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/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
Y'know, Donnie Darko ain't half bad.
who are the Sup Forums approved users?
Sally Jane black for sure
>H-Hello s-sir
*votes Hernie Panders*
>s-so you're s-saying
*gives up wife to Syrian refugee*
*blogs about white privilege on Tumblr*
>s-saying that
*defends pedophilia*
>saying that Cinemos is
*loots with BlackLivesMatter*
>saying that Cinemos is actually b-better than
*changes pronouns*
>b-better than Letterboxd >:( you're just a r-racist alt-right c-cracker
*goes on TrannyMingle*
oh shit wrong pic lmao
Oh no you got that pic right
Just watched Escape from Alcatraz. I'm running out of Clint Eastwood, what do?
i won 2 passes to the akira kurosawa meet and greet, but i dont wanna go
Give them to me! Akira Kurosawa is my favorite actor, can't wait to meet him!
gimme a pass the popcorn password first
Email address?
check it
At the movies watching blazing saddles. I'm wearing my letterboxd general tv shirt if you see me.
Did you get it? It's not quite PTP but it's a decent alternative.
Move on to better Directors, Clint is pretty average
What did Soderbergh mean by this?
He wanted me to get hard
Thanks Reddit
You get turned on watching impotent men jerk off to old videotapes?
If they're cute enough, yes
he's one of america's finest directors fr
he is one of my favorite directors
really enjoyed the in-laws. is the out of towners any good?
forgot pic
I watch Sex, Lies and Videotape last night for the first time. I think it's actually the first film of his I've seen. What are some of your favorites?
Yep if you like Oscar bait
More like trash pic.
Watched 400 days, but I didn't find it that bad. Wanted to rate it 3 stars, but gave it 2.
I really love everything he did after Contagion including the 20 episodes of the Knick he directed. Still got a few films of his that I haven't seen (Gray's Anatomy, Bubble)
Might wanna check this out:
It was pretty rough, not really keen on it.
how do you cope with these tumblrinas shitting up my letterboxd
How about telling her what you think instead of shitting up the thread?
what a week
hey, it's pretty good
Thanks for CorrectingTheRecordâ„¢ =]
hey, it's pretty good