“Bowie is not the person he was. He is no longer David Bowie at all...

>“Bowie is not the person he was. He is no longer David Bowie at all. Now he gives people what he thinks will make them happy, and they're yawning their heads off. And by doing that, he is not relevant. He was only relevant by accident. One can't help but think back to the early '70s and wonder if all the excitement and the glamour that he had was the influence of others. Perhaps he's just doing now what he always did, which is zap from the people standing next to him. And we have to assume that for the past twenty years or more he's been surrounded by accountants and drab, forgettable people."

You have to admit he's got a point.

Classic Moz right here.

>In 2006, Bowie turned down an offer to collaborate with Morrissey on Ringleader of the Tormentors, and he again rejected Moz in 2013 when the latter sought to use an image of the pair as the artwork for his reissue of “The Last of the Famous International Playboys”. Instead, Morrissey was forced to go with a photo of Rick Astley.

>Years later, and even after Bowie’s untimely passing, it seems as if Morrissey still harbors a grudge. As NME points out, during a gig in Manchester over the weekend, Morrissey not-so-subtly snubbed Bowie prior to performing “All the Best Ones Dies”. He name-checked several prominent celebrities who had passed over the last year, including comedian Victoria Wood, actress Caroline Aherne, boxer Muhammad Ali, and Prince. However, when it became evident he would not pay homage to David Bowie, fans responded with jeers. One person even went as far to call Morrissey a “cunt.”

When did Morrissey get fat? Did this happen between Alma Matters and First of the Gang to Die?

>>“Bowie is not the person he was.

said fucking MORRISSEY

sometime between 90s Comedian and Carpet Remnant World

>I bare more grudges than lonely high court judges

ratko mladic has let himself go

Man I like The Smiths and even think Morrisey's solo stuff is pretty good. But the man is a terrible person isn't he?

>But the man is a terrible person isn't he

It's as if he thinks he's a classical composer.

>I met David Bowie for breakfast at a discreet restaurant at the foot of the Hollywood Hills. Both standing at the buffet with our empty plates, David hovers over what are horrifically called ‘cold cuts’. I nestle up beside him.
>‘David, you’re not actually going to eat that stuff, are you?’
>Rumbled, he snaps: ‘Oh, you must be HELL to live with.’
>‘Yes, I am,’ I say proudly, as David changes course and sidles off towards the fruit salad, and another soul is saved from the burning fires of self-imposed eternal damnation.

Who was in the wrong here?

>‘Yes, I am,’ I say proudly

Was it autism?

Probably this:
I mean, it's not like either of them were much more than pop stars.

Bowie, eating meat is degenerate.

However, morrisey needs to stop being a pushy vegan cunt.


In the real world, Morrissey is considered a pathetic talentless hack. The only reason he is celebrated here is because this is a board for numales

>thinks he lives in the real world

Calm down, have a salad you weenus.

More like Alma Fatters and the First of the Gang to Eat Pie

>pathetic talentless hack
ummmm, no sweetie.
projecting much?

That crust better not be made with any dairy products

Morrissey's voice is better though

nah m8. morrissey has better lyrics and a better voice. bowie has better music and experimentation.

>proving my point
Reminder that you're delusional if you think le smiths mememan is somehow better than Bowie

Bowie was popular because he was heavily marketed towards teenage girls in the 70s, kinda like the Beatles. In interviews, he admitted he doesn't think of himself as a good musician but as a performer and entertainer, I don't get why people don't see that and still consider him as some legend.

To add to this: Nowadays when you see people loving Beyonce and Taylor Swift, it's the same thing. They will be remembered 50 years from now whether Sup Forums and RYM like it or not

Unironically this

Bowie released 25 albums and only like 2 of them are good (thanks to Eno btw)

Morrissey was popular because he was heavily marketed towards britpop fags in the 80s, kinda like Blur. In interviews, he admitted he doesn't think of himself as a good sexual performer but as a vegan and pseudo-intellectual, I don't get why people don't see that and still consider him as some numale.

Beyonce and Taylor Swift didn't trailblaze any genres, introduce new instruments/studio techniques to the mass public, or do anything public-image-wise remotely daring.

Parents never yanked away a beyonce or taylor swift album because of the blasphemous affect it was having on their kids.

Bowie scared the shit out of people... and 3-4 times over. He's going to be remembered much longer for it.

>better lyrics and a better voice
During the smiths years, morrissey solo is trash

And Beyonce's 'political achievements' will be remembered in the same vein as Bob Hope's --- adopting the safest possible agenda, at the safest possible time, in the least risky way (granted Bob Hope at least went to war sites n shit).

>morrissey solo is trash
either you havent heard it, or your a turbopleb

what is this from, this can't be real



Being a fat homosexual self hating vegan struggling to retain your former glories must be tough. Fuck Morrissey.

morrisey is the nabokov of music

>anglo journalism

yeah, no wonder he moved away