why are white people so prone to pollen allergies?
>be me, sitting in in a 180 student class
>all the white people are nearly dying from sneezing & have runny noses
This is in CA btw. what the fuck is the problem with whites?
why are white people so prone to pollen allergies?
>be me, sitting in in a 180 student class
>all the white people are nearly dying from sneezing & have runny noses
This is in CA btw. what the fuck is the problem with whites?
Why are you ugly? Oh wait...
There's a cure for most of that shit these days
>white people
>in ca
I havent had a cold in years tb.h.
Had the same problem, internet stranger.
>first year of uni in the uk
>studying eng
>first lecture, full theatre
>fucking white people sneezing and coughing every single second
I just don't get it, im greek cypriot, so kinda white, i dont have any allergies. Walked out of the theatre, almost fucking puked from all that coughing and sneezing.
Because white people weren't forced into hard labor conditions in nature like niggers and spics.
So niggers and spics have developed defenses against pollen and such.
Stupid nigger.
Another nigger absolutely fascinated by everything white. Shouldn't you be on pornhub posing as a white women on BBC vids?
Because western society is designed to kill gut flora and make us sick. Allergies are really just autoimmune disorders. Restablishing my gut flora and switching to a completely natural diet got rid of my allergies, acne, dandruff, insomnia, and boosted my immune health.
There's a reason the Rockefellers are 100 years old, and have been researching it since the 1920's.
It's the opposite in my experience. More rural populations tend to be fitter in eyesight and allergies, hence non-whites tend to be very unfit in those aspects.
Drink kefir?
6 heart transplants play a small part also
This this fucking this
+ vaccines inserting GMO human DNA
>first lecture
It's called fresher's flu you retard.
Also, you're not white. See you on the day of the rope.
>white people weren't forced into hard labor conditions
just what?
There's actually mounting evidence that decreased microbiotal diversity in western nations (caused by a variety of factors such as excessive use of antibiotics, not enough time outside, overly zealous parents not letting their children be exposed to other kids, etc) has led to a rise in autoimmune disorders and may be linked with asthma and allergies.
Don't expect a real science discussion here though OP.
I should add (thank you) that I also have regained 20/20 vision. I had suffered from intermittent derogation in vision, and used glasses for driving, but as of now, I can see clearer without them.
Probably from not playing outside as much as kids used to. I played outside as a kid no allergies.
>"every chronic disease is the result of malnutrition." - by a certain redpilled doc that some retards would call a quack because they think allopathy is all there is in the world of medicine, stupid as they are.
Asian countries are totally fucked in this regard. The vast majority of children in Seoul have to use glasses. I went to college with mostly Asians (UC Berkeley engineering), and most Asians, read: not Asian Americans, fit the nerdy stereotype of weak, glasses, allergies, etc. Made me really appreciate my rural upbringing.
What do you know.
Here's an open access article on the topic if people are interested. Kriegel is a pretty legit researcher.
Agreed. I have never had allergies at all. However i started having some digestion trouble last year.
Learned how to make my own sourkraut and everything is better. My skin is better. I have more energy. I changed up my diet significantly aswell Its great.
I grew up in England, and played outside daily, and with all the rain and mud, I can assure you I experienced my fair share of bacteria.
But, I also was a child of a very poor, single income military family, so my diet was full of GMO's, cheap food, and additives. Every memeber of my family suffered from rare, but otherwise unrelated, autoimmune disorders, and a general predisposition to sickness.
Not to mention, the water we drink is filthy. Take for instance Las Vegas, with arsenic, uranium, lead, chlorine, fluoride, and about 20 known carcinogenic compounds.
Gut flora is not designed to deal with these insults. Combined with pesticides and additives in food, we are forced into disease states. This is why western society sees huge increases in virtually all chronic diseases and cancers, while less developed nations remain steady.
i don't really get it either
i'm white as fuck but my nose is fine (some people have that wheezing noise or blow their noses all the time) i can drink milk and i dont have any pollen, nuts or whatever else allergy
it seems every person i know outside my family has one of these problems
>Mexican sitting in his general class is too busy looking at whites with envy to focus on the subject
>y-yeah but they sneeze!
top kek, you have to go back
Maybe because of racist inbreeding for over a thousand of years?
Their whole genetic-makeup is recessive, like everything is a genetic defect. lol.
It is very empowering to be able to take health into your own hands, but it requires an immense level of scepticism, and a self-drive for truth that the average person not only lacks, but willingly chooses to avoid such responsibility.
These lazy, and apathetic individuals, and the reason western medicine has become virtually America's number one killer. And these doctors, and also willfully ignorant, because establishing healthy gut flora is not a savvy business model. That is not to suggest all doctors are evil, but that on a subconscious level they will discredit this information to protect their own interests. People don't like to be wrong. Especially not egotistical doctors that talk down on self-educated patients, that actually have a more realistic, safe, and easiy attainable model of health and wellness.
Because it wouldn't be fair if we were perfect
A lot of allergies are stress related. Take me for example. I am allergic to juniper trees. However, I grew up in SoCal and there are virtually no juniper trees there. But when I was about 12, my parents divorced and my mom moved us to Central Oregon, which is some parts is basically a juniper forest. So, for about 10 years, I had terrible allergies, but only when the juniper pollen was in the air. Shit doesn't bother me anymore.
whites arent used to North American allergies yet since they evolved in Europe. You are either latino which means your native blood keeps you save from the allergies or a negro which means you can take a beating from the tolerance you built up from the cracking of the whips on the cotton field.
I'm not sure that could be the case, considering Europeans have conquered, raped, pillaged, and settled land and indigenous populations for the entire duration of recorded history. And, even bred with Neanderthals.
im like the only nigger user that doesn't have aids am I doing something wrong? I feel left out
A+ positive blood type.
>Learned how to make my own sourkraut and everything is better
Just read the recipe and it sounds simple, yet disgusting. But where the hell does the lactobacteria come from? The cabbage itself?
White children have pussified parents that don't let them play outside, thus they become limp-wristed faggots with asthma and crippling allergies.
They over practice good hygiene more than most race. Any time a little bit of bacteria would get on them, they'd wash their hands, not allowing your immune system to practice on weaker ones.
Not saying you need to roll around in cow shit, but I'm saying this "wash your hands a billion times a day" thing isn't really the way to go.
A little dirt on your hands isn't slowly giving you cancer, it can only help to build up your immune system.
Are you black,by any chance?
'cause white people are angels from heaven. no pollen in heaven.
So forcing your kid to study heaps as a child fucks up their eyes
Because we're from space. We're an invasive species. The fallen angels. only kidding lol.
>regained 20/20
how though? Curious because mine is absolutely atrocious and if I could get back half of my eye sight I would.
>Not eating your own snot
Smh baka just baka easy way to keep your immune system in top-notch state, do you not care for your health...?
It's not just that. Urban lifestyles in general are unbalanced. I'm not saying we should all be illiterate hillbillies, but if your kids are not playing in nature they will likely grow up to be biologically inferior.
High pollen alerts in L.a for the last few weeks you dick.
Not really, just being indoors.
Not that you'd want to study outdoors with all that smog.
California home of fringe diets , veganism and faggots. gee I wonder?
If it's the bay area they probably just have a weak immune system from HIV.
please teach us your secrets
You will get your allergic reaction back when you are older. 50 or higher. It's very common that this happens.
Well, I'm 30 now and went back "home" a couple of weeks ago for a funeral. No allergic reactions this time. There aren't many, if any, junipers where I live now, but can't say where I will be in 20 years.
You won't like it, because it is a lot of work...
But I utilized a series of 3 day water fasts (while keeping up on my vitamins and electrolytes) in conjunction with coffee enemas to help detoxify my body and remove the indigestable material I had accumulated from decades of malnutrition.
After each fast, I went about a week eating a ketogenic vegan diet, exercising daily. I began to take a powerful probiotic orally, as well as including the probiotic within my enemas.
The effects were visible after the first fast, as three day fasts have been demonstrated to recycle defective immune cells, and stimulate stem cell differentiation. By combining this with a fully natural diet, and the rather aggressive methods of detoxification and establishment of healthy gut flora, your body can absorb nutrients more effectively, without suffering immune and hormonal dysfunction.
I should add, the therapies, although not combined in the way I've suggested, have all been used in alternative cancer therapies, and the fasting has been combined with chemotherapy to great affect.
Grew up in middle of the woods Arkansas, parents fell for non-GMO/organic meme, never been in bad physical shape yet I'm expected to be legally blind in the next 5-8 years and can't breathe through either nostril in the summer.
>ketogenic vegan diet
How does that even work?
>I began to take a powerful probiotic orally, as well as including the probiotic within my enemas.
How much cum have you been fed?
I guess plant proteins, b-12, iron and calcium supplements and fats from nuts & avocados...
Tofu and wheat gluten are nearly pure protein. Adding natural sources of fats such as nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, avacados, and hemp hearts also add protein and healthy fats without cholesterol. From there, the rest is leafy greens, and veggies high in dietary fiber and micronutrients.
I'm not allergic to anything except 12 yr old newfags. Honestly, the only people I met with allergies are jewish. Oh right american. So chances are all the whites you are with are either beaners or kikes.
Thanks. Seriously thinking about giving this try. Have been plagued by odd skin and scalp issues all my life and my eyesight has been rapidly declining lately.
Of course, supplementation is key. This is about giving out bodies optimal nutrition, something nature can't provide, as humans are imperfect organisms caught between a meat, and vegetable based digestive tract.
>How to spot the uneducated man-child who laughs at his own farts
Can you give me more info about this natural diet?
Sorry, last quote meant for
God is telling us to return to the arctic circle
>Tofu and wheat gluten are nearly pure estrogen
fixed, you limp wristed bitch
>his diet involves sticking shit up his ass and taking powerful oral proteins
you're a faggot bro
Dude don't get pissed at me for things you've said all yourself. I can't help that you made your daily routines sound like those of a faggot.
many of us were raised by overprotective parents which results in this kind of shit.
I drink a heaping tablespoon of activated charcoal every week to purge my gut of endotoxins
>not activated almonds
It really is simple, if it is green and full of dietary fiber, go for it.
Look into tofu, nuts, seeds, wheat gluten (seitan) hemp, and really any natural source of fat a protein that is readily available in your area.
Seaweed is another nutritional powerhouse, and stevia is your best bet for replacing artificial sweeteners. Make sure to eat organic, and thoroughly wash produce as pesticides can harm gut flora.
Introducing fermented vegetables is another good idea, but be sure to make them yourself, or be very weary of additives. Get a good supplement that will cover your nutritional bases, and B-12 is vital.
I can't recommend raw veganism, as not only do most plants unlock more nutrients through cooking, aswell as aiding in digestability, but raw veganism personally resulted in me experiencing severe food poisoning.
My guess, is that the raw vegan movement is disinfo designed to sabotage vegans. But, that is a guess. Some peope claim to have good success, but my own experiences endangered my life.
I'd be very interested in your IQ's. Enemas have been a part of humanity far longer than homophobia. From Mesoamerica to ancient Egypt. Also, appropriate diet and low body fat does nothing but increase testosterone.
It's called you can suck my fucking dick moron...
And I'm whiter than you'll ever be. Check my privilege cause it's as long as a railroad
don't know what you mean sry
>Living a nice life in a country that was made into a great country by white people
>denigrates whites
Go back to your 3rd world dump then.
>Wash produce
with fluoride water?
no i have an alkaline water system that costs 4,000
Do you eat any meat at all?
Why would a black person list some the strengths of the white race?
Get a water filter. Rince with clean water.
Today if they are not used in hospital they are mostly used in a porn setting before anal. Things change.
Not currently, but I've eaten ketogenic meat-centered diets in the past, and saw no health benefits beyond weight loss.
The meat substitutes I create are more than satisfying enough to nullify those urges.
someone give..............()>.............
And today, medical errors are the 3rd leading cause of death. If you include medical complications, western medicine is our number 1 threat to life and well-being.
Take the red-pill before you're a victim.
Someone .
You're on the internet, you spoon-fed child, educate yourself. Learn to analyze your own reality. You will never separate fact from fiction by crying for sources like a baby bird hoping for a worm. Teach yourself to find that worm.
Alrdy found it ,you stupid fat autistic burger shit.
I'm white and don't have allergies.
muh dik
how rare are those in Italy?
So you don't have to go vegetarian to have a natural diet?
Where can I find more info?
She is so pretty.
Boy, you sure showed me! I'm not sure how my shattered ego will ever recover!
More perfect Italian women?
Kids who grow up in the country do not get allergies or asthma.
>why do white people have a more aggressive immune response to invasive foreign material
I know alot of blacks and hispanics that disagree with you OP.
The only reason hispanics and blacks MIGHT not be as effected is their diets, the higher vegetable and native foods hispanics eat and the more spices/herbs that blacks put on their food might have something to do with it.
In general, white people eat like shit. You should eat what the illegals and Caribbean people eat if you want to be healthy.
Why are blacks so prone to malaria and aids ?