90% of the Black Panther cast will be either African or African-American.
90% of the Black Panther cast will be either African or African-American.
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and its going to flop hard
>have civilization far more technologically advanced than any other
>still don't do anything to try and help other Africans
As it should?
Bet if they released a report saying "90% of people working in ______ movie are white"
You'd have hashtags to bring down white people trending
>90% either African or African-American
You sound like there is a problem? Do you mind explaining?
>90% of the Black Panther cast will be either African or African-American.
so? you think the black panthers should be white or something?
>a bunch of noname actors
So its going to crash and burn?
>ways to ensure a flop film
There's a black Norse God. Why shouldn't the Black Panther be white?
Black Panther not the black panthers.
90% are the criminals and black panther.
10% police.
Accurate for America.
Can you find starving black actors, pay them less and dump all of the money into producers and execs?
Needs more diversity
It isn't going to have an audience
Trust me, I live in a mostly black neighborhood in Chicago. Only the 20 somethings who go/went to college watch capeshit
Why do you care? I'm 99.9% sure you weren't going to watch the movie anyways. what do you expect from a "Black Panther" movie?
And I bet if I movie had a 90% white cast you wouldn't say anything.
Hypocrite retard
It might do well if the quality of writing is on par with the other marvel movies. It also works in their favor that they showed Black Panther off in civil war. Granted, like Ant-man, it may be good but the character is too unknown and kind of boring which will keep the box office numbers low. That's not even accounting for the obvious social commentary on africans.
Why is this a problem?
Black Panther is a nigger superhero from niggerkanda
It might very well become the first MCU movie that is a commercial flop.
Do you -really- care?
Superhero movies are fucking awful.
oh wow. now I give even less of a fuck
why do you care, OP?
>check flag
now I understand
Didn't you see the headline, shitlord? It's very diverse because it's mostly non-white.
You forgot to change your proxy mate
What's their business strategy, selling to black people?
They'll get most of their sales in EBT payments
The picture is missing mexico behind US fucking it hard. As for Canada.. well everyone fucks Canada even Poo in Loos tricked you into developing nukes.
That's what people said about Ant Man. Marvel has the quality control and marketing to make anything a hit.
Pretty sure this is bait but why shouldn't a movie that takes place in Africa have an African cast? Or does Sup Forums not read comics, just like sjw who demand changes but don't read them either
Punisher and Deadpool are alright
fuck all other capeshit
fuck all these retarded superhero movies that are thinly-veiled propaganda pieces for the US military
It's a film set in Africa about an African Kang. Why would you be angry about details like that?
I don't give a fuck. It's capeshit retard nonsense. Stop watching these infantile movies you fucking plens.
Kek.. Implying anyone's going to watch that shit
>movie about white superhero
>50% must be black
>movie about black superhero
>10% are not black
Tfw whitec people will never make a perfect African utopia and we will always have to live in the shadow of African civilizations
Its just hilarious that Africa is so underdeveloped by black nations, they had to invent a technologically advanced part.
I find it hilarious that Black Panther is suddenly a big deal, yet the TV mini-series in 2010 was completely ignored.
Its not like the movie is set in Eygpt or other factual place.
I thought Black Panther was the coolest one in Captain America: Civil War.
Yes, in a movie about an AFRICAN super hero from AFRICA this makes fucking sense.
I have no problems with this. For once they're actually using black actors to play actual black roles. Black Panther needs more exposure to in order to show the liberals and SJWS that YES there ARE good, established, black super heroes in comics, they just fucking ignored them.
>inc biggest flop and a month of debates about how everyone is still racist
Cuckolds and nigger fuckers would go
That's a large demographic
>fictional african nigger country
>some how mad that the film is full of niggers
Surprised at the amount of nega-SJWs in thread.
>SJWs turn a white Norse God, who's known as the whitest of all the gods
Sup Forums gets angry
>SJWs keep a movie in Africa full of niggers
Sup Forums is okay with no major characters being changed to white
It's like you guys enjoy being treated like second class citizens.
Uh, the film is taking place in Africa, so makes sense.
cause nigger movies do so well at the box office
This is fine.
The only reason there's an argument for shoehorning blacks into white roles is because they don't have black roles to begin with.
Give them this shit (that'll inevitably flop) and they'll stop trying to take white roles.
>Black Panther film
>Taking place in Africa
>Has mostly black cast
>This somehow triggers Sup Forums
I don't get it.
They can do as they like, capeshit always bring money if you're Marvel
I think that the fact that for niggers to live in godlike superpower country only possible after fictional meteor to falling into it with super rare metal is quite comical.
I'm a cuckold for wanting to go watch a movie? What has this world come to.
Lol just wait till you have black lives matter at the next comicon.
Because we want the movie to fail. If there's a white co-star, it's almost guaranteed to do better.
I don't give a fuck.
Seems to make sense for something based in Africa.
Because you can't even have a movie set in medieval Europe or its "too white". But you can have something set in Africa and it's not "too black". The PC shit needs to die.
Africa has always been multicultural, are you implying that there are no whites in Africa?
Yeah but the token whites in this movie are about = to token blacks in European movies, this thread is stupid.
Why is the rest of Africa shit if "the most advanced country in the marvel universe" is jammed right in the middle of it. Are we to believe that throughout that country's history, not a single piece of their technology leaked out to greater africa, as has happened historically with technology in every other place on earth?
It seems a stupid premise. "most advanced country in the world, but they haven't affected the rest of the world in anyway throughout history"
>forgetting about the large amounts of whites that actually make the entirety of the South continent liveable.
>Movie set in Africa has 90% black cast
>be a nigger
>the only way to be the most powerful man on Earth is to make up a fake nation and resource
Except that Africans are put into Norse mythology and that's somehow ok
In the comics, Wakanda is a far-right ethnic-supremacist theocracy that considers everyone outside their borders, including other Africans, to be barbarians unworthy of sharing in Wakanda's glory.
Dunno what the movie's going to be like, because that's going to be hard politics to share with the masses.
i congratulate you for all these replies on a shitty thread that has nothing to do with wolrd events or politics.
mods where , delete this!
>Trust me, I live in a mostly black neighborhood in Chicago. Only the 20 somethings who go/went to college watch capeshit
>mostly black
Rip user
that's the point of the black panther story though
I know POL is a meme board, but relax, jeez
Stupid whites in the end of civil war bucky and caption cracker went to Wakanda to freeze Bucky until a cure was found for him
I'm pretty sure avengers and other marvel characters will crisis into boss Panther
Marvel is a very open universe
Also black panther married storm of the xmen
Let's talk about the true tragedy of marvel movies the Spider-Man repobot
He sucked in civil war he's to young
I liked the other peter Parker even if he'd white
I hate biracial Spider-Man
And I'm as racist as they come
>most advanced country in there universe
This can't be real
God I hope that happens. Shit would be hilarious.
Doesn't the movie actually take place in Africa? Most of the cast of Hotel Rwanda were niggers too.
>watching capeshit
Fucking capeshit plebs and their shit.
It's he hypocracy that we are pissesd about
It's not really, I mean most of the crazy science and tech stuff in Marvel comes out of America because of Iron Man and Mr. Fantastic. Every now and then they just say "Hey guys remember Wakanda is the most advanced".
the black panthers are supposed to be black you retard
that's like someone saying "90% of the KKK cast will be either White or White-American."
You'd expect them to be. In fact, I'd expect it to be 100%.
this desu
Well at least this time it would actually make sense.
Well yeah, they're niggers? Did you want niggers to be played by Asians or something?
All I know is if I don't see white people on wakanda I am going to turn this movie into the SPLC for being racist
How white is the bad guy?
>You'd expect them to be. In fact, I'd expect it to be 100%.
Going to bomb and they'll blame it on white people.
No need to be upset. This is fiction.
And when someone calls for Wakanda being great, laugh and remember Zimbabwe.
I don't know why you people are raging by this.
You can rage for spidey being black or comic book writers appealing to sjw, but having a entirely black people cast on BP is normal if you have read the comic.
Black Panther divorced Storm in the shitiest most cowardly way possible. Fuck T'Challa and fuck Wakanda.
No, fuck Storm. He divorced her for bringing her X-Men shit to Wakanda. It was literally killing Wakandans.
Wakanda is extremely isolated due to people trying to extract vibraniam the strongest metal on earth
The structure of woverians skeleton and claws
Also caption Americas shel
Also shield the agency is known for doing naferious things trying to get this resource
As well as weapon x
So whites will be in the movie mostly the villains
As well as iron man since he's Americas bitch and dose their dirty work
Dude, it's fucking science fiction where an alien spaceship crashed in Africa and the wakandans used their technology and alloys to build an isolationist kingdom that hates everyone else.
Wakanda is African Latveria.
You found your autistic soulmate.
Look I'm not racist but it looks like Marvel just ripped off D.C.'s Gorilla City
They should have never gotten married in the first place. Black writer thought these 2 black people needed to get married, retconned their backstories to make them a childhood romance.
>Wakanda is African Saudi Arabia
Ofc marvel had to destroy the only black relationship in the comic
But I heard they only had them marry to appeal to black female readers
They better not have storm date a white man
Besides both have way to much responsibility to really date or have a personal life
Wakananadada (whatever it's called) is right in the middle of fucking Africa, it's next to Nigeria and nowhere near any areas where there would be a sizable white population like in South Africa.
>comic book readers
Anyway, last I checked post-Panther Storm was getting colonized by Wolverine
wow, a movie about a nigger hero will have nigger actors? Color me surprised
>I am upset capeshit about a black superhero from Africa will have a cast of primarily black people
Just how retarded are you?
This pisses me off about black panther the most. I know its fiction and comic books are full of all kinds of crazy shit but expecting me to believe Africa contains the most "technologically advances" country on earth breaks all immersion.
He divorced her because she left Wakanda to handle that shit. He couldn't even tell her he divorced her, He told her the leader of the Wakandan church annulled their marriage. He IS THE LEADER of the Wakandan church.
And he knew she was an XMan when he married her. He couldn't handle a real woman so he bolted. What a shabby son of a bitch. Fuck him with a Vibranium dildo right in his culo. Fuck him.