Is this show any good? My friend is going to be in an episode that's airing on the 11th, I'm wondering if I should start watching to catch up or just watch that one episode to support him.
mew fucks michael moore
Surely you're joking?
I'm not joking, and don't call my Shirley.
Is the scene at least hot?
>is a scene with Michael Moore in it hot?
What the fuck is wrong with you user
He slides her panties down her legs and she's all sweaty but his grotesqueness is overwhelming it really ruins the mood.
I meant the MEW part of the screen.
Thanks. Now is the rest of the show worth watching?
Yeah it's okay.
Good shot of her feet in the shower in episode 1
Soles in episode 9
Thanks m8s.
Yeah it's good, definitely one of the better shows this year. It even manages to maintain a fairly non-partisan perspective on American politics although it definitely does lean slightly to the left as is to be expected of TV.
MEW is sexy as fuck.
>MEW is sexy as fuck.
Oh definitely. I'm a bit jealous my friend got to meet her on the set desu.
It's got MEW, I'd watch because of that fact.
Did you watch her show on PBS?
It's an awesome show.
Which one?
Mercy Street.
It was shit. But you have to watch it because MEW is in it.
I'll do it.
What is some essential MEWkino?
Death Proof
I really like it. It has an odd tone that's really rough in the first episode or two but it finds its footing and becomes a lot better as it goes.
Love it.
Qt MEW and the supporting cast is really funny.
Thanks user, I'll check it out.
It's an Eyes Wide Shut parody.
>nobody actually posts the Michael Moore has a little taste of MEW scenes
>you people disappoint me
I like it as well because it's a one series thing. It has a set beginning and end. Unless CBS pulls some Under the Dome type of shit
Show was kinda boring at start? Not bad by any means but not compelling. Does it get betted
Wait, is the recap song in episode 2 sung by the guy who did the Code Monkeys theme song?
i loved this latest episode
i was pissed off before because i felt the characters were being too nonchalant about a full scale bodysnatching alien invasion but they took some action in this ep that was satisfying to watch, and i'm loving having gareth on board at last. the last scenes with the cia were great and the overarching plot hidden in the farm bill budget is intriguing.
The show is comfy as fuck.
Monk and MEW in the same show, what more could you ask for?
Season 2 pls CBS. I'd watch reruns of Braindead before I watch new episodes of big fag theory
mew in panties that don't look like adult diapers
>season 2 pls
there's only two eps left now i think. i'm not sure that's enough to come to a conclusion. maybe it is, i hope so if season 2 doesn't happen. i haven't heard anything about season 2 but honestly i'm not sure how much traction this show is really getting which is a real shame because it's the best thing on right now.
Its probably on the chopping block. Had something like 5 million viewers for its premiere. It was down to about 1.5 mil on the newest episodes.
For a major network that probably isn't enough juice to see it through to another season premiere considering it will lose viewership over the hiatus.
Finale is next sunday.
Highly doubt it but I like the idea. Charming cast, definitely best show of the summer. I'll miss it
I really like it, good dark comedy, although sometimes the tone is inconsistent.
Only thing that pisses me off is the nonchalant nature of the main character and her friends on dealing with the situation. They know alien bugs are taking over Washington. Instead of alerting everyone they just go about their lives as usual. Sure, something can be said for keeping a low profile while you figure things out. There is no need here. They should be informing everyone. They don't even need to do it directly
Its obvious they wanted to make a purely political focused show. They knew it wouldn't last in the sea of other related shows out there. They knew they needed something to set it apart and went with alien bugs. Unfortunately it seems they weren't willing to go all the way with it. That and they're too pussy to just say politicians are idiots and instead have to explain it away with aliens.
Shows dead. They can get better ratings with a rerun of NCIS or Big Bang Theory.
Just watch it for Monk.
Yeah !
Monk is awesome as an average american patriot.