Don't mind me, just letting my dog suck my fiancés dick

Don't mind me, just letting my dog suck my fiancés dick

Faggots? If no, show tits.


i thought that was a potato


I see what you mean

Chicks with dicks, rocks out with their cocks out

Last time I checked, I got a vagina

theres something wrong with your dog

spread it

That's a cute cat you have

how about a pic of you sucking your fiances dick?

I know you didn't say please but here you go ;)

Sharpie in pooper


Sexy, got any more?

What do you have in mind? ;)

Your dog has autism

Asshole, please :)

Lets see the dog fuck you, bonus points for cum

Would like to see more



i support.

boobs plz

Unfortunately the dog lacks a penis

You had boobs ;)

Beautiful, would love to eat. Boobs?



You should let him cum on you

Thanks ;)


Preferably all over your face, but your ass is definitely a close second

sharpie in dogs mouth lol

Coming up ;)

Looking forward to it

Great bazongas, would suck them all day long.

Got some sexy thongs?

hhhnnngggg fast i have to go in 10 minutes

You should get an actual dog, have fun with that too

That's a good point actually, would you be down for a real dog?

Sorry, taking some time ;)

Can we get a body pic? or at least belly/tits?

Let us see what you're doing to make him cum


That dog is fake

Just post pics of him spearing your butthole! Your butthole looks so cute by the way, would totally stick tongue in!

thanks for pointing that out

fake dog I couldn't tell at first but ya it's def not a real dog go home everyone shit thread alert

You can't really see it but he did cum over my face ;)

Beautiful, now do some anal play, have him your asshole, let him play out some fantasy on it.

rly hot you sucking his big ugly hairy cock.
you lick up that jizz after the facial?

I don't see any cum and you look underage. Keep posting.

There we go

how about you let him piss on you now? he probably really has to go after cumming like that.

thats not alot of cum

My bad, I swallowed some of it

u shouldve shown what was in your mouth before swallowing

how fucking fat are you

I'm almost 200lbs

My cock is almost twice your bf size do you think you could take it all in your throat?

So pretty fat then

send pics of taking it in pooper


Sorry guys, I'm actually a guy trolling you for fun
I ran out of pictures

Got no lube at the moment, will make a new thread when I do ;)

how bout a webm of a blowjob then

How do I talk mine into letting me stick it there?

What am I looking at here?

Plushie threads make me feel all warm and fuzzy, specifically my dick.

My fiancé is a weakling and can only cum once a day

What breed of dawg is that? I think I want one.

I actually enjoy it, just gotta be in the right mood for it aka horny enough

That's not possible wtf.

thats pretty weak, train him to cum more

No fucking way. Can he at least get hard? If not then what use is he?
I've literally had sex over 10 times in one day with the same girl. She got an infection from this. Honeymoon syndrome.

I'm working on it

I love him

He can at least get it hard most of the time. He used to be a kissless Sup Forums virgin until he met me. We actually met on Sup Forums

Its pretty amazing what they can do With gender reassignment surgery these days.
I would never have guys that was originally a vagina.


And just for you all, a picture without the dog ;)

we came for the dog, not you

Met on Sup Forums? How? What the actual fuck?
I've hooked up with girls off Xbox live, but Sup Forums?

Skype social thread :)

Shit, you're gay.

Answer my fucking question!

It's a stuffed husky

put it in her pooper

Like I said, when we get lube he will do it and we will make another thread ;)

Been a good night, sweet dreams everyone!

ye been good, was nice to see that pixel get a blowjob



I call bullshit

>I couldn't tell at first
You're joking right?



Or we just like tits like hers. You probably like pancake tits or flatties.

What? So when a girl slips a condom into your pocket during a date she's just saying "when you rape me tonight be sure to use this"? And here I thought she just wasn't very subtle