How do we save the endangered white race?

How do we save the endangered white race?

Other urls found in this thread:

Kill all niggers, kill all jews, kill all the spics, and the arabs too.

Remove Jewish influence and everything else will fall into place.

Make the internet illegal to obtain as a home service for all unmarried people


Empathy is a weakness. Whites are inferior to other races.

stay secluded in your mom's basement and post on a shitty meme board

won't happen as long as the masses have their screens, porn, shitposting, infoporn and other such bread and circuses to keep them from doing anything in real life.

the kikes have us just where they want us, the internet is their most powerful weapon

You really can't. Too many women are rotten sluts at this exact time I'm posting. Guys don't want to date, marry or have kids with sluts and whores, hence, whites are doomed and it's all the fault of women.

Just rengineer white traits that are inheritably recessive to be dominant. Seesh

You can't. They've already submitted to us


But this a good idea.

Sounds good

Whites have built civilization and are easily the most successful race

In total number there are more white people than ever, the thing is other races are multipling like crazy.

By fucking.
We just need to shut down the internet and the power grid for a day or two every few weeks.

Sup Forums told me to racemix with Asians. No idea how this helps but that's what I was told.

you don't

ashes to ashes, dust to dust, trash to trash

>built civilization

jews are white you retard

If white people die out, then it's what we deserve. I've lost all hope in white people, (especially white women), and have considered jumping ship and marrying/breeding with an Eastern Asian woman.

Do any of you actually think Germany, France, or any other cucked, formerly-white European nation is worth saving? Would you be willing to put your life on the line for Sven, his wife, and their adopted refugee children? We are something like 8% of the global population and fading fast... I'm jumping ship for my future children.

Indians are White, there's 1 billion of them, so the White race is doing just fine.

Ban contraception,
fuck her in the pussy.

white people don't need to out breed anyone really like other user said there's more white people than ever we need WALLS

Make Finland great again


>whites have built civilization

Reading comprehension Muhammad.

This is why whites will lose

Cucks like you

HAHAHAHA you should be gutted in the street

>greek, iranian, etc. populations are the same ethnicity they were 2000 years ago

I'm willing to bet you're some salty algerian who thinks

Requesting the finlandese meme waifu

But aren't Finns Asian?

you have the same picture with an ugly blonde girl and some flip and you post it in every thread thinking it proves a point

I am not a cuck. I have done my part to save the white race but I have come to terms with the fact that it is probably not worth saving. It's hard to imagine what the world would look like without white people, but if we want to eradicate ourselves from the planet than who the fuck am I to stop it?

Go ahead, try having a conversation with a white woman, then find an Eastern Asian woman to talk to.

Which one displays the strong in-group preference?

Which one shows a love for her own culture, and rejects multiculturalism?

Which one denounces degeneracy and is relatively socially conservative?

YOU are the cuck if you are willing to fight, die, and support hopeless white people. If you are the one fighting for the effeminate liberal white person then I am afraid YOU are the cuck.

Make Europe Great Again


You think things will be peachy for ever?

The second and I mean THE SECOND things start to fall apart, they'll come crawling back.

The weak men (like you) will die or kill themselves. But the strongest and most capable of the whites will live on like they always have.

You act like this hasn't happened before


>mfw this thread

There's 2 aspects really.

1) The ideological aspect: we can't really do anything official in this regard (realistically). You can go on about the day of the rope and whatnot but the general population really doesn't want that. Nonetheless, we should attempt to sway the populace towards traditionalism and away from feminism, muh career, muh overpopulation and all that crap.

2) Practical solutions. This is where we can actually make a difference policy wise. Make a stable marriage and children a tangible benefit. E.g. what Hungary is doing with the house loans. Similar incentives could be granted to reward fidelity in marriage or marrying/having children before a certain age.

reinforce family values through education and media, and in practice.
stop pretending that the family unit is a "prison", and not the foundation of all civilization.
Motherhood is feared nowadays. The fact women practically have to work doesn't help.

Just called my wife a race traitor. She giggled in reply. Fml.

> HAHA look at the quaint feature from our PAST, how amusing.

You emulate western accomplishments in every way. Which is why you have to send people to European founded nations to educate your backwards people and provide a future for them.

> and this guilt and inferiority is why this shit always comes up.

stop posting my future gf

>The second and I mean THE SECOND things start to fall apart, they'll come crawling back.

Ahh, you mean like what's happening in Germany? Or what's happening in France? Or what's happening in Britain? Or what's happening...

I think you fail to see that you and I are on the same team here and want to achieve the same end, which is to secure a future for the white race. I don't know if it is even possible to do this, let alone worth the effort on my part.

>The weak men (like you) will die or kill themselves. But the strongest and most capable of the whites will live on like they always have.

>The weak members of the species will die or kill themselves, but the strongest and most capable members of the species will live on like they always have.

Yes, because extinction is an impossibility. Just how fucking stupid are you?

Breed with them?

Do you play hockey?

Erika's been raped and killed.

sperm trading

>Ahh, you mean like what's happening in Germany?
HAHAHAHA you really are pathetic aren't you?

This is just the beginning you stupid wretch of a human being. I never said whites wouldn't die. I never said a ton of land would be lost now did I you defeatist man child.

No that's not what I said at all. Tons of whites will die. Tons of land will be lost. Mainly because of people like you. You ARE a liberal. You are the same as them don't pretend otherwise.

Those Germans still have their comforts. I bet you're comfortable as well, I wouldn't doubt it that disgusting whiny way you type makes me ill just thinking about what you look like.

Some whites are still human unlike whatever you are. I know you've lost it. You think whites won't and can't fight because you won't and can't.

I'd kill you and I'm not being "edgy" in the slightest you actually disgust me

What race are you?

Well YOU can get outside, find a girl, marry her and get five to seven children with her. That is a good start.
What we can do, well the short answer is you need to reunite the racial consciousness of the white race, this is done by presenting them with "the other"; blacks, arabs, spics etc. To show them the other, just show them what they are doing(ex: BLM-movement, Islam, le raza etc) don't give them context just an article or a video. This is obviously best done through the internet

Secondly join internet organizations with similar goals and find other local people, is the best place to do that

Thirdly, memes. Spread memes across the internett, pic related.

>HAHAHAHA you really are pathetic aren't you?

>Lel I'll just keep calling him pathetic because I have nothing of value to add! That'll show him!

>I never said whites wouldn't die.

>"The weak men (like you) will die or kill themselves."

That is literally what you said. Now you are contradicting yourself.

>Mainly because of people like you. You ARE a liberal. You are the same as them don't pretend otherwise.

Yes, it is the man who has seriously considered all of the ways in which he may do his part to save the white race and whether or not he, as a conservative, should put his livelihood and life on the line for leftist scum who is the true leftist. You know you are really just reaffirming my attitude that white people are a lost fucking cause user...

>Those Germans still have their comforts.

Yes, skyrocketing rates of rape, restrictions of their civil liberties, increases in the tax rate, and multiculturalism being rammed down their throats by a tyrannical government that wants nothing more than to see white people extinguished from the Earth. Sounds pretty comfy to me.

>I bet you're comfortable as well, I wouldn't doubt it that disgusting whiny way you type makes me ill just thinking about what you look like.

I look like a relatively attractive, white middle class conservative male. What does it matter what I look like?

>Some whites are still human unlike whatever you are. I know you've lost it. You think whites won't and can't fight because you won't and can't.

Never did I explicitly or implicitly say this. I have said that the majority of whites are hopeless and in my opinion, not worth fighting for/are a lost cause. Every white person who supports Sanders, Clinton, is a leftist, or does not have an in-group preference towards whites is hopeless, and I would argue that this group makes a majority of white people in the Western world.

>I'd kill you and I'm not being "edgy" in the slightest you actually disgust.

I will conclude my thoughts with the next few statements:

You are in the minority, as am I. Visit a college campus or simply watch some videos on YouTube of white young people in college. Tell me if the behavior you see is something you would fight for.

Go speak to a white woman. Tell me what you think. The overwhelming majority of white women in the U.S. would NEVER consider voting for Trump. What does that tell you? Is that an attitude that you are willing to fight for?

You think that there are more people like you than there actually are. Perhaps you've been browsing Sup Forums for too long and need to go to a place where there are white people in, you know, physical form. I don't think you'll be too happy with what you see.

Also, kill yourself, you write like an uneducated retard.

>tfw my first gf looked just like this but with brown eyes
>tfw she took my virginity and left me a couple months later
its been a long time since i felt this particular feel.

But so are you

Leave Earth and move interstellar to a better planet.


When did I say I thought there were many people like me?

When did I say the vast majority of whites deserve to be fought for? But that's the difference between you and me, don't say we're similar

>When did I say I thought there were many people like me?

Why else would you fight for white people? If only a small minority have an in-group preference, are interested in maintaining racial purity, etc., then why on earth would you go down with a sinking ship and not hop aboard a raft in attempt to make it to safety?

>But that's the difference between you and me, don't say we're similar

It sounds like you are upset user. You really haven't addressed any of the points I've made, nor have you brought forth any arguments/thoughts that I can touch on, so I'm going to go now. Think about what I've said. You'll realize that your headstrong attitude is only warranted if there are many other white people like you, and I'm afraid that there are not.

>tfw no nordic gf to cuddle with after a fierce battle


Because if whites never turn around then what is their for me to live for.?

If this is truly the end, and if this is truly the moment in history that whites die out then I don't have anything worth living for.

I have a job and support myself but I just don't enjoy it or feal fulfilled in the slightest.

So I don't really care if whites deserve it or not I'd do it anyway if the chance where to arise


absolutely obliterated


Black, actually

I don't get it




Absolutely fucking wasted

Sextuplets of truth.



I want to breed this girl



Well, Merkel is responsible for mass immigration and her politics is same is whose dead kids

But Breivik gone too far

>But Breivik gone too far
Bullshit look how much Sup Forums praised him after what he did.

Kill all the non-whites. But you honkeys are too much pussies to do that, so I guess your race dies.

With the media against us I think we're on borrowed time now.

>fuck white people am I right?

Seriously is this guy trying to start a race war?

Nice digits, I brought this for you since you seem to have dropped it.

“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of unease.
Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed – in such moments the stupid person even becomes critical – and when facts are irrefutable they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental. In all this the stupid person, in contrast to the malicious one, is utterly self-satisfied and, being easily irritated, becomes dangerous by going on the attack.
For that reason, greater caution is called for when dealing with a stupid person than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.”

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, from "Letters from Prison"

user, I don't think people are going to wake up until we are the minority. When we can't get a job because of discriminative hiring practices. When we don't have votes. White people are almost impossible to offend, but the great thing about our enemies is that they don't know when to stop. When the last straw that breaks the camel's back finally drops, all hell will break loose. All we can do now is prepare to fight. People will fall in line when they realize they have to take our side or be killed by the "Other."

About 60% are Indo Aryans - so only 600 million are technically white - still the white race is not going to disappear any time soon.

If you kill jews (not even all jews just a concrete group) all of the problems are solved, really.

Moor refugee detected



are you a god


>tfw that pic is outdated now
Pretty much all of our memes are Social Media shit now, like Drake and Pepe

only the left one is white

Remove U.S. influence from Europe. Nationalism re-institutes and the nations militarize overnight. Bam, done.

We actively supress their nationalist parties and military capabilities to keep them under control, in case no one knew. Grey drones make more money than tribes.

Also, fuck that girl is beautiful. She's weird-looking but I have volkisch fetish that she fits. I guess it's from being the only blonde/blue among a horde of short, vaguely Latin, cultureless consumerists, growing up.

She posts nudes to reddit

Start to have babies like rabbid niggers... with every white trash you see.

What is this sorcery?

Esti, i-is r-recognised...

Link pls

i'm afraid it's too late for that

I think we need to just start (if we're fit) putting our genes "on the market" to cuck as many people as possible. Let's see some over-worked middle-manager father our child from a sperm bank donations, as opposed to settling down with some spoiled person that won't make us happy. The nuclear family model is nonviable since women have been legally and financially liberated from men, to the point of being the legally dominant partner in the relationship, especially when children are involved. As well, raising children is not financially viable anymore. Let's outsource the heavy lifting end to weaker people. I can have 14 children (desirable genes) and never waste my time and money fathering them. Meanwhile, the family """"man"""" is bogged down paying out his income to his niggerfucking ex wife with only one neglected, autistic child to show for the whole affair.