Uh oh Pol loks like ol Zyklon Ben is in Trouble

Uh oh Pol loks like ol Zyklon Ben is in Trouble

He'll just blame it on Sup Forums and get off scot free

I love the meaner and more Sup Forums-like Ben Garrison

melanin enriched individual being violent as always

>fighting Ben "Kike Killer King" Garrison

I bet he already has a tree picked out for him.

>Dat bulge

Gets me every time.

He actually posted here before a few times and made a few comics about our memes here. He can no longer say that we're some outside group that he doesn't associate with and blame his problems on. His career is dead and he doesn't care anymore.

Is this even an original?

he'll driect the guy to Sup Forums

when he gets here and realizes were all 6'7 290 lb chefs at burger king making 170k/year, he'll back off

I've never seen someone so eager to offer someone else an applause.
>No sir, I'm not just going to give you a hand. I'm going to post it to you.
>Both of them!


>black man threatening violence
wow noooooo it cant be

Niggers mad that she gots a dick.

What kind of message would two black decapitated hands give?

Where's the original version?

>his career is dead
>he's more popular than ever before and getting tons of welfare Patreon bux by Sup Forumsacks

Pick one.

>tfw you only make $120k at Wendy's

What is that nigger saying?

Did Sup Forums meme Ben Garrison into becoming a racist?

An apology.

It won't work on Ben though, we both know that.

What else is he using them for except crime? If we removed the hands of all black people, crime would plummet.

His career is more alive than ever, and he can basically post whatever bait he wants to get attention, and if somebody gets butthurt he can show everybody how Sup Forums has been editing his cartoons for years

Ask Belgium. It's like a wedding gift.

>Pick one
i don't think you quite understand how that meme works lad, back to r/Sup Forums for another month

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Ben Garrison actually used to make PC comics that got defaced by a fat kike on Sup Forums (who's now in jail), and now he actually went full redpilled?

>how Sup Forums has been editing his cartoons for years
Or maybe it was a long-con and he himself started posting edits in the first place.

post yfw ben starts making actual racist cartoons and just shifts the blame to Sup Forums for them

Except a jew admitted he edited his pics and posted them on Sup Forums and is in jail now (Even though I doubt he was the only one doing it)

Excuse me sir, is this the leather club?

more like he was libertarian, now I think he's cynically riding the "alt-right" wave which means he just makes a bunch of pro Trump comics

>implying ben doesnt have an arsenal of guns to kill niggers with

He was always the "Montana Merchant Mangler". He just had to realize it.

I wouldn't call them fully PC but he is a lot more redpilled now, and his comics reflect that.

Nowadays he is pretty much the anti-Horsey.

Ben better be careful. Dindus only talk shit on social media, but as Eurofag cartoonists have found out the Religion of Peace follows through with their threats.

No, he was never a lefty. He was a libertarian always. Some kike on here just changed it up a bit.

SJewW glasses and all.

I can't say for certain, but I'd hazard a guess that Amazon has rules against drone delivering your severed hands to someone.

>Nigger threatens violence when someone disagrees with him
Like clockwork.


>now I think he's cynically riding the "alt-right" wave
Southern Poverty Law Center, pls go.


Ben get trolled so hard he came here to mope about it. He actually got banned real fast too. He even wrote a book about it.
Now he joined our ranks. He gets his inspiration from us now. Look how redpilled his Trump stuff is.

That nigger looks like a numale cuck, wtf america does to people?

> fighting Ben "emptying my 9 at the welfare line" Garrison

His Twitter is a goldmine. The gift that just keeps on giving, Sup Forums!

Amazon is owned by a Jew. If there is a shekel to be made, he'll allow it.


Nigger speak is 80% advertising, 10% call to violence, 10% self congratulation.

Yea but he got btfo constantly during the libertarian discussions. Libertarians have been effectively genocided from Sup Forums.

Almost forgot.
He got banned from facebook for posting a Sup Forums-tier comic. I think that really pushed him over the edge.

>negro thug told by a troll named Nep Nep

he's the nigger version of a numale cuck

100% misplaced narcissism


Did pol destroy his career?


Who the fuck wears a suit in Mobile?

What a sour nigger, doesn't get the point to the first amendment. But again he is a nigger so I'm not shocked.

fucking anime shits. this is why nobody takes right wing seriously such autism

This nigger better watch his back, he just signed his own death warrant. The one-man holocaust is coming to town.

He did a fundme to fund a compilation book of his comics and he got 2 donations. From his wife and somebody who mistook him from somebody else I guess.
Then he wrote a book about his troublesome relationship with Sup Forums and it sold out. I think lots of Sup Forumsacks bought his book.

fucking yes

>Did Sup Forums destroy his career?

I don't know what you're talking about. Ben "shoot a nigger and my dick gets bigger" Garrison has always been this way, and his career has never been better.

>racist right wing accusations
>dead career in the maga era

pol turned him into a god and he will revel in it.

Melania resembles sofia vergara a lot in that sketch.

btw source? I can't find this online.

Wasn't the fund thing about him trying to sue all of internets for trolling him?

Liberal cuckold detected. If anything, hardcore right-wingers with anime avatars add another layer of fun allowed to the meme-right.

He posted it on Twitter

no u r just autist cunt

Apparently, he works at T-Mobile. He probably steals phones or charges white people extra money. We should get him fired.

>kebab nigger talking about using drones
Where's homeland security when you need them?

I thought that was a troll.
I read his weblog back then and it said his fundme failed and he wouldn't be writing his book.

>If we removed the hands of all black people, crime would plummet.

Yes, but there would be a sharp rise in crimes using muhdik.

Westside or some shit

>nigger threats on twitter
Lol its too easy for coppers these days. Lock anotha brotha up, let em all rot together in a cage.


>we should get him fired


fuck off and kill yourself you edgy little faggot

>Kike in jail
>in jail



Yeah, let's try to get an actually hard-working nig nog fired.
Back to tumblr, you piece of shit.

Ok Eric

It's past your bedtime, Ahmed. Be a good lil Muslim and suicide bomb yourself tomorrow morning please.


Well anyway I'm glad he wrote it. It was actually better than expected

hopefully you have cancer

Why won't one of you go fight him?

Are you cucks or something?

>nig nog

Choose one

Fact: smug anime girl reaction images are the highest form of argument. The only bugurt autist I see here is you.

kill yourself jew

whenever he does a comic that's even slightly more complicated than that one I cringe so hard

>wanting to fight Ben "pull the trigger and kill the nigger" Garrison

that nigger is good as dead

He went to jail for sending bomb-making instructions to a fed posing as a jihadist. Only his Mossad cousins are allowed to do that.

liking girls isn't manly. why do guys like frilly pink people with lipstick and makeup in cute dresses? seems pretty gay to me. a real man is a man's man

lol i am 196 cm , 8 inch dick with many women. you are autist virgin manlet neckbeard

sure totally.

Hitler doubles lol.
What a non argument ass nigga just wanna be the KANGZ OF TWITTER GET ERRYBODY BANNED KANGZZZ

I can't find the post about him being disappointed about people not willing to fund him. Not sure if it was on his blog or facebook. Don't feel like scrolling though all that shit.

>Everyone has a right to free speech!

Does the rest of the world know what we're dealing with here now?

>ben has completed the journey and is now a full on Sup Forums shitposter

Ew you're gay you frilly gay queer.

You probably don't have many niggers in Norway, so let me explain:

Posting your address on the internet is fucking stupid.

That disgusting pube beard.
