Has there a purest kino ever been made?

Has there a purest kino ever been made?

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>tfw Sup Forums doesnt like Tarkovsky anymore

shadow of forgotten ancestors
andrei rublev
white mountains

The mirror is a beautiful film. I actually just got done watching it again for the 2nd time. It feels like looking into a window of Tarkovsky's life.

i concur


Don't forget Pear Tree by Mehjrui.

yes, also amazing, thanks friend
and the plea and pirosmani

I seriously think that shot of her looking into that empty field is the most beautiful thing to ever be put into film.

I'm not sure about your grammar, and the 'kino' meme is tiresome, but it is one of the greatest films ever made, yes.

gay shit

With pink sky or shit tier white?

>I'm not sure about your grammar
Im just trying to find myself on purest form of expression.

It's up there.

It was just too real in colors and atmosphere. Could almost touch the field and grass, especially because that's how nature looks here.

i think rublev and nostalghia are better lads

Sacrifice and runaway train are better, but this is still great

Tarkovsky had a great talent of capturing the beauty of nature

no sacrifice sucks
he believed the only way to do film is the naturist way

What was his fucking problem?

I like the one when the wind blows the grass better, it was like i was expecting the air to hit me

Is this the comfy no irony allowed thread?



how did he make such beautiful images

>when you witness tarkovsky influence that's not superficial AGI shit.

daddy was a poet


This was a breathtaking shot, on par with the one that preceeded it imo.


My dad is too but i didnt get any kinopowers

bump for this

my film desu

What was Tarkovsky's deal with dogs anyway?

they are men's best friend


What's wrong with you? Name the film and redeem yourself or remain a pseud forever.

can someone post those polaroids again (and the kubrick ones). i forgot to save them


this is all I have

if it is then you're god

Should be most if not all of them.




fuck off pleb, this is a big boy thread


this was incredible

you sir are a kino scholar and a kino gentleman, thank you


where are those from?


>It feels like looking into a window of Tarkovsky's life
That's a surprise, considering it was the premise for the film



Watching this movie all the way through based on the high-praise of some po/tv/atos on here left me feeling mildly trolled.

Some of the murder segments become blatantly implausible within the context of a society with that much inherent hostility.

Almost all of the no-kill fakeout segments were overly telegraphed, especially since the overall purpose of the movie was to portray strangers spontaneously murdering other strangers in completely mundane encounters.
The rules differentiating 'legitimate targets for political assassinations' and 'ordinary people you might slaughter casually for pointless reasons' are supposed to be so incoherent it becomes impossible to ***REALLY*** ensure are being one instead of another.

Artificially 'incomprehensible' causal relationships between the killer of one person becoming the victim of yet another are unnecessary and make the whole movie feel a bit inane.

Welcome to /tv where inane movies like The Room become classic by sheer shitposting.
Btw James Franco is making a mockumentary about The Room.

Persona maybe? The Mirror is my favourite film so I'm biased.

Short answer: no
Long answer: yes

Yeah definitely Andrei Rublev bro


is this a difficult watch for somebody who hasn't gotten into a lot of "foreign" stuff yet?

only similiar stuff i've seen is a short film about love and three colours: blue . . . .. nice movies but it's rare that i'm in the mood for them.

Blue is entry as fuck compared to Tarkovsky and Mirror is arguably his most challenging film.

Be sure to watch more Kieslowski, Bergman, Mizoguchi and Bresson before moving on to Tark. When you decide it's time to take the plunge, start off with him chronologically.


But everyone knows who Tarkovsky is. Stalker is the main suspect of smug cinema.

Only memeing faggots associate entry with popularity.