what do Sup Forums think of Italy and Italians
pls no bully
What do Sup Forums think of Italy and Italians
they are negroids
North or South?
Does the coloring show the economic state of the areas?
>pic related is average italian
fucking shitty country with fucking shitty people
>the more religious parts of Italy hate the migrant crisis and degeneracy
>The secular parts want to be like Sweden
It's the amalgamation of Poland and the U.K.
Love Italy personally. Sorry to hear you're being submerged by Africans.
Pretty based since most italians keep to their traditions, but I guess some degeneracy most have slipped into Italy as well as the rest of Europe.
Anyways, keep strong, you were once great romans, never forget nor forgive, always fight my european brother!
We will win this war we have fought since many thousands of years, the eternal struggle will perish, but only when the jewish elites and the muslims have been cleansed from the soil of Europe!
Good luck with fighting my friend, keep strong and never, ever give up! Your country, people and family it's what we will die for in the end, it is what matters.
sandniggers, arab tier subhumans. been there on vacation, they are literally gypsy or turk tier. i wish they would be nuked.
South Italian here o/
Hard working people. Best immigrants.
>Amerifat who has visited Venice, Florence, and Rome
Beautiful countryside, beautiful cities, lots of history, great food, great wine. But I fear for the future of Italy, as I do for Europe as a whole.
Italians apparently hate themselves even more than Germans or something.
Also, you were a fucking useless ally.
Their women love the BBC
Good food lazy people and so much rasta stoners and thats coming from a dutchbro
i-i s-said no bully :(
you get it
Me again, just rewatched that link I posted, made my remember how great Adolf Hitler was.
He was like a great father to all of Europas sons and daughters. He was so proud of his german people, so proud as you can see in that video.
We need a strong leader in each country of Europa! In Germany a strong leader is required, as well in Sweden.
Hungary is on the right path, just like Slovakia, Russia and Austria!
Europa, you were once great and one day you will become even greater!
I like Italians. I do not like Italy.
>tfw you will never see Lombardia in your lifetime.
Breddy gud food. Italians are pretty chill in general but some young dudes are annoying and cocky. Lots of well-preserved history and culture.
Like a better version of Spain. 7/10
what the hell are you , America arab edition
your manlets are the worst ive seen. they shout everything they say and chimpout about women over nothing.
At least there is no white guilt in italy, and we're fucking proud of our history and heritage
terroni not even once
>non whites
>having white guilt
you get it now mario
Last catholic stronghold in the west. Love 'em
>The secular parts
where are those, dear maplefag?
Next time without you!
obongo told you that?
>The secular parts want to be like Sweden
The regions in the north are the ones voting for anti immigration parties so not really, though it has also to do with the secessionist past of Lega Nord
Shut up, you could not even close the Brennero pass.
Now you will take our niggers! And you will like it!
Bros I hope we someday clean our countries of degeneracy and liberalism and start a glorious mediterranean age of light
If you are referring to the north, there are strong catholic strongholds there.
I think the reason the north can be more cucked is because of how good we are at the "grass greener" mentality. Your average young Italian hates his country and wants to be like the cool guys in the rest of Europe for no particular reason other than self-hate and babby's first exposure to globalism.
I like Italy. Italy has a beautiful culture and the people are based, ecspecially in the south in places Sicily.
From my experience in FVG.
They're white.
Lot of migrants.
Youth is a bit degenerate.
They never work.
Nice weather.
Cool architecture.
>you'll never be able to nuke the shit out of south and central italy
feels bad desu
delete this Ambrogio
Wow your youth are dumbasses. Everyone on earth would rate Italy as top 3 nations they wished they were from based on culture and cuisine alone.
i hope so brother
Alitalia is a huge burden on your economy. Its virtually a public sector company since its fucking drowning in subsidies.
Cut them off for your own good.
pay debnts
ambrogino go back to prep amhed
I mean no one denies there are some serious issues with Italy, corruption and general mafioso behavior in politics, but on social matters there is always the idea of looking outside at what others are doing as the golden standard of what should be done, it's truly a cuck behavior.
>best immigrants
Your two best exports are croissants with chocolate in the middle and Eden Hazard.
>Went to rome in 2015
>Natives genuinley alright if a little laid back
>Vatican was lovely
>Architecture was gorgeous
>Whole place was full of yanks, pakis and "lucky lucky" men
>Police had no cool and were authoritarian as fuck
>Fascist symbolism hidden all over the place
>Food was diappointing as fuck
>far too hot in the day.
That's South Europe for you
>laid back
>overhyped food
ZOG puppet state ruled by antifa mafia
metapedia docet
deal with it
t. filthy terroni
Great cooks, ok people
says a non indo-european person
t. il padaniANO
>Wants to show off some italian architecture
>Picks "Palazzo della civiltà italiana", the most retarded building on the planet
Anons look at my pic not at his
They and Greece don't stop the boats
Sort of like Spain but with more spaghetti
>the most retarded building on the planet
t. piddino cuck
it's a great piece of modern architecture, deal with it
Subhuman moorish niggers
You subhuman baboon.
You literal nigger.
How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?
You are human trash, Alberto Tyrone LeShawn de Barbosa. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back into the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.
Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about human affairs again you antiquated farm equipment. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage. Your crude makeup isn't fooling anyone.
You nigger.
You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilization.
You are the Baltimore of South America.
Go fertilize the Pampas with you and your families corpses, it's the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life nigger, you will have a job. Making food for a race of beings of infinitely higher worth than you. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time a Brazilian "man" provided for a family.
Die, Alberto. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.
Pretty much a cool version of France. Dishonest bastards though, I've been shortchanged twice by Italians.
>being this triggered.
always hot blooded and angry. a true arab
>[monkey noises]
what did he mean by this?
you are not even human
Piddino tua sorella
It's a squared coliseum, it's an absolute shame. Might look good in Rwanda where there's nothing else, but it really doesn't belong in the timeless city. You like fascist architecture? Pic related is good. Not the building equivalent of a square watermelon
Stay mad you literal moor
Italians have the best cuisine imo
il pakistANO
*throws banana outside thread*
polsky zwykli zwakly xlklytu wlike kurwa pierdole
Says a hungarian, literally subhumans.
Love Italy
Cool history, based culture, god-tier cuisine
But bad at war
*Throws quran outside thread*
>britbong complaining about food
what's up my dudes? not enough kebabs and porkpies in italy?
North Italians are filthy, hopefully they get cancer.
sure totally
That building looks more of a French style than Italiano.
What do I think of Italy and Italians? Well..I like Italian food, Italian architecture and art. I like Italian girls and I like the Italians attitude towards work. Take your time and take lots of breaks. Lol.
The people can be a bit like the French tho. They think their shit doesnt stink and that they are the centre of rhe universe.
Newsflash...you aint king shit on turd island and havent been for over 2000 years. Stop living in the past.
Actually near eastern admixture in Italy has nothing to do with the moors.
Italy is very Catholic and Islam is not widespread in Italy like say Iran or Sweden
>it's a fucking leaf
No one on earth would want to be in from Italy.
Google sicilian people
Underrated post...
It's funny because the Middle East was genetically close to"European" prior to the Islam rape, but everyone just assumes near east=always niggers anyway
But then how do they explain all the civilization that came from there?
>We reconstructed the genetic structure of the Levantines and found that a pre-Islamic expansion Levant was more genetically similar to Europeans than to Middle Easterners.
and the same people that say the middle east= always niggers then turn around and say ancient Egypt wasn't black
well which is it?
It's a very corrupt nation and it doesn't offer many opportunities to young men, so it's understandable that many people want to leave or to reform our society.
But that doesn't mean they aren't retarded for falling for the progressiveness meme.
Well, I think most of them probably aren't even aware how cancerous liberalism and progressive PC culture can get and they still think Northern Europe is doing good like before the flood of shitskins. For example, the other day I was talking to some guys and one of them mentioned Sweden as a good place where to rise his childrens. I didn't want to sit down and explain how they went down the drain, so I left him in his delusion for now. It seems to be a very common opinion anyway, nobody here has the slightest idea about how much Sweden, or Germany, Belgium, Britain for that matter, got cucked by durkas.
neoliberalism and globalism is what has destroyed Europe
leftists want *more* of that. They're all complete retards. who misdiagnose the problem because they are so full of far left identity politics propaganda
>nobody here has the slightest idea about how much Sweden, or Germany, Belgium, Britain for that matter, got cucked by durkas.
This is true, the media even tries to make Sweden look like a right wing country like when they announced they were gonna send 80 thousand immigrants back
>Granddad is italian
>Father grew up in germany but has strong ties to italy (speaks the language)
>be me
>no ties to italy, dont speak the langugage but have traditional as fuck italian name
Whats the best way to learn italian pastabros
Brazil, please sit down, be quiet, please.
Duolingo, Memrise, Mindsnacks, etc
>Whats the best way to learn italian pastabros
You have to speak a dialect in order to be italian , italians don't speak italian, only foreigners do.
well i am a forigner but its bothering me that every time someone hears my name they ask me if i speak italian. Sono tedesco my nigga
You learn it the same way you learned english, you dipshit
>one of them mentioned Sweden as a good place where to rise his children.
Despite all the bad stuff here, that is still true. If I had to raise children, I'd do it here and not in Spain.
>nobody posted our queen yet
fucking normalfags
They were our greatest ally, screwing you over like that.
What a bite, mate. Straight for the hook.
Italy is pretty alright.
the anti communist Chinese army was our greatest ally
and all those anti communists died in vain because Mao took over
Fucking classic.
It's arguably the best or second best yuropoor country, as of the moment. Hopefully they don't stray down the path to cuckery