Liberal arts education = absolute degenerecy
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kek confirms
>USA = absolute degeneracy
"Modern art" is just a way for people with zero artistic talent to pretend that they're artists.
instead of artistic talent, call it autistic talent
Autism isn't a talent user.
that's my point
It's in an academic context, I know you're upset that you're too poor or stupid to get an education but that's a you problem.
Grow up.
How's the impeachment going by the way? Still happening?
We put her to a wall and executed her in public
Yes, cooking is the last remaining art form.
It's a real shame, if these things were only available to aristocratic men as they should be, these problems would not exist.
>get C's in high school because retardation
>"school is for liberal cucks anyway!"
>"anything I can't understand is degenerate!"
Confirmed for degenerate """"""" artist""""""
Say all you want but at least they know how to make good architecture.
This doesn't look like an art textbook, what is it.
modern art died after impressionism
Modern art is garbage.
Nice one user.
As I've already stated, it's clearly not an art textbook. This is clearly a chapter on human sexuality.
Or improve old one.
>Yes, cooking is the last remaining art form.
That's because the aesthetic look and taste is the ultimate point of it. Someone who is terrible at cooking can't just throw a bunch of shit together and say it's representative of something else. Bad food is just bad food and can't be anything else.
Good lord, thanks Shlomo.
That's the ROM is Canada. Nice building and a pretty good museum.
It's what happens when you let Art become a commodity. This capitalist art in a nutshell, made to confuse and to sell.
Art is a matter of state affairs, it should be regulated.
I agree with the overall sentiment to a degree but that tail looks like trash indicating to me, along with the fact he never posted a full photo, that the rest of thing is pretty ugly too.
He may have worked hard, but that means nothing if the product is trash
Yeah I know, it's the only art form where craft is still a thing.
>Art is a matter of state affairs, it should be regulated.
Is that you Josef?
Get well soon, Stone building.
Another victim of geometry tumors.
only know nothing retards put creativity in a box.
>'Y' is shit. It should look like 'X', because 'X' looks good to me LALA LALAL I CANT HEAR YOU BLAALALA
only in the US you shit up liberal arts.
So you're saying we want to fight fire with fire.
The second and fourth guys are actually good artists though, just because it's a non-realistic style doesn't mean it's bad. A lot of people don't realize that you have to know exactly what you're doing to make a stylized drawing/painting not look like a total mess.
>Nice building and a pretty good museum
Sure thing shlomo. The 'renovation' is a 350 million dollar eyesore. The only way to up their attendance and call it a success was to host a year long dino exibit, back when everyone was into T-Rexes
Oh shit! I am now a #JihadJavelin
know the difference.
archtecture's the only redpilled form of modern artistic expression left. If pure merit gives way to diversity people might very well get killed because of it.
First day of my second term of architecture school the most awarded member of our faculty/prof of our design module flat-out told the class that if you're going to whine about social justice and not get the fuck on with contributing something the world's going to leave you behind and not give a fuck about you. Couple of women in the class dropped out later that week, kek
God hates fags.
t. Nehiyaw patriot
This is true, I'm a sucker for primitive and a lot of eastern art, which is in a sense the same concept.
I draw the line at Pollock and Rothko though.
Hahaha look at this idiot that doesn't know every master from the Renaissance on was a result of "capitalism"
Face it, every artist worked for money
You can draw a bunch of abstract shapes that look nice and say that they represent things, but you can't poorly draw a guy masturbating and say that it's something else.
Basically the more you have to explain art to people and to have them overcome what they only see with their eyes, the more you've failed as an artist. Creativity should be free to be whatever it wants, but when the intention is completely unknowable to a casual viewer, then it's nothing more than a piece of garbage.
A casual viewer will look at a bunch of abstract scribbles and shapes and know there is some kind of reasoning behind them even though they're unable to fully realize it, but a casual viewer will look at a guy masturbating and only see a guy masturbating and nothing else.
I am mad
I am really god damn mad right now
why is Sup Forums always just fucking right!?
so the dragon is trash, but the clay faggot sucking himself off is not worthy of your mention?
>t. wasted my parent's money on art daycare
god you are a fucking idiot
enjoy your industrially produced Artâ„¢
no one is scared of faggots. and even if people were legitimately scared of faggots, that would be an infantile insult as no one insults people with other phobias as if it is anything but a psychological issue.
>old, dead ideals
heh, like family, safe neighborhoods, success?
uh, no Jihadi's and Militias are not even remotely similar; one is to protect the interests of our republic, the other is a religious imperitive to kill non-muslims.
>violence solves problems
obviously; who thinks it doesn't? a liberal faggot?
what kind of freak doesn't hate degeneracy?
>death penalty
if a jury of peers say there is no reasonable doubt against the charges brought, why should we keep them in a human zoo for the rest of their lives? This isn't some systemic state sponsored war crime, its the criminal's neighbors wanting him dealt with.
Jews are filthy rodents, but the difference is a matter of objectivity versus butthurt and tradition
> Religious rule
even most Christians do not want religious rule because it could become corrupted; most want a state that doesn't hinder their culture or beliefs. Not a totalitarian mud tribunal.
>cultural superiority vs objective morality
who says these cannot be mutual? and what faggot writing this actually believes in objectvity? sounds like a fedora fag wrote this.
at least it looks interesting now
before it was a generic american historicism
>he doesn't jerk off with his legs spread wide open
>far right
also an important detail you left out of your chart is that the far right consists of intelligent white people, and muslim extermists are retarded brown people
>"C's in high school because of retardation"
Looks like the graphics card is getting fried again
>cooking is the last remaining art form.
Nah, talentless hipsters are after that too.
>Looks like the graphics card is getting fried again
OH jew
thats my post howd you know it was me?
is that The Big Lebowski?
>thats my post
I must have a built in jew-dar, or only 1 or 2 Bulgarian post here. Seriously that was you in the j-dar.ca thread? Great dubs with the post
>entire anglosphere = pure degeneracy
>UK = whore of babylon tier degeneracy
ye it was me but idk how many post here but i think there are alot of us on Sup Forums but i rarely go there
Upvoted :^)
Too lazy to fix that
>t. an absolutely ass-ravaged Argentine
What does that have to do with liberal arts?
I love this guy but he's such a robot
he seems to have no emotions even when is there
it must suck to have this accent
Oh god kill me. Fucker is taking out an entire row of heritage buildings for these abominations next.
thats what we get from buying american built ships
yeah i bet you'd all wank over an allen jones chair if it was shaped like an anime character though
There are some impressionist works that I like. Not eveything has to be realistic. But everything in that picture, except for Hitler's work, is degenerate trash, devoid of beauty or meaning.
>pollock and rothko
really on the bleeding edge there, user
reminds me of Infamous Second Son
looks like the DUP taken over that
maybe you should direct that rage at the very rich men who hired that particular architect, because it's really up to them what gets built
it's also a weapon against your humanity and your sense of the transcendent: