NO REKT THREAD!? Rekt thread

NO REKT THREAD!? Rekt thread.

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I'm interested.

>rekt thread
>posts gore
kys opie

stop being autistic, nigger

It looks like they scooped out their leg meat


No, I will going to call the fucking police you sicko

i like to post gore in rekt threads just to trigger faggots liek you

>this tread






Stop being retarded.

>Have fidget spinners gone too far? Find out tonight on Generic News Show at 11!

spin 2 fast

I'm not the one complaining about the right kinda blood to post in a Sup Forums thread, nigger

And do the Harlem!

I hate the Chinese so these electrocution videos are so funny.

Not cool posting animals. Only post people.

Shoki shoki Dong dong

No one is refusing you animals posting. I can has post animals

is this ylyl cus i lost

Can someone explain why there are several animals that have their body reflexes still function after being decapitated or brain death (by bullet or something), yet humans just fall dead?

Wait... niggers have brains??? Who knew


This man died trying to tell you how nice those trips are

Have some respect

did a terrible job. not impressed. will scar poorly. at least finished. c-

i am also curious about this.

You and your semantics can just die and that would be fine.


nice tits

when your parents tell you the monster under your bed isn't real, but it is

> ow napoleon, you're hurting my neck meat!

One fresh c

Don't be egocentric

>ching chong
why am i not surprised


Lost my fucking mind!

I doubt it was suicide...who did this? Seen plenty of clips from these niggers land, they can be extremely vicious.

(OP) delivers

I need a backstory. wtf.

nerve gas?

lol holy shit

Got late here guys , tried to fit something in , saw you takim'sheeiit about chinoass and negruus this I found

What is the backstory? Is this in Columbia- assassination of Presidential nominee by El Patron?

Albanian dialysis patient doused a guy with gasoline that he had a beef with. The two patients nearby died, as well as the arsonist. The guy he doused was in critical condition, but if he died it only was on the Albanian news.

Because of the obvious lack of value of human life?

Luis D. Colosio assassination best candidate for Mexican presidency in the last 50 years.



>posting gore in rekt thread

Swimming, you're doing it wrong.


This guy is fucking super thick black girls , click here to know how


I'm not a vet or an anatomist, but I'd guess that the pig in the gif at MAY have had his spinal cord severed at or above the spinal cord. Depending on exactly where this is done, and how the pig brain is structured, it may still have certain spinal reflexes.

Wait you have a mosquito in your defense!

>MAY have had his spinal cord severed at or above the spinal cord

my guess would be that the pigs cerebellum or brain stem had not been removed with the head of a pig thus causing it to spasm and shake


Fuckin nerve gas you dumb jizzy bitch, i mean. for fucks sake...

because humans dont get decapitated at the brain stem


With more 'primitive' animals like insects (such as cockroaches), it's also because the nervous system is far more decentralized. So a removal of the head doesn't remove ALL of the neurological functions of the animal.

And no, in general removing the head of an animal like a pig will not result in it running around like OP after a dildo truck. This was just a very badly done (or... well done?) decapitation.


the real power of a mexican sandal

>not reassembling your squirrel afterwards

Dude was angery at him so he lit him up and decided to die too its on reddit


Anyone have that image of a dick in the dead body?

>thinking a prairie dog is a fucking squirrel

get a load of this faggot



This has to be fake, and also where's the sound? what she saying?

Greetings, newfrond.

this actually made me laugh

source or fake

Sauce in metadata.

it just happened the other day near Los Banos, CA
found diz shet

I miss Davesfarm.

It's real, was all over national news..

Look up the news... She just got arrested today...

Actual nerve gas on a rekt thread!!!

damn son


that insta karma


>8 feet away
>no 360

I had a really good friend killed the same way, but she was in a truck that hit the back of a parked semi.
her BF was reaching for some carrots in the center , she was asleep in his lap.

You faggot
someone has to ask
>what is this

Delete your account
savage animal

I'm not sure if the other guy shoot him
or was the air pressure
Explain pls

realize your dreams

let it get infected and accept Nurgles Blessing

Nice man.... bitch dont give a fuck, just splattered her hood rat sister on the dash and said fuck it...