jesus fuck
Jesus fuck
>skipping leg day
It's impossible for me to sympathize with a women
>bawww getting raped is the worst thing imaginable
Yeah, never mind the fact that these cunts are having sex every night, but the fact the guy wasn't attractive makes it so horrible.
how would you enjoy getting raped by a black guy user?
lol is that jenna fischer
Unlike a female being penetrated by dicks isn't part of my daily routine.
it's not comparable as she didn't get raped in the anus. anal sex is way more painful than vaginal sex
I can't imagine a situation where I wouldn't want BBC in my boipucci so I don't think it would be possible for it to be rape.
Do you honestly believe this?
There is nothing wrong in that post.
>Sex suddenly goes from all they care about doing to being a terrible crime worse than murder if consent is not given
Go back to /r9k/ with this shit, fucking hell you betas have to shit up every thread with "WOMYN R WHORES REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
>Jesus fuck
>rapist was names Jesus Rossi
>Jesus Rossi fucked her right in the pussy
>Jesus fucked her
I see what you did there
>there's nothing wrong in that post
Do you HONESTLY think that rape is fine?
Can't refute it.
>dick in vagina every other day of the week = good
>Except if I don't say yes then in which case it is worse than being murdered.
I think that it's massively overblown in terms of seriousness. There's rarely any permenant damage done, and if there is that case can be treated differently. Just. Fucking. Get. Over. It. People go through far worse every day.
I wouldn't want to have sex with some ugly bitch, but if one did physically overpower me and force me to have sex with them then I wouldn't be parading around asking for sympathy.
T. Virgin
T. Virgin that hasn't ventured from the basement this year
hi, i'm looking for similar movies such as
- see youtube vid
- paris, texas
- the assassination of jesse james
i've just found out my birth name was brandon (mentioning since it's movie related). i remember when i was little watching the movie goonies and how i was oddly attracted to the name brandon whenever it was mentioned (aka "brand", the older brother of mikey).
long story short, i want to kill myself but watch a few good movies beforehand. i'm finally back on my own, by myself, and it's as good of a time to go as any.
what movies trouble you, Sup Forums? sometimes, the slow the better, like 'the straight story'. that's pretty decent. it doesn't all have to be primo-production. attached a pic of another movie i liked to give more of a feel of what i'm looking for.
Ill trust your expertise on that.
So this is what it's come to, guys?
t. triggered Tumblr cuck
One of the most common psychological "traumas" most women experience after being raped is guilt that they enjoyed it.
>Melfi rape scene
>Sopranos themes song plays throughout
What did David Chase mean by this?
>I wouldn't do this so that means that no one should do thing
Lmao what
The only response the cuckold leftist has when logic rubs up against his jew vetted image of reality is
>b-but that's wrong. Back to your basement social outcast. At least I'm not a virgin like all those who question the propaganda.
good eyes for detail user, but for real i'm just legitimately distressed right now from how deep down this show is reaching.
the thought that it possibly gets even bleaker from here on out is frightening.
>If you don't think rape is ok it means ur a tumblr cuck
Jesus what kind of horrid black and white view of the world do you have? I think it's time for you to go back to your /r9k/ echo chamber
What if he had aids?
If you even batted an eye at this shit then you are too soft to be here.
I'd go as far to say that she got what she deserved.
>Forcing someone to do something against their will is fine
Lmao m8, c'mon what kinda life have you lived where rape is ok?
You're the one in the wrong place.
I never said I am pro-rape but it shouldn't be treated as anything more than a mild inconvenience, certainly not treated as comparable to or worse than murder like the left wing meme machine wants you to believe.
Nobody said rape is "okay" Sir Cleansherup. Just that it's massively overblown in terms of its seriousness and impact on the victim. Some people claim that it's literally worse than murder. Those people are fucking idiots.
Take a step back and realize that you're arguing with people conditioned by their shitty life experiences and peers on this site to think like this. You aren't going to change their minds about women or rape. They aren't being edgelords for the sake of it.
r9k are all cucks that literally have their entire lives revolve around women in some capacity. I don't know why that's the go-to redirection place.
>Television and Film
Not "rape apologists"
>Not comparable to murder like the left wing meme machine wants to do believe
Literally no one believes that, hence why rapists don't get as much jail time as murderers. Just because you believe that rape isn't bad it doesn't mean anything compared to millions of testimonies from men and women that say otherwise. Thank god Muhummad the Rapist is here to tell us otherwise
You're right, which is horribly depressing. I just really hope that someone or something in their life helps to change their minds, because actually thinking that way hurts both them and others. Fucking gross.
>It's just massively overblown in terms of it's seriousness and impact on the victim
t. Someone whose never been raped
>I'm more mad at random people that compare rape to murder than I am at rapists whom I am defending ;^)
i actually thought it was from the thumbnail
there will come a time when you'll realize that the only way to win an argument with these people is to not have on in the first place. let them have it
how is the fedora-neckbeard type being attributed to people who are opposed to rape apologetics, now? the guy in that picture is more likely to say something like this ()
> I never said I am pro-rape but it shouldn't be treated as anything more than a mild inconvenience, certainly not treated as comparable to or worse than murder like the left wing meme machine wants you to believe.
than the text of the person you responded to.
I'd let a woman rape me, fuck it, why not
Assertive women are hawt
t. Someone who's never been murdered
>I build strawmen to argue against when I can't think of anything to say ;^)
You don't even question the "rape is the most terrible thing" meme. You just parrot it because that is what you've been conditioned to do. You need to understand that all of the core principles that popular society instilled in you had agenda behind them, agendas to keep you powerless.
Maybe there isn't anything morally wrong with raping and murdering women. Maybe morality is just an empty meme. But considering such things is too dangerous, better to simply try to trivialize all those who dare to question the mainstream societal programming.
"We're done here kid"
We're done here kid.
Q: If rape shouldn't be traumatic for women, why is talking to women so traumatic for virgins?
>anything compared to millions of testimonies from men and women that say otherwise
Get fucked. No woman will get any symapthy from me. Women use rape as a platform for attention pure and simple.
Honestly the misfortune of women gives me great pleasure, but I don't have any time for sympathy baiting.
>b-but I said I was raped
I'd just stare her in the eye and say "I don't care" with a big smile on my face.
wow this really makes you think ;^)
If anyone was ever the epitome of this meme its you. congrats.
>(You)s expected for this post: 0
Really makes you ponder
I know that I don't want to be murdered, I also know that I wouldn't want to eat shit. How is being completely overpowered and violated in anyways not a terrible thing? Get a grip bloke and realise you're defending rapists, have you raped someone and you're attempting to justify your actions by saying it's "not that bad".
Are you serious here bruh? I'm still waiting for the "I was just pretending to be retarded" but you're still going. Just like you keep parroting "muh logic" as if you're not doing the exact same thing.
>Rape isn't that bad
Well the millions of people that have been raped would beg to differ
>Nuh uh it's not that bad
Ok why?
Sounds like you're actually trying to say that it's "tha joos" fault that we're "conditioned" to find rape bad as if the very idea of it isn't abhorrent
She asked for it, prove me wrong.
We all know she deserved it hard.
>Kneejerk neckbeard meme response
Just like your masters taught you. This white knighting isn't going to get you any rewards.
kek you are russling some jimmies keep it up frienderino
>it's another "basement dweller faggot roleplaying interaction with women" episode
Holy shit, Elliot, is that you? Have you risen from the dead?
>I'd do this bcoz I'm such a friggin HARDASS
Wow good for you bro
Do you have sympathy for anyone?
inb4 ye my poor robot brothers hoo r virgins bcoz womyn are WHORES
evacuate thread, Sup Forums and /r9k/ are here and they're out for blood. they've got more bait than you can fathom.
>Well the millions of people that have been raped would beg to differ
Would they?
Q: If rape isn't be traumatic for women, why is attending a job interview so traumatic for NEET basement dwellers?
So are you saying that if a guy gets a boner during getting raped that he can't get raped?
Not on my watch friendo
>have you raped someone and you're attempting to justify your actions by saying it's "not that bad".
I would never give a women the validation that comes with being raped. It's an acknowledgement of their sexual power. The only card they think they have. And on top of that they get to play their sympathy card for the rest of their lives.
>Your power over me was so strong that I am going to risk prison to fuck you
Women are NOTHING to me. Even if one was lying naked in front of me unconscious I wouldn't touch her. I wouldn't even look at her. Because she is nothing.
Of course there's arousal involved in those organs you sick idiot. That confusion can be part of the overall trauma. These are real, empirical things, empathy aside.
Fuck me this is cringe worthy. Tell me about your mother user
Hes one of those "loveshy's" i bet, lets just hope he stick to masturbating to mlp and leaves real people, and horses, alone.
Being killed isn't a big deal, you wouldn't even know it happened anyway.
Now being raped? Well that'd make you scared of other people, make you think about his semen inside of you, what kind of person was this man? Am I going to have his child? +Guilt/Shame/Fear again and again for years
>Just like your masters taught you. This white knighting isn't going to get you any rewards.
>Do you have sympathy for anyone?
No I do not. In this world there is the scum, the predators, and there are those who are weak or stupid enough to fall victim to the scum. I look at both groups and can feel nothing but disgust.
anyone have that picture comparing rape to having your bicycle stolen?
>All these autists downplaying rape because they will never have consensual sex with a woman in their miserable lives
lol fucking betas
The fact that you have to resort to the fat neckbeard autist meme images is like an admission of defeat in and of itself.
At least you've confirmed that you're 16. Thanks for the laugh user
>Guilt/Shame/Fear again and again for years
We've went full tumblr.
And people complain about the supposed "Sup Forums" presence on this board. Threads like this are definitive proof that this board isn't nearly right wing enough.
Not every woman is like this, but mostly
t. lucky gayman
>The fact you have caught me out and russled my jimmies is an admission i must give you a (you)
I know user i know, sherlock solves the case once again.
kek ikr? also nice dubs.
You know, I came in this thread to see some titties. And I got nothing.
I am 25. At 16 I was stupid. Like you are now. Capable of sympathy, believing the memes they taught me, but now I can see there is nothing but shit. The evil and the weak. It's that simple.
Don't rape anyone bro!
please, I hate women, but to think rape would have no lasting psychological impact on incredibly sensitive and coddled normies is ridiculous
>At 16 I was stupid.
And nothing has changed since then.
This has to b8.
>i-if I defend m'ladies's honour on the internet, they'll have to sleep with me!
No, faggot, you are the neckbeard. Nobody in this thread is claiming rape is okay, just that its severity is vastly overblown and portrayed as "literally worse than murder," which people do claim, no matter how much you may try to deny it. Go grovel at the feet of women some more. Maybe one will finally take pity on you, Mister Nice Guy. Pathetic little whiteknight faggot.
Try empathy instead, it's more enriching. Also approach each person as though they were already your friend.
Be like water.
>People do claim that rape is worse than murder and that means that rape must be be a petty crime!
Lmao you truly are pathetic, back to /r9k/
there is literally nothing wrong with rape, all women have rape fantasies
And normies feeling a strong emotional response to something out of weakness, ignorance and blind faith in the lies they have been fed is supposed to be meaningful how? It's what they do every day.
I'm sure they do plenty of wallowing in self pity after they get raped. It doens't mean their response is valid. A young autist can cry his eyes out if his mother doesn't buy him the latest Tarantino movie, does that mean I am supposed to take his plight seriously?
Is this relevant in the discussion? Does it matter?
So you are ok with rape, even of virgins, kids and the like?
One of the best episodes and endings
>just that its severity is vastly overblown and portrayed as "literally worse than murder
That is done by the media, and the groups that "help" women/men deal with the emotional trauma of rape. Let's not talk about those people, the people that blow that shit out of proportion. Let's talk about the individual itself that got rape.
Rape can cause really bad emotional trauma for a person. Its being forced in to something intimate that you do not want, feeling the guilt of your body betraying what you're thinking when your body climaxes. Who are you to say that a person should just shrug off an emotional trauma like that?, that's like a man watching his two friends blown up by a mortar in front of him and then you telling him he should shrug it off.
Different people deal with trauma in different ways. Not every rape victim is affected equally, given there are hundreds of variables that can change the severity of their trauma and their time process to get better from it.
Like I said before, blame the media and these rape survivor groups for victimizing and all they do is make their trauma harder to deal with as they are cuddled by the system and don't ever get to move passed what happened.
whoops, posted the wrong one again, posting from my special help class computer.