It's back for now, though:

>I contested their copyright claim by claiming "fair use". It seems until the issue is solved, the video will be available again.

German "science" show "Galileo" and other German shows are lying about Trump on a daily basis. Webm related.

They're literally pretending Trump said: "And Hispanics are all failures, too!" when in fact he just said they're not doing great with jobs and he wants to help them.

The speech:

Should be around 26.

WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON, GUYS? This is literally (LITERALLY) some 1984 shit. We are NOT ALLOWED to show the media is lying and correct it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Pro Sieben, Sat 1, Kabel 1 etc. are all German cuck channels that currently do nothing but broadcast cuck Jew TV shows like Supergirls that promote racemixing and feminism and leftist news. The problem is they reach millions of people, all young people here are watching this shit.


At some point it was taken over by the Axel-Springer Verlag (Springer was a jew), and it has turned into what it is now, its also when Galileo became the shit that it is today.

Its always funny when you look up what prizes that shitfuck organisation has won, literally 100% of them are prizes out of israel, it has never won any german ones.

Another day the same show/faggot also called Trump a "pope agitator" when Trump never had any actual trouble with the pope. And then you have pieces of shit like "Joko and Klaas" on their shitty comedy show making jokes about him and all the dumb Germans that only know Trump from such false reports clap and burst into laughter.

Joko: "I'd love to see Trump's head explode."
Jack Black: "Exactly! I feel the same way."

German TV spot literally promoting "cheating/cuckolding" (with migrants)

Dumb whore in front of mirror yells "fremdgehen 69, fremdgehen 69! (Fremdgehen = cheating)" It's advertising for a website for people to literally meet up and cheat. Several different versions everywhere on national German television (Comedy Central, Pro7 which is basically our Fox etc.)

At the same time our government blames divorces for the current drop in the birthrate ( and therefore imports migrants.

Another one. This stuff is all over TV. German comedian shilling for a sausage brand. "So let's be honest, cheating? Nah, we men don't do this... At least when it comes to our grill."

It's not even funny and hardly makes any sense.

ON TOP OF THIS:: Famous German "science" show (THE SAME FUCKING SHOW AS IN OP) explaining how cheating is totally normal and can be hot:

Germany why


Stop linking to this in other threads.

The filthy dishonest media lies about him here as well. Sad!

Germany pls

Point is that everyone knows that what he means. It's futile to translate sentiment word for word.

Holy shit, the whole commentary is just pure propaganda
>He is stoking fear of the foreign amongst his supporters
>we don't feel the love Trump is talking about
>Trump's rallies are not only known for their racist remarks but also for violence

How do we get this to Trump? He would love the media boost it would give him to expose these people and claim some foreign support.

1984? Why Bubale, it is 2016. And that means this is the future. Prepare to go down fighting.

Why? Be happy you still have some useful idiots here when you're drowning in "Evalion", racemixing, videogame and Eurovision threads already.

There was a poll some German posted which showed that support among Germans for Hillary is around the 80% mark.

Once Trump is president it will become much harder for the German media to misrepresent him.

It's good i haven't watched TV for months.

Gjor ett av dere karer har en ledig fjert botte?

People should really spread thsi, especially Germans.

Post it on Kikebook with a "lol" or something.

the left wing is insane

I wish we actually had someone more extreme than trump running so if he got to office, he could abolish the political party system and just have individuals running with no affiliation to any organization but themselves/their own

it would be a lot easier for right wing presidents to stay in power then

>Germany is a joke and is propagandizing people in the dumbest way

Face it Kraut, you are nothing more than a sad leftover from a destroyed nation.

All that was worthy and strong has died in either world war 1 or world war 2.



Muh aryan master race.

Never chalk up to conspiracy what can be adequately explained by incompetence.


>he believes he isn't a kraut
>literally has the same shit show and same shit channel you can see in OP

and you are nothing but the sad leftover of our sad leftover, Australia.

They do this on a daily basis and their English impossibly can be this bad.

Never believed in the Nazi shit personally, i do however hate gommies and overreaching/authoritative government.

Makes me glad I haven't turned on the TV since like 2010.

Come on, there is obviously a narrative they are trying to spin.

What an ugly fucking human being.


What the fuck kraut.

I'm a purebred Turk, not a disgusting Slavic rapebaby like you, Heinzowski.

Someone with a twatter account plz send that nigger this.

The American model is the ideal to me, well, before it started turning to crap. Had a beautiful thing going there for a while.

Still, there still are things that only the USA gets right, also a plenty of areas where lots is left to be desired.

Still, there is hope, unlike in most European countries.

>muh plausible deniability
This is why you're daughters will be Muslims.

I personally hope and am trying to see it reigned in and brought back to its ideal place, the biggest issue is they have turned debate and conversation about ideology/politics into a taboo.

Probably why i still come here.

>I'm about to Amazon Prime drone deliver these fucking hands

What the fuck is he trying to say?

kek Ben "Drown the Brown" Garrison triggers another.

Even if I was going to have children, if they ended up Mudslimes what do I care? The next religion after that is just going to convert their children when Muslims become fat and lazy anyway. It is a never ending struggle. Like half of all Muslims don't even have a problem with being gay. We're like halfway there already and the exodus hasn't even begun.

Same here. Few days ago there was a documentary on national television about trump, how evil and corrupted he is, and how he cheated on many of his big business deals.

Racemixing/cheating/not marrying is also a thing on some channels, but poles are mostly resistant to that.

People need to stop watching TV.

>fjert guy again

he is going to stalk and assault Ben Garrison? I dunno I don't speak trash

That photo looks a little fake take fixed ver.

I would tell you but i don't speak ebonics myself either.

>convert their children

do you even islam?

>what do I care?
Just kill yourself if you're that apathetic.

Are you implying Islam is the only religion that has ever imposed the death penalty on converts? Because it certainly isn't.

Man that goy looks like a serious pillow biter

t. Nehiyaw patriot

send it to pissnews

I hope the euros hate Trump
That honestly makes many Americans love him more

Why would I kill myself? I enjoy my life. I'm not going to kill myself because I gave your feelings a boo boo.

The answer to 1984 is 1776.

I think he means he's about to go and strangle him to death.

He wants to chimp out on Ben but can't get to him.

Jesus and I thought our media was bad
Pls fix it, Hans.

>when ur friends with someone and you find out they're a bird

He wants to hurt based Ben, but also needs to namedrop/shill for Amazon prime

It would be the first with a strong mechanism of enforcement. There are ways available to subjugate people that would crush any opposition if the idea of freedom was silenced, which would be likely with the way caliphates work.
You know why Europe experienced the dark ages? It wasn't due to Christianity, but the Islamic caliphates raiding the Europeans, selling them into slavery, and doing everything they could to keep the non muslims from having civilization.

You're giving your children's future a big sickle-sized boo-boo you fucking faggot

>Pope agitator.
What would Bismarck say, fucking Christ.

ON TOP OF THIS:: Famous German "science" show (THE SAME FUCKING SHOW AS IN OP) explaining how cheating is totally normal and can be hot.

Most Germans can't accept that, can they? Even if our media in Britain had the tenacity to air something like that (and I wouldn't put it past them), I'm pretty sure the British people would be freaked out.

The level of self-hate of some of your kinsmen is absolutely ridiculous.

Dude op thats not even the worst.
Sat 1 frühstücksfernsehen that my mom watches had a while ago a astrology reading where the woman said "widder: sie sehnen sich nach zweisamkeit und sollten eine person in ihr leben lassen..." "aus afrika" quickly added and barely audible. I was like WTF! and my mom didnt even notice it. Even after i showed it to her in the recording she just shrugged it off.

Isn't Berlin where Obama gave his great, big cuck speech before he was even elected President and 600 gorillian people showed up to fawn over him?

He caught so much shit for doing that over here. Liberals love the idea of getting approval from Europeans.

Good thing Germans don't vote in US elections so this is utterly irrelevant

I don't know about that but there was huge support for his candidacy among the media here

But I just said I'm not having kids. I don't give a shit if YOUR daughters get raped.

Those trends

impossible to fix.
The information is readily available on the internet and anyone can look up any story and verify if it's real or if information has been omitted if they want. Most people just don't choose to do that because they live in their little bubble of constant affirmation perpetrated by the people around them. Bild Zeitung is absolute trash and still one of the most popular newspapers in Germany.

Oh well then you're just a parasite. You're not having kids, you need immigrants to feed off of as you grow old, and you don't care what damage they do to the culture or nation since you have no genetic legacy.

Honestly you should be gassed.

But I work silly. I contribute vastly more to society than your fat, unemployed ass does. You're just mad at immigrants because more immigrants means less welfare for you.

The only issue with german television is that it's a total replica of american television.

>watching television in current year

Literally kill yourself.


>the mind of a cuck

>And Hispanics are all failures, too!

So they're puting merkel's words on his mouth now :v)

Listen here faggot, we all work, many of us in very respectable careers, but throwing away your life force into a fucking job is a piss-poor excuse for a legacy.

Get over your faggoty projection, you're not impressing anonymous shitposters, you're just a genetic dead end.

The entire story of your forefathers, from the dawn of humanity and beyond, the unique heritage that manifests in you, will flicker away into the nothingness of time without meaning or legacy.

Those are just the facts. Another fact is that you continue this existence and expect the other people doing the hard work of raising civilized children WHILE putting up with the imported children you choose not to make are supposed to pay for your aging, decrepit, NHS-sucking cockholster to keep using good air.

Fuck you, get gassed.

He's implying he didn't break ties with friends who didn't follow the same ideology as he. I'm certain he has even broken ties with family members who didn't believe his drivel, aswell.

These people all became problematic to him. Now he's created a small niche of people to protect him from other ideologies.

When niggers want to fight somebody they say "xyz bout to catch them hands."

They do that in the entire transatlantic press: FAZ, Welt, Sueddeutsche, Zeit, Spiegel. And the associated cucks like Tagesspiegel or dependent regional magazines / newspapers. Sometimes they just translate from the US propaganda sources (e.g. NYT, Washington Post, etc.). They just repeat the same establishment news as they're produced in the US -- because it's the same source and interest groups.

Good job Krautbro.
This is what needs to happen.
Ideally every media lie would be thrown back in the faces almost as soon as it is broadcast.
New media has already surpassed dinosaur media but now it is time for dinosaurs to die.


Better Call Saul

This is what happened leading up to World War One. Robert Graves talks about it in Goodbye To All That. One newspaper would lie. The second newspaper would repeat the lie. The third newspaper would represent the first two as a decisive consensus of experts. Then the first newspaper would point to the third one as confirmation.


Wow, you convinced me, to crack open another can of Coke.

Your forefathers weren't thinking of you when they laid that foundation nor would they agree today that this was the intended goal of that foundation. Legacy means exactly jack diddly shit and you are an idiot for thinking the future matters even the slightest.

>watching german tv
>german tv

If everyone cheats, then no one cheats. I don't understand this.

Thanks for the nice edit, Ivan.

>you are an idiot for thinking the future matters even the slightest.
Nobody is impressed by narcissism, you degenerate parasite. I don't care that your (clearly dysfunctional) genetic line ends with you, but you should be put in fucking stocks for literally feeding off the sweat and blood of the young and unborn.

But it's the other way around you fucking plebeian. My hard work will be paying for your shitty grandchildren's future, and against my will no less. I should convert to Islam just so my money doesn't end in your future blogger grandchildren's welfare.

You are the parasite. You disregard the present so you can claim you had a hand in the future. That is the epitome of narcissism.

I know that many newspapers are under German (and thus transatlantic) control. How is it with TV?

Were they under central control at that time? Or was it just lazy journalists? In our present case we know for sure they are controlled, we even know the clubs and names. We know how they reach to different political demographics and present -- where necessary -- the important messages.

From a Sup Forums view, Germans can read FAZ and Welt, but modulo their anti-Trump, anti-Putin, anti-AfD ("our" party) messages. When it comes to Trump or Putin, Washington is speaking. Same with other big news outlets.


You don't even know what narcissism means, I'm sure whatever manual labor job you have is very enlightening, but you'll be draining NHS funds until you croak your last, surrounded by no one but bitter Somali nurses.

Enjoy, britbottle.

It's not about us. It's about the majority out there doing normie things. Like watching TV, reading the press, letting their views be formed by controlled opinion funnels.

Oh the irony.

Friendly reminder that Trump is a true mastermind.

nothing to contribute so bumping

Newspapers were absolutely tightly controlled and coordinated -- it was the age of Bernays, and Pulitzer confecting the Maine incident to foment the Spanish-American War, remember.
There was a massive redpilling after WWI precisely because people went back to that huge media effort. A lot of popular books from that period talk about propaganda, many written by the people who had worked to bring about WWI.

When the truth won't do just make shit up. Cool.

Wow that is some next level shit