Meanwhile, on Femme Sup Forums

Meanwhile, on Femme Sup Forums...

Other urls found in this thread:

How can white girls even compete?

>Look i posted it again!!

2>3>1>4(thats a boy desu)

4th from the left looks like a dude

name of the girl 2nd to the left?

I found this photo on my boyfriend's phone.

Why would he take a photograph of my exposed soles? What did he mean by this?

They're not bad desu, except for the third one on the right with the lightest skin.

was goin to say do you think they post BIG NIGGER VAGINAS all day or what?

Films men will never understand

he's a footfag, killing him in his sleep is what he requires

He's probaby one of those foot fetish creeps, dump him ASAP

What's a footfag? Why would I kill him?

Are you saying that he's attracted to my bare, naked soles?

That's kind of hot....

>walking down the street, minding your own business
>suddenly boy on the right yells out "hey slut, I dare you to come over here and lick my friend's armpit"
>they all laugh
what do?

a person with a fetish for feet, a degenerate fetish


>tfw my boyfriend only likes capeshit and Fight Club
How so I show him kino like Red Desert and Je Tu Il Elle?


ugh here we go

kill yourself

If he likes my soles, then that's fine by me. I'll just make him massage my feet more and buy me more shoes.

Thread derailed. Include me in the screencap.


wait no I didn't want digits right now I want sauce

underrated kek

fuck you


watch it chrissy

i laughed internally a bit, still hate the literal hell out of that cunnybot tho



Wasted. Hard.




fuck you


Why every foot creep talks about "exposed soles"
Nobody talks like that except 40 years old at least put some effort into pretending you're a girl

well, who is she?

top fucking kek

But I am a girl. I'm just telling you what I found on his phone.

who /prettylittleliars/ here?

literally the quality of Sup Forums

I was enjoying this thread.
Now I'm just mad.

wew lad

Dude here. That movie was great. Prime /Blunt/ core

>btw im a buoy :)
Cock or gtfo


Some nigger

hey man I didn't mean to get the digits

enjoy your 69

This is the saddest thing ever


>giving a shit post numbers

I want Sup Forumstards to leave.


pinky toe too weird

I'm having strange feelings about this athlete

what the fuck is happening tonight

4th is the best



Leave it to a woman to get the job done! Very good, sister!


Thanks for the laugh mate, really needed it

They all look like men.

OP here.

I just wanted to make this thread for laughs, now I regret my actions. Thanks anons.