Science proves this:
We raise our girls to be weak and helpless. If we could change our society, we could help our girls develop into strong, powerful women
Science proves this:
We raise our girls to be weak and helpless. If we could change our society, we could help our girls develop into strong, powerful women
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>19th century misogny
im sure that book is really informative
I agree. My wife should lift all the heavy shit. It's discriminatory otherwise.
>Science proves this:
false. Biology literally tells us that testosteorne, which men have a lot more of, gives men much stronger muscles as well as stronger and more dense bone structures.
>We raise our girls to be weak and helpless
Does this mean reddit is going to stop rallying the white knight army to ride to the defense every time a woman gets called a mean name on the internet?
Stopped reading right there.
>women aren't weaker tham men
this woman in my basement disagrees.
I kind of want women to start believing this just so they can get their shit pushed in more often.
Cool, that means they don't need special treatment. They also have to do "man" jobs at the same level of efficiency. If either of these fail it means the claim that they're as strong as men is false.
On a related note I can't wait to watch the MtF trannies in the olympics wreck everyone's shit in the women's sports
There's no end to the delusion.
Get that shit out of here faggot. Nigger posted the delete pic and people react.
How do they explain elite female athletes, especially those from Eastern Europe or China who have been training since early childhood and were never treated the tiniest bit like frail girls, yet they still can't possibly compete with their male counterparts?
Western feminists somehow see everything through the lense of a spoiled, white middle class woman and completely ignore the fact that there are thousands of women around the world who never had the luxury of being treated like a frail little princess, yet they didn't somehow develop the ability to turn estrogen into testosterone.
thats fucking disgusting you gypsy
>tfw took me 2 seconds to disprove it.
This is bait but for the same of argument you are retarded if you believe this trash
I have worked with women who were raised to be hard workers in demanding industrial settings. Whenever it comes down to physical ability they are pathetic. A skilled female technician may be able to fix something, but if something heavy is broken and stuck she will not have the bone density, frame, muscle distribution, testosterone required to do the job.
Female miners are directed towards easier jobs in a mine because they cannot handle the physical demands of slugging around 80+lbs of drilling equipment for 12 hour shifts, as all the men can.
Female welders are directed towards smaller jobs for the same reasons.
Females are weaker then men, period. Let the stronk Womyn in combat sports compete with men in their weight classes and watch them get absolutely rekt, bones broken, and accidentally killed.
>we could help our girls develop into strong, powerful women
pretty sure you just have a bodybuilder fetich, and not that the rest of the world needs t change to suit you.
>feminists somehow see everything through the lense of a spoiled, white middle class woman
The western decline in a nut-shell.
the two sexes are supposed to compliment each other and work as a team. Why are women so obsessed with proving they can do what men can do and completely ignore their power to physically create and nurture new human beings
The strongest natural woman in the world couldn't beat average men they met at a gym (they weren't body builders or anything).
Try peddling this shit on see where it gets you.
In under two years of training I beat women's elite strength standards on all lifts. This has to be a joke.
Getting your information from TwoX is like beating your head in with a hammer. Its just a stupid thing to do.
Thread deleted in 5...
> I will delete this image in 3 minutes. Reply like it's the most fucked up thing you've ever seen.
Seriously desu, what the fuck. This is Sup Forums teir shit, what comes next, your trap fantasies?
Gonna enjoy forcing girls to lift all my heavy shit.
Stop posting that stupid bazinga or your mom dies shit, we don't need that on Sup Forums.
jesus christ dude, what the fuck
What. The. Fuck.
RIP kitten.
Probably the best thing to do if you are that bluepilled tbH
ohh god why
Enjoy your vacation asshole
> I will delete this image in 3 minutes. Reply like it's the most fucked up thing you've ever seen.
fuck yur shit
You should get off Sup Forums and seriously rethink your life.
posting in an EPIC thread
She sure picked a great day to release her book.
It was all we were talking about that day....
only in eastern europe do they make lingerie of that size
Study Finds that Blacks are Genetically Stronger than Whites
> is reporting on a study conducted by Cornell University that found that White Americans are genetically weaker and less diverse than their Black counterparts.
>The study, “Genotype, hapoltype and copy-number variation in worldwide human populations,” was conducted to provide data for uncovering the history of migration, range expansion, and adaption of human beings.
>After testing 10,000 genes and analyzing the genetic makeup of 15 Americans of African descent and 20 Americans of European decent, researchers found that the Euro-Americans showed less variation than their African American counterparts.
>Carlos Bustamante, senior co-author of the study and an assistant professor of biological statistic and computational biology at Cornell stated, “Since we tend to think of European populations as quite large, we did not expect to see a significant difference in the distribution of neutral and deleterious variation between the two populations.”
talk about lmoa
Kek, here's one for you
Great, I guess we don't need to segregate sports based on gender then. Surely women will be able to compete on the same level as men :^)
you're telling me a woman can't clean and jerk 500 lbs? fucking white cis male scum
They need babies.
Kimbo slice can't fight for shit
Time to crawl back into your cuckshed
people only die because the accept it as an inevitability.
Blacks are +2 STR -2 INT.
>If we could change our society, we could help our girls develop into strong, powerful women
so feed them steroids? yeah i guess but they'll be less women and more men
>Sept 11th, 2001
Since no one has done it yet
>people only die because the accept it as an inevitability
Am I reading some stupid nigger's Twitter or did you just post that irrelevant shit here
Don't they also get -2 to CHA, or is this a different ruleset?
Just kill yourself
Blacks have lower strength though. Have you never seen one in real life? Maybe it's insertions, maybe it's fucked up myostatin, but they are likely the weakest race. Look at strength records if you don't believe me. If anecdotal is your thing go to a power lifting meet.
This is all kinds of fucked up.
They are physically weaker, this can't be debated
Even Donald Trump would be ashamed.
Are you kidding me?
We aren't birds or insects, thats not how our section of the animal kingdom works
what the fuck man!?
What the actual fuck.
meh. Happens too often in Brazil. You get desensitized to it.
what am i looking at?
>tfw no stronk gf
why go on lads
studies also show blacks die to bullets.
It's a nice notion because women do exaggerate how helpless and incompetent they are physically, but the reality is that women have a significant handicap in pure lifting strength and endurance. They're also have longer recovery times.
Blacks look pretty strong though. That's all that matters, especially when it comes to reproduction.
They have a higher activity of the creatine-kinase system which may give them some minor advantage in certain fast-twitch dependant exercises like short distance sprinting and explosive movements. It may also increase the rate that testosterone becomes DHT, which may explain their obvious aggressive and niggish tendencies. If there is any biochemical advantage it is small. Surprising and telling that they are not more successful at powerlifting but there are a few.
My opinion is that while they do haventhe appearance of increased muscularity, it is in fact moderate water retention due to creatine activity. This may contribute to their predisposition to hypertension. Increased creatine activity may lead to their aggressive behaviours as it increases the rate of conversion to DHT which is more potent and produced more typical side effects.
It's funny how the studies that concluded the inverse were buried for fear of upsetting blacks.
Hey look on the bright side, they either consider women spineless insects or crazy feather brain birds if they follow that logic, either way their "reasoning" is flawed.
not even the people on reddit are falling for OP's bait
Go to any track meet
I can accept egalitarianism.
The idea that some women can be strong, and perform well in tasks usually suited to men is fair enough. The idea we should hire people on individual merit; if she's strong she should get the job, fair enough.
But saying "women are not weaker than men"
Taking those whole, huge generalized groups, and saying that women are not weaker, is ignoring fact.
Egalitarianism and focusing on the individual is one thing, but saying shit like that is just bald faced lying.
If the foundation for equality is that "men and women are exactly the same" then there can be no equality.
>September 11, 2001
Yes they are weaker then men but you can EASILY train a women to be toughter then neets, everyone on Sup Forums and people you see in anime conventions. My mom whose in her 50s can squat 24 hours to clean shit. How many American men and women can do that? very tiny amount.
> Reddit
Just show them the "transgender" mma fighter who destroyed all the competition and won the championship.
That should shut those retards up
What the fug Gypsy.
fucking degenerate holy shit
>We raise our
YOU don't do anything, you piece of shit.
Women are weaker than men, period. They are not physically equal.
Some women are on test and bodybuild. Still weaker than the average man.
Their bones are weaker and more brittle. Their muscles respond less favorably to strength training. They have a higher stress response with less productive recovery.
> muscle can stop bullets
Oh look its you again. Fuck off with this disgusting webm you edgy faggot.
>every gf i've ever had
>can hold both their wrists in one hand
>they cant break free
>actually makes them slightly angry too to be confronted with their own weakness
men dont beat the shit out of women anymore so they have forgotten how strong men are compared to them. im just an average sized guy too. im in shape but nobody would ever look at me and say that i look like a strong guy. i've got a buddy that's in the nfl and he might be able to hold both my wrists together like that though. not sure. never fucked with him to test his strength like that.
I would beat the shit out of your mom
That's some hot anal CP
Jesus Christ what did you do to her face??
>The first man to run a mile in under four minutes was Roger Bannister in 1954.
>The first woman to run a mile in under four minutes - no woman has done it yet.
It gets better.
>In 1915, the men's world record mile time was 4:12.6 set by Norman Taber
>The CURRENT women's world record is 4:12.56
>tfw running the same speed as guys from 100 years ago.
>the current mens' world record is 3:43.13
>tfw running a mile nearly 30 seconds slower
>women BTFO
reading comprehension faggot. You cant even understand your own copypasta. It's not talking about physical strength (in which the whites are superior t hanks to neanderthal DNA and slow twitch muscles), its talking about genetic diversity.
All you've done is proven the case for white nationalism, since all whites are much closer to oneanother than all blacks