Regular britbong, Ama

Regular britbong, Ama.
Pic related, dat mine


What country do you live in?


UK, Corbyn/McDonnell/Thornbury supporter

Fuck. Why do you support Corbyn? I am generally a centralist right winger who likes the social points of the left and the economic points of the right but labour has gone too far and I just can't agree with anything from Corbyn

I don't have the pic but
-9.75 left/right
-3.5 liberty/authority



this is no laughing matter you communist

-1, -1.

I'm a democratic socialist at heart, I can leave or take Corbyn's stances on social points because I mainly care about the economics.

Corb's economic strategy isn't unfounded or has come out of the blue, it's built on the work of people backlashing and keeping Labour alive through the Blair years (Skinner, Tony Benn, Mcdonnell, Abbott, Flynn)

I'm a Leave voter btw, just to confuse things

I don't care about politics, AMA


What if your missing vote resulted in you getting hungry?

Where you from, dude?

I'd eat food, duh


I can understand you would deserve that, fair

Plastic or wood?

70% wood 30% plastic

fuck the regressive left


Good ratio, can appreciate that


roast me

Have not seen autism that high in awhile.


For me, his economic points are the points that I disagree with most.
Like the free university tuition fee, there is no way in hell that labour would restrict numbers much, he want as many votes as possible nomatter what so he wouldn't have very limited universities. Universities should be an exclusive place for only the top who are motivated to do a lot of work and opening it up would make a degree even more worthless than it already is.

I suppose this is kind of both economic and social but that's an example of why I don't agree with Corbyn's policies

Did it anyway out of curiosity
Apparently I'm Gandhi

I agree that university should be for people who deserve it but an economic situation shouldn't stop someone from attending higher education. I've not attended uni and most likely wouldn't if it was made free.

Same. This test is BS as fuck

Do you agree with this? Where would you have put yourself before this?

I agree with equality of opportunity and it does suck that rich people can just get in easy and its way riskier for poorer people. However, I think that even this specialises the people who go to uni. Because the only poorer peeps who are definitely motivated to work hard afterwards, taking the risk of a loan will go. Not poor people with little motivation wasting tax payers money

I'm the guy from the post above, same results tho

I'd have put myself symetrically on the right

I have no fucking idea, I just answered questions like I felt was correct so I guess this is accurate. I'm definitely more liberal than authoritarian but no clue about left/right and what they represent. I'm a political retard.

Oh right. I've heard some people say that the thing is biased but what I think it is is the fact that the left has gone too far left and by comparison, even moderate liberals look like Nazis, so we expect to be further to the right. I was expecting Hitler results for me but I got central right. I think it's best to be more towards the middle either way.

Ah right fair enough, haha. I didn't fully understand some of the questions as well but I dont think that affected my results too much. I think it's important that people understand politics and try and look on both sides a little bit. I'm sure you're not as politically retarded as a lot of people.

To put it simply, further left means more government involvement in economics and further right means less government involvement in economics. Extreme left is straight up Fidel Castro socialism, extreme right is a lawless jungle where Darwinism is the spirit.

That's actually a really fucking g good summary of political wing swing.

Might be true, I'm more politically ignorant than retarded to be honest. Never had much interest in the overall process of assholery/backstabbery/coatturnery. If politics worked as intended I'd probably be more interested.

Makes sense, I guess my result's are fairly accurate then.

To add to this, vertically, extreme down means "immoral" total social freedom to do drugs, marry gay, that kind of shit, and up means a super "moral", prudish, puritan society.

Thanks dude

Also, I'm french so I guessed this test is based for US residents.
Politics really differ between the two countries. Like, US lefties are our centrists which is super weird

So to summarize,
Left = Literally everything belongs to literally everyone
Top = OBEY
Right = You snooze you lose
Bottom = Rage Against the Machine

Considering 3 of the 4 main parties in the semi final election results were left wing, France seems like a really left wing country. I don't understand this, I mean all you need to do is look at Paris Central station on Google Street view to see that France has been fucked and really needs to sway back to the right a bit.

American liberals seem to be really loud as well. I mean you only hear from the loudest of any group, which tend to be the cucks of that group but all the celebrities and shit who are left wing tend to be aggressively left wing

Basically. Like Hitler was actually not that far right, he called his group socialist and nationalistic for example but the thing that made his party cancer is that they were really fucking authoritarian

very funny and mostly spot on except for the angry teenagers block being way too big.

>To put it simply, IN AMERICA, left means more government involvement in economics and right means less government involvement in economics

Can you explain what's up with the bottom center in this one?

And that's true in name only. Ronald Reagan is considered "right" but his administration participated very heavily in the economics, much more than some "left" administrations (just not for the benefit of the average Joe). Hooray for brainwashing propaganda.

Probs cos it doesn't exist. Only an extremist would do this. So there's not any examples to go on? That's what I'm guessing.

I'm intrigued though, what kind of person would be completely anti-autoritarian but not veer left or right at all? Some kind of an equal opportunity anarchist? Chaotic neutral who just ignores the economical portion of politics and goes out of his way to interfere with authority in every possible way on a daily basis?

Maybe a squirrel

Like, the only people who would fit into that group are people who don't know about politics and are in an isolated group. Far bottom middle people must be on their own because they have no other people for politics to apply to. Those other what the fuck areas must be like African tribes and shit. Or squirrels and their nuts currency and lack of society.

I'm in the angry teenagers who want a lot of free shit boxes

I'm a 40 year old small business owner. I think I'm more authoritarian than this would indicate? I dunno I got lost looking for a teen thread to fap in. cheers

What business do you run?

fabrication shop. i'm a welder.

we do signage mostly

Oh right, okay. Have fun fapping to teens Sup Forumsro Lol
