So no one told you life was gonna be this way
So no one told you life was gonna be this way
>When it hasn't been your day, week, your month, or even your yeeeearr
its like youre always stuck in second gear
I'll be there for you
What happens when go through your entire 20s without eating healthy constantly, partying, and not exercising for at least 60 minutes a day.
TIL When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the role of Joey in "Friends" he only had $11 dollars to his name. When the cast said their goodbyes at the series' end, the first thing that Courteney Cox did was star in an Adam Sandler movie. Matt LeBlanc killed himself.
>multi millionaire
>47 years old
>no children
>dies alone
how can you be such a fuck up?
>TIL When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the role of Joey in "Friends" he only had $11 dollars to his name. When the cast said their goodbyes at the series' end, the first thing that Courteney Cox did was buy a bmw 328i. Matt LeBlanc invested in apple.
Closet case.
>this is what /fit/fags actually believe this
He looks like a really really sad Ben Affleck
>tfw focusing on making money so I can live a good life
>fuck many different women and never have kids
I would hardly call him a fuck up.
Lizzy Caplan left him because he didn't want kids
All of that hard work means nothing if you have no progeny.
they dated for 6 years
She's been with Tom Riley for 18 months now, so if she wanted kids now now now then she's either barren or he's a jaffa.
Damn dude, I'd fuck the shit out of Lizzy Caplan. Wouldn't give her any kids though.
get a load of this retard
why not?
Says who?
TIL When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the role of Joey in "Friends" he only had $11 dollars to his name. When the cast said their goodbyes at the series' end, the first thing that Courteney Cox did was star in an Adam Sandler movie. Matt LeBlanc immediately asked for a raise. According to sources inside hollywood he stated that he was only willing to continue playing "Joey" if he was paid an additionally sum quoted to amount to "about tree fiddy". It was around this time the producers realized that...
Don't want kids. I would understand if she wanted to leave me for that, but I'd enjoy her while the thing lasted.
Don't lie to yourselves.
You know it's true.
>wanting your life to be sucked away by the burden of raising human beings who take up all your time and money
seriously why
I have no idea why anyone ever would want to have a child unless they are just a bored individual with no interests and thus has no value in having time to themselves. Or they're like you and have just been sucked in by the societal notion that a family is necessary for a good life.
Continuing your bloodline, user.
I've never met an older couple who is happy that they're childless.
You feel this way because you're young. When you're older (and it's too late), your opinion will change. I guarantee it.
>things will magically change once you hit a certain age
This sounds like a reliable testimonial.
Now please, can you give me a good reason as to why someone would want to have children? Also, the majority of people who do have kids are the people I already described. People with no interests and/or people who have bought in to the idea that children are a must without thinking about it, as you clearly have, especially given that you haven't offered a single reason as to why kids are a good idea.
It's your duty. Imagine the look of disappointment on the faces of your ancestors as they gaze upon some limp cuck who can't even impregnate a woman. Hundreds of years of work down the drain in one worthless lifetime.
>your world view will always be the same as when you're 18
>raising a family means you're a person with no interests
Listen to yourself.
Ringa ding ding baby
Gay people exist, y'know.
>wanted matt perry to be JUST
>turns out he got syndication residuals and is worth $80 million dollars
Sorry Brendan.
I impregnated a gf and we then got an abortion. Afterwards we headed to a bar to have a celebratory pint. It was a wondrous day.
A reminder that all the actors who appeared in Friends earn millions of dollars every year in syndication rights without having to do anything.
Progeny is legacy, and legacy is the closest thing to immortality. You say what's the point of having kids, I say what's the point of living at all if you're just gonna end up in the dirt with nothing to show for it a year after you die?
People with children at least leave piece of themselves behind to find the answers.
And they're filthy degenerates, yes. But even many of them do the right thing and have a kid via a surrogate mother.
Please, please be satire. Please.
Right, but Matt Perry was the hottest guy on the show, and everyone aged better than he did
>T'was a wondrous day for me n' m'lady
To find the answers?
Are you some kind of religious retard or something?
And of course there isn't much of a point of living at all. The point is that you should try to get the most out of existence that you can for yourself while also having a positive impact on the people around you without inflicting hurt on others.
The only people who have children are generally like you. They can't cope with the idea that the world can seem like an empty place so they mindlessly create children in an attempt to fill the void in their dull lives.
You clearly don't understand satire if you have to ask.
I bet you've never had sex
I'll take that bet, fruity.
why didn't they touch up David Schwimmer's face?
>You should have kids
>lol just because dude immortality lmao
I say this as a person who actually wants to have a child, you're a big idiot.
legacy doesn't matter if you don't have anything of your own. Do you even know about your great grandfather/grandmother, or their parents, etc. Matthew Perry has done more for his legacy by being a famous actor, than most people do by getting married/having kids.
And has betrayed his unborn son or daughter by not allowing them to have a happy, successful life based on the wealth he's built for himself. All because he's too lazy to look after a kid, or even hire a childminder.
Oh no, poor person that doesn't exist! What a monster!
Denying someone the right to exist is worse than murdering them.
>living past the 30s
Define: hypothetical
$80 million can make you overlook alot.
Why wont they do the reunion?
Do they hate each other or someshit?
Bumping cause this is one spicy meme.
Christ, what are you, 15? Fucking retard.
>you're 15 if you don't want a kid
Way to follow the thread
So you think everyone magically changes at a certain age? And that most of them change to want kids?
>It's your duty
I'm getting spooked, hard.
Das rayciss
because you dont notice the childless couples, they just quietly carry on living their life, happy in their choice.
Its couples with children who are so fucking desperate for validation that they tell everyone "omg this is exactly what we wanted, we're so happy, omg family life is the best"
People have children by accident or because of social pressures based on shitty post-war social ideals that haven't changed.
>People have children by accident or because of social pressures based on shitty post-war social ideals
Absolute horse shit. Wanting to reproduce is one of our base, primal instincts, not a social construct. If anything, the desire NOT to have kids is the social construct.
>primal instinct
>social constructs
If we were all just following our primal instincts we would be out fucking and impregnating every woman we could. Not marrying one woman and having a child with her.
electric jew is a sick name for my techno group
millions of years of struggle and sacrifice your ancestors went through to make you and you just want to jack off and die with your bloodline, fucking pathetic