It's okay, her circulatory system will kill her in another few years anyway.
It's okay, her circulatory system will kill her in another few years anyway
I can't wait till this thing has a heart attack and dies. The fatty tears will be amazing.
>have great facial aesthetics
>waste it all on being a fat fucking pig
Why can't women do ANYTHING right?
>you can tattoo butter
I'm actually very impressed
Why is this so accepted?
Why does everyone think its so hard to control what you eat?
Fuck you! I'm beautiful and I know it.
Why is she ruining her body by being so fat and tattooing it all over? She could've been a beautiful girl and any man would've wanted her.
She got what she wanted: a Swedish husband.
Wow, I'm really liking this jabba the hut cosplay!
Fucking chasers.
>On the cover of 1 magazine
>irrelevant now
I wonder if they need some sort of special tool to keep it in place while they work.
Did anyone else burst into laughter?
Took me 2 minutes to calm myself so I could post this response.
Fat women literally paint their faces up to give contours where none exist. They cake it around their eyes, cheeks, and where their jaw line used to be.
It's why she looks like someone pasted a normal woman's face onto a tub of lard. She doesn't have cheekbones. She doesn't have a jawline. She's a living, breathing photoshop project.
And for all of her 'I'm beautiful' posturing... those tattoos hint at a deep lack of self confidence. Lots of young women get them trying to be edgy and pretend they're Joan Jett as a second persona. It's a psychological trick to justify their sluttiness.
>"I'm a bad girl! I'm living on the edge and partying and rocking out and I fuck whoever I want to."
While their subconscious screams:
>"Daddy! Why didn't you set boundaries!?!"
I now have the urge to take this image around the slums of Africa and say
> This is us we are so much better than you and you can't do anything about it poor fag, even if you filled in these various forms and gave them this story. yum yum we are sooo comfy in Western Europe.
> Move elsewhere.
> Watch the fun.
photoshopped to hell and back, when was the last time you saw a fatty with good skin?
She's got a miss piggy tattoo...
why does "non conventional beauty" always translate directly to "big as a whale"
Fat is okay desu
But the tattoos? Go get converted to fuel
Lol show everything but the stomach. Fat stomachs are the WORST. And the fact that theyre covering it shows that theybreally are worried about your beauty standards
I would desu
THAR SHE BLOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lmao thats disgusting
They have to Photoshop the cottage cheese thighs every time lol
Did you see how huge her lipstick goes? It's like an inch extra to make her mouth look proportional.
Why the FUCK did you post that
Oh look a whale
it was probably too late when she realised she is too fat. i would blame the parents.
she's not a super model, its not some tag you can just throw on shit. There are real supermodels
more like Super-size model
>literally has a fat bitchy pig tattooed on her
My fucking sides. You can't make this up.
>Wow, Western Europe does look comfy, I'll move there with my family right away! Thanks whitey!
Yes goy the parents
Personal responsibility is for suckers
I'm saying that the way she got fat must have started at her youth and usually children have to be guided by parents. Never really bothered to read her bio to figure it out. Of course i know she is a spoiled pig making mental exercises now.
>miss piggy tattoo right in the middle of the picture
Oh fuck my sides have launched into her orbit
She will walk on the catwalk and break it.
Oh fuck there goes my sides
I wonder what she is hiding under those flaps
Probably some dwarf planets
you can see her face has a good bone structure if she was a normal (non-obese) shape she would be an 8 easily
Top kek
kek. No. She'll ride a fattie cart down the cakewalk.
>hank hill ass
dang boy I tell ya what, I's reading them dang old cartoons on 'er fupta and she took ooff a'squirtin all over my jim dawg, boy I tell you what, like bumpity blim blam bloom and sploosh all over. had to rent a carpet cleaner.
we all know she feels like shit no matter what she tells herself. Mentally and physically.
strict anaerobes
So sad, she'd be quite attractive if she wasn't a landwhale.
Does she trundle down the catwalk on a beetus cart?
nope see It's all a lie. Photoshop, makeup, and angles. The other pic shows her facial aesthetics are shit.
She would look amazing if she lost like 200 pounds.
Cant wait for day of the crane.
Her dinner
And then loss all the skin that is left. But the good news for her is she could probably afford it.
Excellent for tattoo artists, though. An enormous canvas with plenty of potential. Even if you fuck up, the canvas will die within the next decade.