
I give you the faroes, no war and no roll wasted dude
So are you two at war?
Yes, but you can split it. i.e, you can attack on all fronts, but still with only one roll.
my question is, is each nation only allowed one move per mapdate Or as many as we'd like
You said "take" so I figured you were allowing me to claim the land but refusing to cede it. Thanks.
One move per month
sorry, no hard feelings
I'm not in wad with Nepoleon. Only with Anglo in island
France is in northern Africa and you said to attack it.
Checked Espan~a
Claiming Greece
Repel the Turkish horde
Well Fuck it. I'm not gonna be trap. Attack france.
This is a total dick move, both to me and OP.
Should just wait for next turn bra.
Date: 01.03.1936
Finish off Greece.
Invade Spain from the North, target being Catalonia:
Also push them back in Africa.
Repel the Turks
Take spain.
Nothing changes
Invade switzerland
You made some fill-in errors that are going to bite you in the ass later if you don't fix them soon, OP
Invade Germany