Have you ever heard of someone who DIDN'T smoke weed, but supported legalizing it?

Have you ever heard of someone who DIDN'T smoke weed, but supported legalizing it?

Yeah, neither have I.

Yeah actually, plenty.

Yes, I was supporting for years and smoked first this year.

fuck off with your silly closed vision about the world.

Dont answer the question for me faggot

yes I have

I think weed and other drugs are for retards but it's better to make profit on tax than risk a bunch of stoners funding gangs

I know many. I haven't smoked weed in years and personally hate the stuff, but I don't think it should be illegal.

Have you ever met anyone who smoked weed and wasn't a massive wanker who never talks about anything else?

maybe move out of the boonies.

Ever found an OP who wasnt a fag? Me neither.

Many a doctor...

I don;t smoke, and have no strong opinion on legalization, I'd be OK with legalization, I guess. Do I count?

My girlfriend doesn't smoke weed because she has weak lungs but supports it because her dad had cancer and it helped him.

Does OP actually believe that or is this b8

My father (55) doesnt smoke but he is fine with legalizing it

i've never met anyone who doesn't smoke weed period.

Yup, my GF, former cop, has no problem w/ legalization.

She likes the smell, too.
>pic unrelated

Cant meet someone who doesnt smoke if you dont meet people

>lives in a trailer park

"420 blaze it faggot" - your mom

yes because get

really? your whole family?
infants and toddlers?
teachers, priests, nuns, rabbis?


I'm 18 and I support the legalization of weed.
However, I have never smoked weed. I also don't have a desire to do any drugs.

Plenty of rational people who don't smoke support legalization of marijuana


in the last 8 years since i got familiar with it haven't met one person who'd be against it, regardless if they've tried it yet or not

My dad. I mean he used to smoke, but he's totally against it now as I am. But we both support legalization. You are a dumb nigger if you do not.


I dont smoke and i support legalizing it under controlled conditions. Ie 25 to smoke/buy buying for a minor instant felony and prison sentance. Because it does effect your cognative function and development prior to 25. Driving stoned restrictions just like drunk. Other than that idgaf what you do. Smoke till your retarded and take yourself out.

I get anxiety when I smoke weed now after smoking it for a few year prior, and I still think it should be legal. I can't get an abortion or want to fuck a man but I'm still pro choice and support gay marrige



I don't do weed, never did, yet I support empowering people to make their own choices

I don't smoke but support legalization of weed

I don't personally know anyone over the age of 40 that doesn't support legalization, and 60-70% of the people I know don't smoke.

Go get cremated you fucking geiser.

Quite a few people

Tried it once a few years ago, haven't touched it since. I'm pro legalization of all drugs. Kills off the black market, creates jobs and tax income, and most importantly consumers who often need treatment won't be criminalized anymore and are more likely to seek help.

I don't smoke but I support legalizing it

Countries that have decriminalized drugs tend to have better outcomes in terms of recovery, cost of treatment etc

Plus trading drugs is big money

Actually I know a lot.

Your thread is quite a failure op.

All the millions of Central and South Americans who mourn their dead family members killed by the drug war.
But you're underage, OP, so you just meant people at your high school, right?

my dad hasn't smoked weed but he supports legalizing it


I mostly talk about international affairs, science, nature, history, philosophy and art. Weed falls into international affairs, but I mainly discuss stuff like that when the subject is brought up. Like now, in this thread.

yes i have

>I haven't seen it, so you couldn't have seen it

Fuck off user
