ITT: Actors who will definitely be voting Trump
ITT: Actors who will definitely be voting Trump
>low key votes to deport a bunch of beaners who probably pay loads to see his movies
He's got moxie.
>people who get paid $0.50 for an entire day of back breaking labor
>spending $15 to go see some shitflick
sounds terrible. why would they want to stay?
No wonder why Sup Forums hates him so much and calls him "meme man"
Based af desu
He's not even American and he's a notorious liberal. He even has a video on youtube supporting gay marriage be made legal in Ireland.
None of you know this.
It's not like he pretends to be conservative to gain points in hollywood
what's bigger:
james woods IQ or his penis?
>Sup Forums spammed the comments on his refugee video
does Chris Pratt remind anyone of the Demolition Ranch guy?
Schlomo Shekelstein
Chaim Zioblat
Mordechai Horoblam
Literally who?
He's saving (((them))) for last
He's not even American, retard.